Morning Pops and everyone (that means you, and you... and you slinking down in the corner in the back.)
Let me start with this, and I hope I’m not treading on some superstition I’m not aware of here: Dear God, please please please don’t let this afternoon end with my carrying the level of ignominy of a scarlet letter at the conclusion of the Cowboy’s game... and please don’t let me burn the apple crisp.
Okay. That’s done

. That’s all that’s in my control folks.
I wish there was a way to get all of you together, in person, for a game day. I imagine what that would look like... and it doesn’t scare me, but rather I have to laugh... and there’s probably not an insurance policy big enough to cover it

. I’m curious, too about who you all really are. Then again, the mystery is part of the fun here. We get to be not necessarily who we are with our everyday people. There’s a freedom that comes with the not knowing and being able to let our guard down and fully express ourselves because we aren’t all face-to-face. Less judgment. It’s better than family and to be truthful you all know a lot more about me than some of the people I talk to everyday. You’re a “unique” group and I’d be lost without you all.
Ok, pumping the brakes on that one before it gets overly emotional.
Time to get going on those apples.
Everyone enjoy your Sunday.