It hurts even more now


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umm super redundant over posted information that hasn't changed is just does get old..

whambulence called. Hope you all survive..

Option a be DC fan knowing this particular situation is not changing anytime soon and whining about it constantly wont make it change..

Option b - dont follow the Dc anymore cancel this account associated with it and any others, burn or give your DC gear away and move the flip on..

Option c- be that group that posts the same content over and over and over just to complain and find some of us who will reply to tell you to stop crying like alittle ..........!
Option D: Quit clicking on threads when you don't want to talk about the subject content.

It's hilarious that you're the one being the whambulence!!!!!!!!!!!!


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I get so tired of this. Jerry is the owner. When he steps down/dies Stephen will take over. Go root for another franchise if you can't handle it because it's not changing.
Jerry aint stepping down! ever ! lol he will get cyborg body or parts, and live forever!
He will be the 6 billion dollar man !


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Option D: Quit clicking on threads when you don't want to talk about the subject content.

It's hilarious that you're the one being the whambulence!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nope inly clicking to point out the ridiculousness of it,,just seeing it cutter up the front page is enough reason to feel obligated to call you all out on stale old redundant crying around here..ummmm k...:rolleyes::clap::popcorn:


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Nope inly clicking to point out the ridiculousness of it,,just seeing it cutter up the front page is enough reason to feel obligated to call you all out on stale old redundant crying around here..ummmm k...:rolleyes::clap::popcorn:
Dude, you are the one doing the stale old redundant crying. It is a bit amusing that you don't even realize it.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
So, whachyagonnado? He bought it and has the right to run it anyway he sees fit but there are many of us here who feel this was our team before it was his team. I used to have a proprietary feeling about the Cowboys, it was my team or our team and now it has become their team.

Our only outlet for this resentment is here, among fellow fans that feel the same as we do. Get that venom out here and spare the family and friends because they'll just tell you to find a new team.

My biggest complaint isn't him running the team. It is the combination of his irritating personality and the downright insult that he cares about the fans beyond them making that cash register ring. If he cared, he would do what's best for the team and fans, not what's best for Booger. But, like I said, he bought it, as he likes to remind the critics so often, and has the right to run his company.

And we have the right to criticize him, he asked for it.


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This is the worst I have ever felt about the way the Cowboys organisation is run. I have no confidence in the Jones family, Will McClay or Mike McCarthy. They keep making the same mistakes. When Jerry bought the team in 1989 he stated 'We have to win, we will win, winning is the only game in town' or words to that effect' What we get is anything but that.

What do we do badly? Number one has always been how poor we are at evaluating our own talent. Handing out big time contracts when they are at times undeserving. Persisting with players that are not good enough. Then when we have a QB that you have had plenty of time to evaluate we get cute and lose all leverage. We sign the wrong players (Jaylon) and let go the keepers (Jones). On DEF we had a system for 7 years that was at best average, certainly never great. When we needed it to be great it was exposed for what it was. A change of philosophy was needed. It didn't work out (Nolan) but the philosophy was right but now we just go back to 'playing safe' that is not how championships are won.
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You have the single biggest reason your favorite team is no better than the bleeping Lions (Jerry & Family), but we're just not supposed to talk about it, I guess.


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This is the worst I have ever felt about the way the Cowboys organisation is run. I have no confidence in the Jones family, Will McClay or Mike McCarthy. They keep making the same mistakes. When Jerry bought the team in 1989 he stated 'We have to win, we will win, winning is the only game in town' or words to that effect' What we get is anything but that.

What do we do badly? Number one has always been how poor we are at evaluating our own talent. Handing out big time contracts when they are at times undeserving. Persisting with players that are not good enough. Then when we have a QB that you have had plenty of time to evaluate we get cute and lose all leverage. We sign the wrong players (Jaylon) and let go the keepers (Jones). On DEF we had a system for 7 years that was at best average, certainly never great. When we needed it to be great it was exposed for what it was. A change of philosophy was needed. It didn't work out (Nolan) but the philosophy was right but now we just go back to 'playing safe' that is not how championships are won.

Great post.

john van brocklin

Captain Comeback
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You are 1000% right. Jerry hit the lottery when he hired Jimmy Johnson . He deserves credit for what he did during that era but his ego got in the way and ruined that legacy . Crazy Jerry will never let this organization be what it can be until he’s gone . He hires puppets as coaches then tells them what to do and who they need to hire as assistants , he even tells them who starts and who doesn’t . The exception specifically the big tuna eventually went away , remember when TO was forced on him? Jerry needs to go.
Agreed, but not holding my breath


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But not unnecessary because we have to work through this every bad season we endure, it's like clockwork. Then comes the draft with renewed hope and every draft pick becomes automatically better because he's a Cowboy.

Then we get the "I'm not buying in again" threads and eventually they buy in because they want to buy in, they want to believe. What's wrong with being optimistic and positive? Even if it is self manufactured? So you get disappointed, not like that hasn't happened before and what makes this one worse than the others?

I have this friend that has serious addiction problems and she's constantly starting over and "it's going to be different this time" and I don't know if even she believes it. But I don't believe that it couldn't be different and she finally beats it. Hasn't happened yet and the odds aren't great but that keeps life interesting, the odds.

Cowboys are like that. The last 12-4 season, I predicted 4-12 before the season. Valuable lesson in predicting, I discovered I wasn't very good at it. I also discovered that that didn't matter.
Not sure what you’re trying to say. I feel bad for your friend with the addiction problem and pray that she can overcome it. But that is a horrible analogy in relation to the Cowboys failures for the last 26 years. Every year the team is different with different players and different coaches. The only constant is Jerry and his entitled atmosphere he’s created. I keep hoping that it changes every year. Maybe this is the year? I have hope.