The goat, where does Prescott really rank

what is the question?

who would I take to build a team? or whose career I would like? can you explain to anyone here. to all. what does a career end result have to do with the current players and projection of their career into the future? can you make that connection? you are one confused child. you don't even know your own question.

I will ask this last time...why ask this stupid question when it has nothing to do with the thread or argument at hand. if you can explain that...then I will answer....this way you can't spin your way into some other stupid argument.
The avoidance is embarrassing.

All credibility lost. Buh bye.
The avoidance is embarrassing.

All credibility lost. Buh bye.
why are you avoiding providing a simple clarification on a absolutely irrelevant question...which I asked 4 times....spinning as usual. its what you do.

nice way to get yourself out of a losing situation. plain point fingers and quit approach.

very embarrassing
Based on salary, Dak is No. 1 among past Cowboys.
Based on production, Dak is No. 5
Based on playoffs wins, Dak is at the bottom next to Hogeboom
Based on hype, he is No. 1.
Based on up being four years in the league. This is right where he should be
I can’t believe people would rather have cousins run this team . Just shows me where the NFL is headed. I feel bad people don’t understand what real football is . Oh well the team has his back does it matter about the fans
naw, nine out of ten of these dak hero worshipers are romo haters. their love for dak is because of their hate for romo. pretty simple.
What the heck does this have to do about Tony Romo. What I can’t critique both
Jimmy's opinion trumps all your views. When you win 3 super bowls then your opinion might matter.
You mean the guy that cheated. Refused to play players to get better draft picks. The guy who failed in Miami. Talk about a guy who won the Super Bowl‘s on the backs of the players. When will you give Anybody Troy Michael Emmitt you expect a ring. Talk about a Quitter. Now if you want to talk about Tom Landry that’s a winner
Dan Marino was a loser then. he never won a championship. Dilfer was a winner. got it :thumbup:
You can come on the same three or four people to come here and troll Prescott. And then call us a bunch of lovers. When we simply just back the day. Part time fans. I’ve been a fan of this team for over 60 years. They only come and join long when we win. Do we really have any respect or integrity for them
you critique one while worshiping the other, but that's fine, it's your privilege.
Show me one post where I worship Prescott Unless you call supporting worshiping. I said the book is it written yet. And with everything he’s done so far it should be a pretty good book at the end
You mean the guy that cheated. Refused to play players to get better draft picks. The guy who failed in Miami. Talk about a guy who won the Super Bowl‘s on the backs of the players. When will you give Anybody Troy Michael Emmitt you expect a ring. Talk about a Quitter. Now if you want to talk about Tom Landry that’s a winner
so let me get this right, you don't believe anything Jimmy says unless it's praise. come on, you can see your blind devotion, and any negativity or concerns are wrong. come on.

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