The goat, where does Prescott really rank

I'm glad that is what matters and that makes you happy.
Do you want to put the blame where it belongs. Put it on the Jones family. It’s the GM that’s where it begins. Next is the locker room. And that’s where Prescott is a winner
so let me get this right, you don't believe anything Jimmy says unless it's praise. come on, you can see your blind devotion, and any negativity or concerns are wrong. come on.
I’m not a fan of Jimmy Johnson. And I explain my reasoning Look at the coach to get the ring after him and he was a clown. He inherited a team
You mean the guy that cheated. Refused to play players to get better draft picks. The guy who failed in Miami. Talk about a guy who won the Super Bowl‘s on the backs of the players. When will you give Anybody Troy Michael Emmitt you expect a ring. Talk about a Quitter. Now if you want to talk about Tom Landry that’s a winner
It's truly disgusting to see how some of you will talk bad about winners and legends of this organization to prop these new players up like they've done something worthy of praise.
so let me get this right, you don't believe anything Jimmy says unless it's praise. come on, you can see your blind devotion, and any negativity or concerns are wrong. come on.
Didn’t Jimmy and Troy both say Prescott is a winner after his third season. Things change my cowboy brother. Until the book is written we just don’t know
It's truly disgusting to see how some of you will talk bad about winners and legends of this organization to prop these new players up like they've done something worthy of praise.
He outright cheated and admits it. It’s a tainted ring as far as I’m concerned.
Some people are so tunnel vision so hate filled they can’t see past reality
inherited a team. oh my.. okay
Seriously I said after him. That’s my point you people can’t comprehend. You see what you want to see and then make your decisions. I stated a fact none of the opinion
like the tunnel vision worshipping groupies?
I am an individual I can make up my own mind I don’t follow the crowd. I think Mahomes is number four. The whole world thinks he’s number world one. Do not categorize me my cowboy brother. You know nothing about me
He won over the locker room. There’s many ways to be a winner. Again tunnel vision you can’t comprehend. It makes me sad for the fan base
I honestly don't care about anything other then winning on the field.

I don't care who likes him in the locker room and who don't. You get it done on the field where it matters or you can go be buddies with another locker room.
I am an individual I can make up my own mind I don’t follow the crowd. I think Mahomes is number four. The whole world thinks he’s number world one. Do not categorize me my cowboy brother. You know nothing about me
not trying to categorize you or make you mad, I just disagree with your opinion of dak. no hard feelings. I'm not like the dak worshipers who get mad and name-call posters who don't agree with them. your opinion is yours.

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