Jerry said, "I would do anything to win another Super Bowl"


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First off, that's a lie, Jerrah. You wouldn't take your clammy hands off the wheel & allow real professionals to run your team. You wouldn't let them build a top ten defense through the draft. (Of course, the way they mis-judge pass rushing talent, I wouldn't let the current crew do it either). Randy Gregory & Taco Charlton-2 picks ahead of TJ Watt-come to mind.

If you truly want to see the Cowboys win it all, sell the team. But, just one more thing you wouldn't do.
Ridiculous! He won three of them....some of you people are ungrateful and have no clue.....


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The issue is this. What head coach with any self-respect. We take over this team without total control. Who would put their reputation on the line. Not someone with innovation trying to make it in this League. Just old washed up has-beens that have nothing to lose. He won’t stop micromanaging. And that’s not a great GM
Many would.....if they are good, they can manipulate Jerry and win.....they need to know their place, Jimmy didn't....


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And I would do anything to win....


How about hiring a real GM?


But I won't do that, oh nooooo I won't do that.

Reverend Conehead

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Would he step down as GM?

Eventually he'll be forced to step down due to age or death. I would hope he has the wisdom to step down while he's got some good years left to just enjoy his wealth. This is a man who could if he wanted to, on a whim, charter a private jet to take him on vacation to Tahiti or some place like that. You would think he might want to take some fun time in the twilight of his life to just relax and enjoy life instead of worrying about his football team. If it were me, I would not want to manage a football team until the day I drop.


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Eventually he'll be forced to step down due to age or death. I would hope he has the wisdom to step down while he's got some good years left to just enjoy his wealth. This is a man who could if he wanted to, on a whim, charter a private jet to take him on vacation to Tahiti or some place like that. You would think he might want to take some fun time in the twilight of his life to just relax and enjoy life instead of worrying about his football team. If it were me, I would not want to manage a football team until the day I drop.

You do not have the ego and need for attention that scumbag has.

He will be just like Al Davis ..... Senile as hell and still running the team.


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So, that's why he wastes his 2nd round picks and can't build a playoff winner, because he knows a lot, now we got it!!!
They draft better than most teams and he has the team in position to win. You are short sighted.


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Many would.....if they are good, they can manipulate Jerry and win.....they need to know their place, Jimmy didn't....
That’s what I mean, they need to know their place. I wouldn’t take that job


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That’s what I mean, they need to know their place. I wouldn’t take that job

For 5-7 million dollars a year for 5 years I sure as hell would. I guess I just don't find Jerry to be as overbearing as he is made out to be for the media. I also think people get way too hungup on these damn titles. Jerry calls himself the "GM" but it's just a title. The guy doing the day to day GM work is McClay and has been others over the course of time. Like any good CEO, Jerry surrounds himself with people who fill in the blanks of his own skillset. And make no mistake.. getting talent to put on the field has NEVER been the issue with the Cowboys.. outside of the end of the 90's run and the beginning of the 00's this team has had more than enough talent to compete on the field. The problem has been the coaches Jerry has chosen plain and simple. Not just head coaches but coordinators too. Campo was a mistake. Garrett was a mistake, not hiring him in the first place but holding onto him for 10 years. Firing Gailey after two playoff seasons was a mistake. But then rumor had it Gailey did not get along with Aikman.. which frankly he absolutely needed to if he was going to stick around. But the worst hires by far have been the DCs.. Rob Ryan.. fail.. Monte Kiffen.. fail.. Mike Nolan.. fail. Now some might say Rod and Richard were also a fail but for the most part those two gave us competitive though not dominant defenses. They just could never turn the corner to being a dominant defense.. but the lack of playmakers on that side of the ball might have had something to do with that. Though in Rod's case he was the one advocating skipping over playmakers on defense in favor of his pet cats.


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
For 5-7 million dollars a year for 5 years I sure as hell would. I guess I just don't find Jerry to be as overbearing as he is made out to be for the media. I also think people get way too hungup on these damn titles. Jerry calls himself the "GM" but it's just a title. The guy doing the day to day GM work is McClay and has been others over the course of time. Like any good CEO, Jerry surrounds himself with people who fill in the blanks of his own skillset. And make no mistake.. getting talent to put on the field has NEVER been the issue with the Cowboys.. outside of the end of the 90's run and the beginning of the 00's this team has had more than enough talent to compete on the field. The problem has been the coaches Jerry has chosen plain and simple. Not just head coaches but coordinators too. Campo was a mistake. Garrett was a mistake, not hiring him in the first place but holding onto him for 10 years. Firing Gailey after two playoff seasons was a mistake. But then rumor had it Gailey did not get along with Aikman.. which frankly he absolutely needed to if he was going to stick around. But the worst hires by far have been the DCs.. Rob Ryan.. fail.. Monte Kiffen.. fail.. Mike Nolan.. fail. Now some might say Rod and Richard were also a fail but for the most part those two gave us competitive though not dominant defenses. They just could never turn the corner to being a dominant defense.. but the lack of playmakers on that side of the ball might have had something to do with that. Though in Rod's case he was the one advocating skipping over playmakers on defense in favor of his pet cats.
Who’s going to hire you after Jerry fires you. Or did you save enough money


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
For 5-7 million dollars a year for 5 years I sure as hell would. I guess I just don't find Jerry to be as overbearing as he is made out to be for the media. I also think people get way too hungup on these damn titles. Jerry calls himself the "GM" but it's just a title. The guy doing the day to day GM work is McClay and has been others over the course of time. Like any good CEO, Jerry surrounds himself with people who fill in the blanks of his own skillset. And make no mistake.. getting talent to put on the field has NEVER been the issue with the Cowboys.. outside of the end of the 90's run and the beginning of the 00's this team has had more than enough talent to compete on the field. The problem has been the coaches Jerry has chosen plain and simple. Not just head coaches but coordinators too. Campo was a mistake. Garrett was a mistake, not hiring him in the first place but holding onto him for 10 years. Firing Gailey after two playoff seasons was a mistake. But then rumor had it Gailey did not get along with Aikman.. which frankly he absolutely needed to if he was going to stick around. But the worst hires by far have been the DCs.. Rob Ryan.. fail.. Monte Kiffen.. fail.. Mike Nolan.. fail. Now some might say Rod and Richard were also a fail but for the most part those two gave us competitive though not dominant defenses. They just could never turn the corner to being a dominant defense.. but the lack of playmakers on that side of the ball might have had something to do with that. Though in Rod's case he was the one advocating skipping over playmakers on defense in favor of his pet cats.
I agree with you. William McLean has been a great addition. Especially for drafting. But it’s still not his final decision


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Jerry, how about staying away from a microphone.. would you do that?


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I think its an old Meatloaf song.... "I would do anything for a win (SB), but i won't do THAT."


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I'd believe him if he would just borrow a page from Heinrich Himmler's book, and just bite down hard and go nite-nite.
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Who’s going to hire you after Jerry fires you. Or did you save enough money

If I'm able to pocket between 20 and 30 million before I got canned.. I'm thinking my bank account would last me the rest of my life.

I agree with you. William McLean has been a great addition. Especially for drafting. But it’s still not his final decision

McClay has indeed been great and he has stiff armed more than one offer to go be the top man elsewhere but has chosen to stay in Dallas. One because his kids were of school age and it just wasn't worth it to uproot them and maybe more importantly he knows that Jerry can and will match and salary offer sent his way. But to your last point, the owner ALWAYS has the final say in personnel decisions. They may lean on a trusted right hand man (or woman) or just trust the coach and/or GM to handle it. But when it comes time to put pen to paper and sign over the checks the owner is always in the equation. Even in Green Bay, the board of directors has to sign off no any deals anybody makes on behalf of the team. The notion of the billionaire off playing golf and banging supermodels while somebody else spends hundreds of millions of their money is a fairy tale. You don't get to be that rich being that stupid. Unless of course you inherit it.. in which case all bets are off. Those cases are also very rare.


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
If I'm able to pocket between 20 and 30 million before I got canned.. I'm thinking my bank account would last me the rest of my life.

McClay has indeed been great and he has stiff armed more than one offer to go be the top man elsewhere but has chosen to stay in Dallas. One because his kids were of school age and it just wasn't worth it to uproot them and maybe more importantly he knows that Jerry can and will match and salary offer sent his way. But to your last point, the owner ALWAYS has the final say in personnel decisions. They may lean on a trusted right hand man (or woman) or just trust the coach and/or GM to handle it. But when it comes time to put pen to paper and sign over the checks the owner is always in the equation. Even in Green Bay, the board of directors has to sign off no any deals anybody makes on behalf of the team. The notion of the billionaire off playing golf and banging supermodels while somebody else spends hundreds of millions of their money is a fairy tale. You don't get to be that rich being that stupid. Unless of course you inherit it.. in which case all bets are off. Those cases are also very rare.
Hey I totally agree. Jerry is a remarkable businessman. I just don’t like him as GM. But thanks for talking real football it’s unusual here


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Hey I totally agree. Jerry is a remarkable businessman. I just don’t like him as GM. But thanks for talking real football it’s unusual here

I'm not crazy about Jerry the GM either but as I stated above.. Jerry has pretty much always had enough self awareness to know what he don't know and hire people who did. That's why he brought in Jimmy in the first place after firing Landry (still a horrible way to do it which he admits to this day.) We all know Jerry leaned heavily on Jimmy in the talent evaluation and acquisition department early on and probably got to feelin himself after two Super Bowl wins when he and Jimmy butted heads. I know a lot of folks put most of the blame on Jerry for that but I will always put more blame on Jimmy because he got off on dissin his boss. You just can't do that.. Their two huge egos were always going to end in a messy divorce.. but at some point one of them needed to be the bigger man and acquiesce. The guy signing the paychecks almost never has to be the one bending the knee. Still Jerry has always run the Cowboys as a collective effort taking input from people he trusts and then him being the one to pull the trigger. A right he earned by mortgaging everything he had to buy the team. I don't begrudge him that right whether I'm happy about the end result or not. Sometimes the guys in his ear have been really smart football people like Jimmy, Parcells and what not and sometimes it has been people who should have no input on personnel like Rod Marinelli. I still think the GM title gives people more heartburn than it should. To provide some perspective on what I think about titles, for 10 years I had a business card that read "Principal Looseleaf Software Engineer." Of course there was no such title "officially" but fortunately my boss was cool enough that he didn't care because I was good at my job and the generic company titles didn't really define what I did. At the end of the day if the Cowboys are a good team or a bad one won't come down to any one guy. And of the guys who will have an impact on how things play out on the field Jerry comes in about 14th on the list.


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Hey I totally agree. Jerry is a remarkable businessman. I just don’t like him as GM. But thanks for talking real football it’s unusual here

One more note.. as much as Jerry is an amazing businessman I absolutely hate the circus atmosphere he helps to create around the team. I think that aspect of his business vision places the Cowboys at a competitive disadvantage. Maybe it's only a tiny bit but games are often won or lost by the tiniest of margins and anything that detracts from the the guys being 100% focused on football during football season is a net negative to me. Having thousands of fans milling about often on the field with the team during Saturday walk-throughs is sheer madness. I have a picture I took during walk throughs a few years ago where I was on the stadium tour and was down on the sidelines during walk throughs. In it I am maybe 15 feet from Dez as he lined up to run a route. And I was far from the only fan down there. That has to be distracting for the players. Again, maybe it's a small difference.. but a lot of small things add up to a few big ones. Maybe Covid will keep them from being able to do that again this year (like it did last year).. which would be fine by me.


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So i expect:

1. cancel stephen jones
2. Transfer all personnel decision-making rights to an extene company.
3. die

Thank You!


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Jerry didn't say he would do anything. He said if it would guarantee him another Super Bowl he would do anything. Big difference, folks. ;)