Keys to Beating Tampa


Cowboys Diehard
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that all we need is a bunch of blown hammys or game like that NE game in 2019..ugly BTW that would fall right into TB strength, they are nearly impossible to run against and windy wet conditions are hard to throw in..ughh

One report I saw had a 90% chance of rain, while another predicted a 35% chance. Seems weather predicting isn't an exact science. ;)


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Yup, and one of the ways to do that is extended handoffs, aka short passes to Zeke. Zeke against a corner is a good matchup for Zeke.

It doesn't get talked about much but for all his exploits as a pass rusher White can be counted on to miss about 11-12% of tackles every year. I think that bodes well for our guys working space against him. David is more of a sure tackler but if we can isolate Zeke or Pollard on White I think it's matchup we can exploit.


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It doesn't get talked about much but for all his exploits as a pass rusher White can be counted on to miss about 11-12% of tackles every year. I think that bodes well for our guys working space against him. David is more of a sure tackler but if we can isolate Zeke or Pollard on White I think it's matchup we can exploit.

This is true, and Zeke's the last RB you want to be missing tackles against. That'll be a huge benefit if White does so tomorrow.


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Don't forget, we also have to worry about Godwin and AB. Unless we plan on having Brown on Godwin, which is also a possible disaster waiting to happen imo.

Brown on Godwin is probably the best matchup we will have. I think Diggs will hold up fine against Evans who is a big physical guy but not a true speed guy. Not that he's slow but he's not a burner like Godwin. Godwin IS a burner and so is Brown. The problem is that Brown will hold.. often when he doesn't need to. There isn't a receiver in the league any faster than he is but he's always holding. That's just lazy.. Move your feet and trust your technique!! The wild card then becomes AB against either Lewis or Canady.. Frankly I think I like Canady better in this matchup. He just seems to get his hand on the ball more.. Let's hope the coaches have the guts to play him.


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Brown on Godwin is probably the best matchup we will have. I think Diggs will hold up fine against Evans who is a big physical guy but not a true speed guy. Not that he's slow but he's not a burner like Godwin. Godwin IS a burner and so is Brown. The problem is that Brown will hold.. often when he doesn't need to. There isn't a receiver in the league any faster than he is but he's always holding. That's just lazy.. Move your feet and trust your technique!! The wild card then becomes AB against either Lewis or Canady.. Frankly I think I like Canady better in this matchup. He just seems to get his hand on the ball more.. Let's hope the coaches have the guts to play him.

I could see that. Brown would fit that matchup well against Godwin. Diggs against Evans would be good. I would probably start with Lewis on AB. AB is a hot head. Having someone like Lewis on him could be a good way to mentally throw him off his game. Football is part mental, after all.


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I could see that. Brown would fit that matchup well against Godwin. Diggs against Evans would be good. I would probably start with Lewis on AB. AB is a hot head. Having someone like Lewis on him could be a good way to mentally throw him off his game. Football is part mental, after all.

Oh I agree football is very much a mental game.. My biggest fear is that Brady will mind-F Parsons into all kinds of mental errors like Ware talked about on Hard Knocks.. The kid really needs to be on the screws going up against Brady. Frankly I think the best thing Quinn can do is line him up all up and down the line of scrimmage and bring him from any and all places along the line. Just need to never let Brady get a feel for when he's coming and thus never get comfortable in the pocket. Brady will fold like a cheap suit with that monster coming after him all game. If Quinn can scheme it up so we can cover the vacated area consistently he can make Parsons a heat seeking missile at key points in the game and blow up the Bucs offense .


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Oh I agree football is very much a mental game.. My biggest fear is that Brady will mind-F Parsons into all kinds of mental errors like Ware talked about on Hard Knocks.. The kid really needs to be on the screws going up against Brady. Frankly I think the best thing Quinn can do is line him up all up and down the line of scrimmage and bring him from any and all places along the line. Just need to never let Brady get a feel for when he's coming and thus never get comfortable in the pocket. Brady will fold like a cheap suit with that monster coming after him all game. If Quinn can scheme it up so we can cover the vacated area consistently he can make Parsons a heat seeking missile at key points in the game and blow up the Bucs offense .

Oh, fur sure! Parsons is going to have to play his game and close his mind to anything Brady tries to say during the game. I hope he'll keep Ware's advice in mind. My thoughts were that mind games are a two way street. If Brady can play those games, so can we. If we can badger AB's mind during the game, we can basically eliminate him that way. By taking him away that way, then the only CBs we really have to worry about are Evans and Godwin. The only other concern is Gronk. I think Donovan Wilson or Neal would be the right ones to have on Gronk. As for getting after Brady, maybe we could use Kamara in some packages as well.


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Oh, fur sure! Parsons is going to have to play his game and close his mind to anything Brady tries to say during the game. I hope he'll keep Ware's advice in mind. My thoughts were that mind games are a two way street. If Brady can play those games, so can we. If we can badger AB's mind during the game, we can basically eliminate him that way. By taking him away that way, then the only CBs we really have to worry about are Evans and Godwin. The only other concern is Gronk. I think Donovan Wilson or Neal would be the right ones to have on Gronk. As for getting after Brady, maybe we could use Kamara in some packages as well.

I think Kamara is a true offseason of nutrition and weight training away from being able to contribute other than on special teams. He's just too light in the shorts and too raw to be rushing against guys who are gonna have 80-100 pounds on him at this point. This aint preseason going up against future grocery clerks and UPS drivers.. These are actual NFL linemen he will be seeing from here on out.