Officiating sucks and/or is fixed quit picking on Brittany thread


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The thing about the holding rule is most people don't know that there are quite a few exceptions for things that look like holding but aren't per the rules. So a lot of times when people think they see holding, they're seeing an exemption. For example, when a defensive player uses a rip move and the OL's arm ends up around the defender's neck, that is an exemption from holding unless the defender tries to change directions and the OL holds on or takes the defender to the ground. But when people get emotional, the rulebook is the last place they go.
It's a good point and to be honest I don't know what the exact rules actually are so to my untrained eye it all looks very similar. I still think it seems very subjective as it looked like there were a load of missed calls for both teams


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That's called doxing, & it should be illegal. You can't attack someone personally for what they call on the field. It's a game.

Thanks for the info, Mr. Internet Police.



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That uncalled flag was incredible. If that can be called, then so can an uncalled obvious PI. The Chiefs were plain, flat the better team, but the officiating was a joke. It’s not a league conspiracy; just inconsistent and incredibly poor officiating.

Which the league could fix in an instant, but they won't.


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when the game goes into overtime it becomes a new game. 0-0

you step up or choke.


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If we were to break down the context of those calls any moron could see they were hugely more beneficial to the Raiders.

100% I looked at the penalty yards at the end of the game and I couldn't believe it. It's almost like we were given some BS calls to even out the yards some. But when we get 20 yards in penalties in our favor only for it to be washed away by a 5-yard-automatic-first-down call against us then the yards don't mean a whole lot. A shame we couldn't just watch football yesterday.


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100% I looked at the penalty yards at the end of the game and I couldn't believe it. It's almost like we were given some BS calls to even out the yards some. But when we get 20 yards in penalties in our favor only for it to be washed away by a 5-yard-automatic-first-down call against us then the yards don't mean a whole lot. A shame we couldn't just watch football yesterday.

This year the league has demonstrated how in control they actually are. The difference between talent and coaching is razor thin for the most part. The refs can change the outcome very easily. I dont recall any huge calls in our favor, yet the ones against us were monumental. Two plays stuck out in OT. The first was an obvious hold on Parsons on a big Raiders gain. The ref was standing 5 yards behind them, watching it all. No call. The second was obviously the PI. Can't recall a huge penalty in our favor, even though it's so "balanced."


Taco Engineer
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This officiating crew throws the most penalties, so that could make it look worse. The refs were awful. There were bad calls on both teams. I'm still trying to figure out why Joseph go ejected.


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This year the league has demonstrated how in control they actually are. The difference between talent and coaching is razor thin for the most part. The refs can change the outcome very easily. I dont recall any huge calls in our favor, yet the ones against us were monumental. Two plays stuck out in OT. The first was an obvious hold on Parsons on a big Raiders gain. The ref was standing 5 yards behind them, watching it all. No call. The second was obviously the PI. Can't recall a huge penalty in our favor, even though it's so "balanced."

My thoughts exactly. I knew it was gonna be "one of those games" really early when the Waller fumble wasn't even called a turnover on the field. Yeah it was a close play, but I can't remember another time this year for any team that a close play turnover wasn't called a turnover on the field. They ALWAYS call it a turnover so it can be properly reviewed, but apparently that wasn't necessary in this case. Some of the plays I'm referring to were very clearly not turnovers, but were called turnovers just to be able to look it over.