Video: Video Breakdown of Offensive Struggles


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The screen pass in the Skins gahe at 1:45 is the one I referenced in regards to the Lamb one this week. It was horrible thrown, way too hard for a screen, meaning rusher and at the upper left shoulder of the WR.

There was plenty of room their for a significant gain, but the throw was garbage.

On the next play they show with Gallup, critics of Gallup were saying he slowed up on the route across the middle, but even looking at the pass, Dak threw it on the outside of Gallup. This was despite the fact the whole team thought run, the only one that went pass was Dak.

Thats the accuracy issues we have always harped about. Yes its goes down as a completion but was it accurately thrown for the design of the play? Hell no.


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watch the film and how things transpired as opposed to watch the ending and trying to conclude what happened on the play....I can easily break it down for you...second by second....

This should be good.

if you really watch the play, it starts at 4.17 mark, with three recievers bunched on the left and one on the right. and one releasing from the back field to the right. Dak is initially looking center, trying to freeze the MLB and the deep safties.without any of us knowing the play design by Moore, we can't be sure if he is looking off the deep safties or is the plan to go to one of the recievers that are bunched on the left, or perhaps both....
at 4.19 he is moving to look to the left and the MLB is starting to turn his hips to that direction and the 3-bunch on the left and those 3 are covered by 3 defenders, with zero chance to make a throw to anyof them at that point, as none is looking back and all in the begining of their route....this is a play that seemingly has two of them going deeper, which takes longer to develop and one cutting shallow.

already 2 seconds into the play....

So... yeah... plays must develop. Thanks for pointing out that in the first 2 seconds there was nowhere to throw. Not sure what that has to do with anything I've said. But ok.

at 4.20 mark the three WR in the bunch are now in one line vertical line, one is breaking shallow 5 yards deep, while the other two, about 2 yards apart, just running deeper. Nobody is looking back or ready to break in their routes and all still covered by 3 defenders in the same area. the MLB is now turning towards that direction with his hips fully turned and taking steps....

Dak is looking left trying to determine if it looks as though one of them might come open. with the MLB at about 10-15 yards deep , that brings a 4th defender into play and the saftey is staying deep but creeping up. the other saftey is frozen as the QB is looking left. On top of the video on the right, a WR about 8 yards deep is beating his defender and has open area on the right. the reciever from backfield is runninginto an open area with a LB still frozen trying to decide what to cover, which leave one CB out on the right trying to cover two players and having to make a decision on what to do, since the OLB and safties are too far away from the players on that side.

We should point out Dak has a clean pocket. That's also relevant.

at 4.21 mark of the video (3 seconds into the play), Schultz still running deep and the reciever behind him is now turning and cutting back, but there is a LB right in front of him and there is no throw there. if he tries to make that throw, that's an incomplete at best or an Interception for a TD if the LB jumps the route which he can easily do. Schultz is right next to a defender with his back to the play not looking at all and obviously it seems that he is running a deeper route, the deep saftey anticipating him in his area. if you look on top of the screen, you would notice two recievers about 5 yards apart, one CB in the middle trying to decide who to cover and the OLB taking a step to his right away from them and the deep saftey just realizing a reciever is coming into the are and CB needs help

at this point, the play is obviously to the right as defense is compromised, and Dak looking left perhaps was part of play design to hold off defenders. this is actually a good play design by Moore. its one of those take your poision kind of design. look to one side, freeze the defenders, allow the play to develop on the other side. Basic NFL offensive pass play design

at 4.22 mark (freeze the video and you will clearly see), over 4 second into the play....schultz is starting to make his cut. the OLB is now jumping into the route to cover the middle reciever in the bunch formation. the shallow reciever is covered and schultz is going into an area that has the MLB and deep saftey waiting. the OLB is in the passing can't throw through a LB...given we are not playing madden, so this has to be a throw over the LB and in between the two defenders waiting for schultz, which takes longer to get there allowing defenders to make a run at the play,

but at the 4.22 mark you will see the two recievers on the right (top f the screen). the CB is now committed to the shallower guy who is making a cut and the top WR is open and Dak is looking to the right.

this play perhaps worked as designed. pull all the defenders to the heavy side, freeze the LBs and safties. force the CB and OLB to make a decision....the play was to the right deep all along.

Dak made a mistake. not the one your have been trying to prove...but the play was there and he should have made the throw to the right earlier and he held on to the ball, allowing the OLB to then get in the passing lane and the saftey to come up. that ball. the ball should have been thrown to the top open WR at the begining of the 4.22 mark on the video. instead he held on tot he ball and at 4.23 both were covered. then he started running.

so yes, Dak made a mistake. not the one you say he did. but he missed the WR on the right

again, this play wasn't designed to go left unless there is a complete breakdown of the defense, the design was to open the recievers on the right. so watch the play. break down what happens, don't make assumptions. forget your agenda

watch film, break it down properly. don't just watch the end results and make assumptions about what happened.

you are welcome

So you're completely changing what I said.

You act as though I said Dak needed to throw to Schultz inside. What did I say? I said he should have thrown to the 5 yard line near the sideline. Here, I'll quote myself... again...

If the pass is thrown to the 5 yard line near the sideline there isn't a defender on the field who could cover that.

You're completely missing this concept. It's a basic concept and the QB reads the intermediate defender. You're either giving the MLB entirely too much credit or acting as though I said Dak should throw somewhere other than the spot I mentioned.

Not sure if you're arguing in bad faith or just don't understand this concept.


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That's pretty much the play they ran. Notice the reads he points out. Notice how he says it beats cover 2.

Before it becomes a thing- levels usually go inside. My general point is that they attack different levels of the field. I'll take the hit if we're going to be picky with terms.


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Really went all out. Too bad you're proposing a false dichotomy. Those two scenarios aren't mutually exclusive. In fact, had he anticipated he wouldn't have moved off too soon.

Just putting that out there. I've yet to read the rest of your wall of text.
good for you to have read. you are now better educated on NFL football. when you put your agenda and biases away, then you can see the real problem not the one you want to create.


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This should be good.
yes, it should be good for you.

So... yeah... plays must develop. Thanks for pointing out that in the first 2 seconds there was nowhere to throw. Not sure what that has to do with anything I've said. But ok.

as I mnentioned on top of the post. a second by second break down of the play....never said you did say or didn't say that or chill.

We should point out Dak has a clean pocket. That's also relevant.

yes, he had a clean pocket. never said he didn't

So you're completely changing what I said.

You act as though I said Dak needed to throw to Schultz inside. What did I say? I said he should have thrown to the 5 yard line near the sideline. Here, I'll quote myself... again...

you did mention that he should have anticipated the throw to schultz in one of your responses and make the throw before he breaks.... and I quote

"Schultz was wide open for a TD. The flat defender stayed shallow enough for the levels concept to work. Dak didn't anticipate and moved off that read to his right too soon."

"Not if Dak makes the throw as he makes his break and leads him to the sideline. The defender is 7 yards away from Schultz when he makes his break. No defender is covering a well thrown ball in that situation. The QB has to anticipate the break and make that throw."

where in fact in the play, he wasn't open for a he was on 6 yard line with a defender behind him... and that at the time Schultz seemingly got open, too late in the play, Dak was looking at his right of the formation options..

and I also said in the same post that shallow throw wasn't really there, the play design was obviously for a deeper play first and to the right side of the formation. now you wanted him to forgo the deeper opportunity, which you criticized above for not taking, and then take the shallow 4, 5 yard does he let the play develop? or does he take the shallow throw immediately?.

this is called dammned if you do. dammned if you don't. you criticize him for not going for the deep throw with anticipation to Schultz. then you criticize him for not making the shallow throw immediately. no matter what, you criticize him. if he makes the shallow throw, you would be saying, he should have let the play develop and go deeper. now you say, he should have taken the shallow throw.

You're completely missing this concept. It's a basic concept and the QB reads the intermediate defender. You're either giving the MLB entirely too much credit or acting as though I said Dak should throw somewhere other than the spot I mentioned.

Not sure if you're arguing in bad faith or just don't understand this concept.

I am not giving the MLB credit for anything. I gave credit to Moore for the play design and for Dak to run it, freezing the MLB and safties to allow the play to develop on the right side of the formation.

I did criticize Dak for missing the opportunity on the right, where he had a window to throw, he didn't pull the trigger. you missed that.

like I said, you need to learn how to watch film and analyze a play...

you are welcome
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good for you to have read. you are now better educated on NFL football. when you put your agenda and biases away, then you can see the real problem not the one you want to create.

This is what you’re going with?

Watch that Rob Ryan video. You'll understand the concept. It's exactly the play he's breaking down.


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you did mention that he should have anticipated the throw to schultz in one of your responses and make the throw before he breaks.... and I quote

"Schultz was wide open for a TD. The flat defender stayed shallow enough for the levels concept to work. Dak didn't anticipate and moved off that read to his right too soon."

"Not if Dak makes the throw as he makes his break and leads him to the sideline. The defender is 7 yards away from Schultz when he makes his break. No defender is covering a well thrown ball in that situation. The QB has to anticipate the break and make that throw."

where in fact in the play, he wasn't open for a he was on 6 yard line with a defender behind him... and that at the time Schultz seemingly got open, too late in the play, Dak was looking at his right of the formation options..

and I also said in the same post that shallow throw wasn't really there, the play design was obviously for a deeper play first and to the right side of the formation. now you wanted him to forgo the deeper opportunity, which you criticized above for not taking, and then take the shallow 4, 5 yard does he let the play develop? or does he take the shallow throw immediately?.

this is called dammned if you do. dammned if you don't. you criticize him for not going for the deep throw with anticipation to Schultz. then you criticize him for not making the shallow throw immediately. no matter what, you criticize him. if he makes the shallow throw, you would be saying, he should have let the play develop and go deeper. now you say, he should have taken the shallow throw.

I've stayed consistent. There is nothing at all inconsistent about wanting him to anticipate Schultz's pattern to continue to develop and not leave him too soon. Also, a well thrown ball leading him to the sideline away from the safety could easily be a TD.

Again, watch the video I posted. It is the exact play they ran. It's designed to beat Cover 2, which is the exact coverage they ran. Ryan explained the read and how it stretches the CB. In this situation the CB stayed low.


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I am not giving the MLB credit for anything.

If you think he could affect the pass I described then you are giving way too much credit. You kept referring to him being in the way of a pass to Schultz. You don't throw to Schultz where the ball is anywhere near the LB. You throw it to the sideline.


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I did criticize Dak for missing the opportunity on the right, where he had a window to throw, he didn't pull the trigger. you missed tha

I didn't miss that. It's irrelevant. Backside players get open, too. Again, watch that video and try to understand the concept I've consistently stated.


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and I also said in the same post that shallow throw wasn't really there, the play design was obviously for a deeper play first and to the right side of the formation. now you wanted him to forgo the deeper opportunity, which you criticized above for not taking, and then take the shallow 4, 5 yard does he let the play develop? or does he take the shallow throw immediately?.

Why are you talking about the shallow throw? Where did I ever say he should take the shallow throw? I said because the defender went with the shallow receiver, Schultz was open because he has leverage on the safety.


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This is what you’re going with?

Watch that Rob Ryan video. You'll understand the concept. It's exactly the play he's breaking down.
I stand with what I said...put your agenda and bias away, break down the play and you be more clear about it.


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I've stayed consistent. There is nothing at all inconsistent about wanting him to anticipate Schultz's pattern to continue to develop and not leave him too soon. Also, a well thrown ball leading him to the sideline away from the safety could easily be a TD.

Again, watch the video I posted. It is the exact play they ran. It's designed to beat Cover 2, which is the exact coverage they ran. Ryan explained the read and how it stretches the CB. In this situation the CB stayed low.
you contradicted yourself in your responses. you said he should have thrown it befor Schultz made the cut to a spot where he makes the cut (to the inside), but now he should have led him to the sideline? which is it? throw to a spot or lead him outside and is that where schultz was expecting the ball per the play and pattern design? seemingly you are making this up as you go along.

you say should ahve anticipated Schultz getting open. where clearly the play was designed to open up opportunities on the right and that's how it transpired...that's your bias and agenda speaking.

you also said he should have thrown it short to the open reciever.

so does he throw it short or does he let the play develop? does he throw to a spot in anticipation of the cut? or does he lead shultz to the sideline? and you assume schultz makes it to the end zone....

you can't have it both (three) ways? and secondly is the left side of formation the only option you are considering? because given what I have seen from you so far, if he did either of those, you would add to it that he missed a wide open TD on the right.


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I stand with what I said...put your agenda and bias away, break down the play and you be more clear about it.

I don't need to do a second by second breakdown. Again, you can literally overlay the play Ryan is breaking down onto the play they ran. Schultz runs the corner, Coop runs the hitch, and Clement runs into the flat. He shows you the triangle read and explains the QB is reading the CB, as I've been saying.


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If you think he could affect the pass I described then you are giving way too much credit. You kept referring to him being in the way of a pass to Schultz. You don't throw to Schultz where the ball is anywhere near the LB. You throw it to the sideline.
I said, the MLB moved to the left, away from the right because of the play and patterns on the left and Dak looking left and he was going toward the passing lane....the OLB was in the passing lane of the patterns as the play transpired..

put your agenda and bias objective. not subjective which you clearly are


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I didn't miss that. It's irrelevant. Backside players get open, too. Again, watch that video and try to understand the concept I've consistently stated.
again, watch it. I broke it down for you. you can clearly see the opportunity on the right and the CB being caught in having to make a decision on which player to cover and the deep saftey frozen and staying deep unsure where the play is going.

you are missing the forest because of the trees. I can understand this being overwhelming for you. but you are very subjective on this...

btw, yes you have been consisten. have consistently been wrong about the concept....


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I said, the MLB moved to the left, away from the right because of the play and patterns on the left and Dak looking left and he was going toward the passing lane....the OLB was in the passing lane of the patterns as the play transpired..

put your agenda and bias objective. not subjective which you clearly are

What bias have I shown? Disagreement with you? Sorry, but your argument isn't compelling.


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I don't need to do a second by second breakdown. Again, you can literally overlay the play Ryan is breaking down onto the play they ran. Schultz runs the corner, Coop runs the hitch, and Clement runs into the flat. He shows you the triangle read and explains the QB is reading the CB, as I've been saying.
again. watch the video for yourself. pause it second by second. turn off the volume so your view is not biased....I am trying to help you, but you are more keen on proving yourself right and winning an argument than learning


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again, watch it. I broke it down for you. you can clearly see the opportunity on the right and the CB being caught in having to make a decision on which player to cover and the deep saftey frozen and staying deep unsure where the play is going.

you are missing the forest because of the trees. I can understand this being overwhelming for you. but you are very subjective on this...

btw, yes you have been consisten. have consistently been wrong about the concept....

Sure. Cite me an example of the play working as you said it's intended. I literally gave you a former NFL coach breaking down the exact play they ran in the exact way I've been saying. He even says it's designed to beat the exact coverage they're running it against.

But sure. You're really educating me.


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again. watch the video for yourself. pause it second by second. turn off the volume so your view is not biased....I am trying to help you, but you are more keen on proving yourself right and winning an argument than learning

Projection is real, bro.