Has anything good happened this offseason yet


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Are you ever listening to yourself? They didn't win. "Most cases" don't matter. The season was a failure just like the two before it. 12 wins mean jack **** when you can't compete in the play offs.

LOL. So true.

"In most cases, they would have won........." might be an all timer for this board.


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Except for signing the LB,
This off season has been a dumpster fire.
Actually started with our playoff loss and is gaining momentum.
Can't wait to see how we can screw up the draft.
Yeah I'm hoping we don't draft another tight end or injured player in the second round really need a plug and play player there that will do us some good from the get-go


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Sometimes doing nothing is cool.
Announce to the world that you are going "ALL-IN" and then proceed to do absolutely nothing.

Makes this organization look like a bigger joke than they normally are.

But I am sure they know better than me, just look at the results over the past 28 years..................oh, wait.


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Still #1 in whiney fans.
And rightfully so, in some cases.
Other cases they still turn a positive into a negative.
Yep, its the fan's fault this organization has not won jack in 28 years.

If we just had better fans that would wave those pom poms harder, we could be like the 49ers.

Dam fans:mad:


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Maybe I have missed something but it seems like this offseason is even a bigger disaster than most.
I've been waiting for something positive to happen but I don't see any light at the end of the tunnel.
We are lied to by our ownership telling us we're going to go all in and we do just the opposite.

We used to be able to at least sign our own guys.

The price we have to pay for a quarterback seems to make it impossible to compete in free agency not that we necessarily would anyway even if we had the money.

If I'm back Dak I'm using some of that big paycheck to buy some heavy duty insurance since I've made it impossible for us to have an offensive line I would at least get medical protection

I'm thinking this might be a good time to take a break from the Cowboys and just wait for the draft maybe something good will happen there.
In the meantime I'll be waiting in anxious anticipation of our next tight end or injured player taken in the second round.
So far we have removed some dead weight, just sit back and enjoy the show now.


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Maybe I have missed something but it seems like this offseason is even a bigger disaster than most.
I've been waiting for something positive to happen but I don't see any light at the end of the tunnel.
We are lied to by our ownership telling us we're going to go all in and we do just the opposite.

We used to be able to at least sign our own guys.

The price we have to pay for a quarterback seems to make it impossible to compete in free agency not that we necessarily would anyway even if we had the money.

If I'm back Dak I'm using some of that big paycheck to buy some heavy duty insurance since I've made it impossible for us to have an offensive line I would at least get medical protection

I'm thinking this might be a good time to take a break from the Cowboys and just wait for the draft maybe something good will happen there.
In the meantime I'll be waiting in anxious anticipation of our next tight end or injured player taken in the second round.
Did Owner Jerry extend GM Jethro's contract?

I have not seen it, in the news yet.


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still #1 in revenue so were still winning, why need to do anything else?

Also i just cant wait for our next 2nd round ER patient
Sad that it has come to this. Cowboy's fans can only celebrate that the Cowboys are worth more than other teams.


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From what I've collected the Cowboys are still the #1 valuation in the NFL, jersey sales were excellent last year, and we are going to fill 10 needs with 7 picks in the upcoming draft.

What more do you want?
It would be great if the fans had stock. We don't, so who gives a shirt.


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No! Lazy management at its best. It's not like Dak's massive cap issues just dropped in Stephen and Jerry's lap. They have known for years this issue would need addressing/attention yet it appears they have waited until the last minute with no solid plan. They should have plans A,B and C each with deadlines/timelines to resolve this by March 13 or no later than the draft.

What you think would happen to a conventional GM who is accountable to his owner/boss in this situation? I'll tell ya.....his a___would be fired faster than a NY min (LOL).
Does GM Jethro admire Owner Jerry more, or vice versa???


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Kept the coach? Yep.

Kept the QB? Yep.

Lost guys in FA? Yep.

Barely filled any roster holes in FA? Yep.

The offseason has been a rousing success.
Keep the GM? Never mind that was never a question.


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Yep coogs that's kind of the last straw for me for a little while till the draft at least.
I'm tired of being lied to this team is not my Dallas Cowboys they wear my team's uniform but they are not the Dallas Cowboys in any way shape or form they are Jerry Jones money making machine.

This isn't the team I grew up idolizing it's the exact opposite Jerry's got some girl knocked up Dak is being accused of some other off field crap.

All people talk about is how bad the culture is with this team how soft they are how money hungry they are.

At this point in my fan Hood they just wear my teams Jersey other than Ferguson and the kicker I struggle to find someone I really like on the team.
Conversely in my youth I would have to think hard to find someone I didn't like on the team.

Just a sad State of affairs what Jerry and his son have done is a criminal act to the fan hood of the Dallas Cowboys
Ding!!! Ding!!! Ding!!! WINNER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Yes up to today Dak Prescott is without an extension.
Best piece of news for the Future of our franchise!
Great off-season as its starting look like were going out with the inept old and in with some NEW talent.
I think we would be better off losing about approximately 25% of our fan base.


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It's just no excuse for them to be as unprepared as they appear to be. Like I said in another thread, maybe we will hear something in the next few weeks that explains everything.
GM Jeruh is almost 82. He is in slow motion, free agency does not start for him until week 4.


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Signing a true linebacker is a good thing. Yes, Kendricks is older and is worn down some from what he used to be, but he's an upgrade to what we've got, especially with LVE's career coming to an end. We wanted a better run defense. Hiring Zimmer will help with that simply because he doesn't use as much shifting as Quinn, but we needed some help in the middle as well and Kendricks will provide that. Of course, the DT question marks could mean that he's constantly got a lineman on him, allowing offenses to continue to exploit the middle of the D.
Is Zimmer going to play NT???