Heard an interesting take on The Break


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I believe it’s just Jerry and Stephen being crybabies and wanting to point the finger at anyone but themselves.

Every front office in the league operates under the same conditions.

I don’t want to hear any of Jerry and Stephen’s excuses. If it’s so tough they could…… oh I don’t know…… HIRE A GM TO RUN THE TEAM.

I listened to this episode of the Break too. They did a lot of work acting like apologists for the front office. And ya know, I get it. Jerry and Stephen do own the podcast and so I don’t blame the hosts for not wanting to go in on their bosses.

That being said, I’m just not interested in any excuses for Jerry and Stephen. The buck stops with them.
Bingo. It’s so funny how the ONLY common denominator over the last 25+ years are somehow not to blame for the lack of success of this franchise. Of course it’s not their fault, it’s always something or someone else.


Captain Catfish
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Every single GM and front office in the league has to deal with it.

It’s no excuse for their failure.
I am curious to the level of collusion that is actually allowed, the entire NFL is a circus at this point.


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I believe it’s just Jerry and Stephen being crybabies and wanting to point the finger at anyone but themselves.

Every front office in the league operates under the same conditions.

I don’t want to hear any of Jerry and Stephen’s excuses. If it’s so tough they could…… oh I don’t know…… HIRE A GM TO RUN THE TEAM.

I listened to this episode of the Break too. They did a lot of work acting like apologists for the front office. And ya know, I get it. Jerry and Stephen do own the podcast and so I don’t blame the hosts for not wanting to go in on their bosses.

That being said, I’m just not interested in any excuses for Jerry and Stephen. The buck stops with them.
Every team has to deal with the same agents


Captain Catfish
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So only Cowboys’ players’ agents do this? Amazing how Philly just signed Smith and the Lions just got two guys signed yesterday.

The problem isn’t the agents. It’s the two GMs of the Cowboys, more specifically the younger one who is going to doom this franchise to mediocrity when he has full control.
Apple does not fall far from the tree, we have been in mediocrity status for decades now already.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
You don’t think the agent’s talk amongst themselves? You don’t think they set the contract parameters between them? They won’t even let the Jones talk to the players 1 on 1. The point is, it’s a 2 way street but haters like yourself can’t comprehend that obviously.
They dont need to talk. Im sure they do...as peers. Just take whatever contract some other player just signed and make it more.


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They got a deal done with Diggs cause he was desperate for $$. I know this from someone involved.


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They dont need to talk. Im sure they do...as peers. Just take whatever contract some other player just signed and make it more.
Naïveté. You didn’t consider the agents getting together and making sure no one signs below market value. Don’t think that doesn’t happen between them either.


Jerry learned to GM from Pee Wee Herman
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Both Broaddus and Patrik “No C” who stated after watching the presser, that Stephen is frustrated with the agents. Blame them for talking between each other to set contracts. It takes both sides to come to an agreement and the agent’s are colluding. Apparently there’s nothing wrong with that but it may explain why they haven’t gotten a deal done with Dak or Cee Dee. But recently they did reach an early deal with Diggs. So I believe this take has a lot of merit.
Or maybe Jerry has finally come to the realization that overpaying Dak is a waste of money?


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In any contract negotiation, eventually, the going gets tough and both parties have to put their angst aside to bargain in good faith. It's a very stressful situation that demands the best of both parties to make positive results a possibility. As things progress, if both sides really want to bargain in good faith, they will find a way to make it happen. Hopefully, that's what's in store in the end.

After all is said and done, the futures of both the players and the team are at stake. Cooler heads must prevail before it's too late. More often than not, that's what eventually happens. Let's just hope for the best and wish both sides good fortune in their efforts to find a common ground to agree.
I just wish they would try to be first in line to extend players and not the last when the market is going to be higher.


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Naïveté. You didn’t consider the agents getting together and making sure no one signs below market value. Don’t think that doesn’t happen between them either.
This is a joke, right?

Of course agents talk. Sometimes, the agents work for the same firm, and talk! Crazy, right???? Oh and contract info is also released to the public, so they can even use that stuff too!!!

The funniest thing out here is the belief that somehow this only applies to the Cowboys and that no other team has to deal with the same stuff.

Here's the problem with the Cowboys and signing players. It's not the agents. It's not the players. It's not the lawyers. It's not the scouts. It's not the coaches. It's not the moon's gravitational pull. It's the two Jones dimwits. That's the problem.


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So only Cowboys’ players’ agents do this? Amazing how Philly just signed Smith and the Lions just got two guys signed yesterday.

The problem isn’t the agents. It’s the two GMs of the Cowboys, more specifically the younger one who is going to doom this franchise to mediocrity when he has full control.
It happens to all the teams. Jones just isn’t budging because of how he’s screwed the organization with past deals.


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So Stephen is frustrated that agents have a strategy prior to going into contract negotiations? Stephen's strategy is to complain about having to pay them and just take what they're being offered and if they don't he plays the "poor us" card and wants the fans to blame the greedy players.


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It happens to all the teams. Jones just isn’t budging because of how he’s screwed the organization with past deals.
But that's stupid.

Because you don't go from one extreme (signing a couple guys for too much) to the other extreme (just lowballing guys left and right and eventually run off your good players).


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So Stephen is frustrated that agents have a strategy prior to going into contract negotiations? Stephen's strategy is to complain about having to pay them and just take what they're being offered and if they don't he plays the "poor us" card and wants the fans to blame the greedy players.
We are so screwed as a fanbase. It's only going to get worse with Stephen who appears to be the real brains behind all the penny pinching.


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So only Cowboys’ players’ agents do this? Amazing how Philly just signed Smith and the Lions just got two guys signed yesterday.

The problem isn’t the agents. It’s the two GMs of the Cowboys, more specifically the younger one who is going to doom this franchise to mediocrity when he has full control.
It’s gotta be because they want or expect discounts, and the agents are telling them to pound sand.

Their history is caving and overpaying, at least partly because they back themselves into corners (which they now seem to want to double down on) then of course use that as the reason that they can’t sign other teams players.