Mazi's allergic to milk

"I knew I was allergic to milk so I knew how to handle it when I....drank milk again." drafted and he reached the peak. Good bye Mazi......go hang with Taco. Michigan guys just don't work out for DC.
"I knew I was allergic to milk so I knew how to handle it when I....drank milk again."
Right. If you know you’re allergic to milk then don’t drink it. I’m allergic to shellfish so I don’t eat it. I don’t eat shellfish then try not to break out in hives, I just don’t eat shellfish. O well at least he’s better but he’s not going to be employed at NASA anytime soon.
It had to be a pretty serious reaction for him to spend a night in hospital. He mentioned some breathing techniques. That tells me it's possible he started hyperventilating which could lead to panic attacks if you are not careful. I have an uncle that happens to quite a bit. Either way, glad to see he's feeling better.
It had to be a pretty serious reaction for him to spend a night in hospital. He mentioned some breathing techniques. That tells me it's possible he started hyperventilating which could lead to panic attacks if you are not careful. I have an uncle that happens to quite a bit. Either way, glad to see he's feeling better.
All jokes aside absolutely- the allergic reactions that shut down your ability to breath are very scary- wonder if he has an epipen with him regularlu and this had been something he's had to deal with all his lifr
It had to be a pretty serious reaction for him to spend a night in hospital. He mentioned some breathing techniques. That tells me it's possible he started hyperventilating which could lead to panic attacks if you are not careful. I have an uncle that happens to quite a bit. Either way, glad to see he's feeling better.
Yeah I’m glad he’s feeling better too. I hope he stays away from milk in the future. I’ve had allergy reactions where I can feel my throat closing. It’s pretty scary. I’m completely baffled why he drank milk again. But anyway I’m glad he’s better and glad he’s through it. It sucks and it’s scary. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.
Sometimes people become allergic to something later on in life that they were never allergic to before. Or the opposite.

My ex wife within the last 2 years, is allergic to quite a few things she had ate all her life.

Cheese and butter, but can drink certain types of milk. Shrimp also, within the past year. Certain types of nuts as well. Cashews being one of them, but can eat other types.
Frankly, I don't think "worse things being spewed" is justification for using a negative term to refer to other members, especially by a member of the staff.
Some just don't have thick skin... Personally, I find it humorous. To each his own...
I'm allergic to iodine ........any shell seafood. I can't eat, touch, or inhale it while cooking. Interestingly, I can eat any fish. On the other hand, my daughter is allergic to shell seafood AND fish.
Penicillin for old friend passed away from an allergic reaction to bees when one got into his helmet as he was driving his motorcycle back from South Padre Island...serious stuff.
Only an insult if you take it that way or if it was meant that way....there are a lot worse things being spewed around here. Haters and Homers are generic terms. IMO
Wasn't there a memo awhile back stating that ANY type of insult would NOT be tolerated?
I guess well disguised ones are okay...depending who it is.
Wasn't there a memo awhile back stating that ANY type of insult would NOT be tolerated?
I guess well disguised ones are okay...depending who it is.
Many see it as a joke and not an insult. Hard to tell behind a keyboard. We need to include emojis or disclaimers.

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