Mazi's allergic to milk

I was born the same way as a baby. Could only keep down goat's milk. By the age of 10, I was able to drink regular milk. Now at age 53, if I drink milk or any milk products, it messes me up badly to where I at times have ended up in the ER. Mazi needs to stay away from milk products. Maybe goat's milk or non-dairy products might work for him?
same exactly with me. You're a carbon copy darn near lol. Also 53. I posted it on here too about the Goat milk. I was in and out of the ER ALOT and almost died as an infant because of it. I mean,, I joke about Mazi, but in all seriousness, I feel for the guy if it was an honest mishap. I drink milk fine but only drink it rarely.
I'm allergic to mushrooms. I've accidentally ingested them several times over the years. I know what to do when it happens. That doesn't mean I purposely tempted fate because I know what to do. I doubt Mazi purposely downed milk knowing his allergy.
what lol. So he just didn't want to play Saturday so he drank milk the day before lol.

Can't play bad if you're not playing.

It is not name calling, it is a general statement, not applied to any specific member.
Distinguish between the two.
It's meant as an insult. Excuse it however you wish, that does not change the purpose.

Same with Dak lovers. It's not meant as a compliment. And it's easy to see who is targeted by it, just as it is with your comment.

Cowboys DT Mazi Smith said his allergic reaction was to some milk he drank. He’s had allergic reactions before, so he knew how to handle the situation. “I’m a big guy, I eat a lot of food. I know the ropes when it comes to having an allergic reaction. You can’t panic.”

Smith said he’s feeling better now. He expects to practice the rest of the week. “Business as usual.”

Mazi seems to take everything head on. That’s a good trait. Probably from his parents.
same exactly with me. You're a carbon copy darn near lol. Also 53. I posted it on here too about the Goat milk. I was in and out of the ER ALOT and almost died as an infant because of it. I mean,, I joke about Mazi, but in all seriousness, I feel for the guy if it was an honest mishap. I drink milk fine but only drink it rarely.
Wow, sorry to hear but I feel you brother. I just might PM you some day if I get any questions concerning allergies. Thanks for sharing your personal history.
It's meant as an insult. Excuse it however you wish, that does not change the purpose.

Same with Dak lovers. It's not meant as a compliment. And it's easy to see who is targeted by it, just as it is with your comment.
Only an insult if you take it that way or if it was meant that way....there are a lot worse things being spewed around here. Haters and Homers are generic terms. IMO

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