Does anyone seriously think Jerry is a Football Guy

I think he qualifies as a football guy. 30 plus years involved deeply in the nfl qualifies as a football guy imo.

The issue is he is absolutely terrible at the job and has no concern of losing his job. So the fans are left with the worst case scenario. Our football guy is terrible and is t going to go anywhere…and the Ken who follows will be worse
I buy a restaurant. I hire a great chef who wins 3 Michelin Stars the next couple of years. I used to work with this chef when we both worked at McDonalds as college students. He went on to culinary school, while I parlayed my family fortune into more family fortune not related to the culinary industry.

I get jealous of his accolades, and fire him. I then name myself chef even though I have no experience other than that McDonalds. I proceed to stay chef for 28 years without even coming close to winning a Michelin star.

I never bothered to master the culinary arts even after naming myself chef.

Nobody likes my food.

Am I really a chef, or am I just larping as a chef?
The closest Jerry had ever been to being a football guy was when he played at Arkansas.
And he only got to do that because he was born into privilege. If he was born middle class or poor he would never have played at that level.
If the title of the thread said “Competent Football Guy” would that help you figure it out?
Nah, he's pretending to be obtuse to avoid the truth. No matter how you word it he will stick with that strategy.
Jerry is a 100% a football guy. The Cowboys aren’t the Browns. They aren’t the Jets. There’s about 75% of the league that would kill for the success Dallas has had for the last 10+ years. Jerry’s problem is eventually his emotions get in the way and override his brain. Playing hardball with Dak is probably the smart move, except you can’t blink and you can’t get soft. In the end Jerry will blink.
75% of the NFC have been to the Championship two our more times since our last trip.
I doubt they envy our record!
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I don't know.

Not sure how playing on a great team in college makes one a football man in the context being talked about here.
IM just saying what makes some a football man? Lots of GMs in this league never played big time football, I am assuming. Lots of GMs suck and dont do squat. Is winning a title what it takes ot be a "Football," man? If so, Im guessing about 85% of GMs, probably more, arent football men.
If the title of the thread said “Competent Football Guy” would that help you figure it out?
how out yo ulist me off some competent football guys, since only about 3 or 4 different GMs have won anything. And those guys had Brady or Mahomes. Wow, see how easy it is to be a football man?... or "Competent football guy?"
Even Mahommes couldn’t overcome our GM’s ineptitude.
In case you hadn’t noticed it takes a team to win an SB not just a QB!
Why you all say stuff like that and ignore the team? In what world is the Cowboys not a SB favorite if you replace Dak & Mahommes right now. You all just be spewing....

And all miss the point like crazy bc of your hatred. The point is when you have a QB like can get away with stuff that other GMs cant.
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Tjere is a reason mahomes plays for them and dak for us.

And its again the same reason the OP already mentioned. Switch qbs and dak wouldnt play one full season for the chiefs
This post is ridiculous. Dak had a good rookie year and we were drafting 28. No duh you're not moving up from 28 to 10 in order to select Mahommes after what Dak did. You're opinion on the rest has no bearing.

You all hate your team and Dak so much that you don't take time to think about what you're saying and just spew nonsense.

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