Romo was an amazing quarterback

He was, by definition of the word, elusive. What some people choose for it to mean isn't what it actually means. All it means (as an adjective) is "difficult to find, catch, or achieve." That COULD be from being fast, but there are so many other things that could cause it too.
I wouldn't consider Emmitt as elusive, because he mostly bullied his way through. Barry Sanders was elusive, because he could stop and changed directions like nobody else.

This is why I say elusive:

difficult to find, catch, or achieve.
"success will become ever more elusive"
Barry wss also incredibly fast but yeah honestly I guess if you just use the word isolated to Romo I’d agree. He’s not as elusive as others and he doesn’t look like them either speed but he has the ability to get away. I feel there’s another NFL word to describe this that’s not elusive but it fits the definition.
Barry wss also incredibly fast but yeah honestly I guess if you just use the word isolated to Romo I’d agree. He’s not as elusive as others and he doesn’t look like them either speed but he has the ability to get away. I feel there’s another NFL word to describe this that’s not elusive but it fits the definition.
Yeah, I just threw that out there to respond to hyperbole with hyperbole. I thought about adding a parenthetical disclaimer that I don't really believe it, but decided that would ruin the effect. ;)
I was gonna say you might be talking more his Dak fans then actually Dak lol. Off the field the guy is a model citizen and it’s probably why it’s hard for Dallas to leave him. Him, McClay, Micah….they are perfect for Dallas. They don’t push back. They allow Jerry and co to me comfortable.
He verbatim said it lol…..

He verbatim said when he was one hit away from retirement he was still elusive. Once again jumping into something and completely lost.
Stop obfuscating. He said he was still elusive. That doesn't mean he's only talking about him being elusive later in his career.

And even then - like I already said - the one example you gave still doesn't counter the claim that he was elusive. One counter example doesn't prove anything unless it negates an "all-inclusive", terms like all, every, never, etc. Also, getting tackled and injured or being "one hit away from retirement" doesn't say anything with regards to elusiveness. All players get tackled and such a description only indicates that Romo was more prone to injury if he was tackled. A player who is elusive is one that is harder to get hands on him and be tackled.
You are the only one limiting it to one season, actually only one play. You're also entirely ignoring the context and only focusing on the end result.

Perfect example of the type of logic and reason you bring to the table.
The post I responded to verbatim said when Romo was one hit away he was elusive. So when do you think that was? At 26? You jumped into it quick to reply and didn’t even read who he was replying to and made a fool out of yourself again. But instead of taking accountability you are gonna make excuses and talk in circles. You made a mistake just move on you don’t even have to acknowledge it just move on.
Stop obfuscating. He said he was still elusive. That doesn't mean he's only talking about him being elusive later in his career.

And even then - like I already said - the one example you gave still doesn't counter the claim that he was elusive. One counter example doesn't prove anything unless it negates an "all-inclusive", terms like all, every, never, etc. Also, getting tackled and injured or being "one hit away from retirement" doesn't say anything with regards to elusiveness. All players get tackled and such a description only indicates that Romo was more prone to injury if he was tackled. A player who is elusive is one that is harder to get hands on him and be tackled.
Ok well like I said I disagree that he was elusive at 34. Not sure what else you want me to say.
Early on, maybe. A lot of those interceptions were flukes though... like bouncing off the receivers shoe into the hands of the defender. Yeah, a lot of his interceptions was him trying to make things happen when he shouldn't, trying to salvage something out of a bad situation. Unfortunately, Dak has that same flaw.
you are remembering Romo fondly...and I get it. But there's a reason he was a league laughing stock and it wasn't "hate". He crumbled in big moments and wet the bed ...something like Dak. Not exactly like him, but net-net same result. And yes...he had VERY, VERY talented teams that he did this with. Yes, he had some duds...but even the season-ending big games...HE CHOKED.

you are remembering Romo fondly...and I get it. But there's a reason he was a league laughing stock and it wasn't "hate". He crumbled in big moments and wet the bed ...something like Dak. Not exactly like him, but net-net same result. And yes...he had VERY, VERY talented teams that he did this with. Yes, he had some duds...but even the season-ending big games...HE CHOKED.

He was a choker for sure but he was a laughing stock because he was a Cowboy. They use to do the same with Aikman until it wasn't funny no more.
The post I responded to verbatim said when Romo was one hit away he was elusive. So when do you think that was? At 26? You jumped into it quick to reply and didn’t even read who he was replying to and made a fool out of yourself again. But instead of taking accountability you are gonna make excuses and talk in circles. You made a mistake just move on you don’t even have to acknowledge it just move on.
No. I did read the relevant posts and can clearly see both the intention and the cherry picking obfuscation evident in your reply. Talk about talking in circles.

Not sure if you noticed but you're getting called out on this from multiple directions. Couldn't be you who is the fool and should move on, though. Must be everyone else.

On a side note. Your attempt to use semantics as a deflection technique is fascinating. "Elusive" isn't the right word for you. Some synonym, which you can't think of, meaning exactly the same thing is the only description you will accept.
He was a choker for sure but he was a laughing stock because he was a Cowboy. They use to do the same with Aikman until it wasn't funny no more.
No, Aikman WAS NEVER known as a choker. He started off 11-1 in post season play. Please don't put those 2 in the same breath, sentence ...

Romo was erratic, averaged-armed QB with "moxy"

Troy was a disciplined, accurate-passing MACHINE...
Coach/QB combination is so important. Dallas got it right with Jimmy and Troy and very briefly, perhaps, with Romo and Parcells.

Once in a while a coach can luck into a Super Bowl with a decent QB. Had Zeke built upon his rookie season just maybe Dallas could have been one of those teams.
Good post.
Now this is funny.

A year ago, said that you would no longer support Dak and would be done with him if he received a record breaking contract.

After Dak received the record breaking contract, you continued to be a 100% Dak supporter.

Then after Dak sucked during a game this season, you said his teammates needed to beat him up.

Now please…..tell us again who has the mental issues?

I'm telling you, AC is bi-polar as a polar bear. Talks out of both sides of the mouth.
I don’t see where people prop up, Prescott, and put down Romo. That’s not what they do. it’s people that try to compare that to maybe. Romo was a warrior. He was an excellent quarterback, and he got better as the years went on. Extremely better after he got married in my opinion. But then his body broke down. Same thing with Prescott is getting better with the age. But people hated him from the beginning because of Romo. I’m sick of those people they lost their hero and Prescott took over and now he’s a bum because of it.

That’s why some people say cowboy fans, LMAO they’re the embarrassment not the franchise
And you wear it well...!

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