Andy Dalton Vs Tony Romo


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Spot-on voodoo analysis from a know-nothing fan!

Don't get worked up about this at all. Everyone knows that Dallas would be a playoff team with a defense like the Bengals. Andy Dalton is awful. The throws he made in the game were just flat out terrible. Someone else said it that the Bengals fans would take Romo in a heartbeat (probably before the back surgery).

I love how people say stats are hollow and don't win games. Well, would rather have a QB that throws 27 interceptions in a season because stats just don't matter. So what is the excuse for the Giants? They finished one game behind us....maybe ya think that they had a better defense than ours to cover up for pick/turnover machine? Can you imagine if Romo did this with our defense this year?


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Wow, you found 3 teams who didn't win anything to support your paper thin argument... in the face of a mountain of evidence that supports the opposite. You're a regular Einstein. It makes me laugh that your heroes Rodgers, Brees and Brady fail just as miserably as the Romos and Dalton's of the world when they aren't on stacked teams.

Why are you leaving out 2007 in your analysis of Romo vs other QBs like Brady, Rodgers, etc?

Romo had a top 5 passing defense in 2007. He was surrounded by 12 Probowlers including 5 on defense in Hamlin, Ware, Newman, Ellis, and Roy Williams.

Romo and the Cowboys were still bounced out of the playoffs in the 1st round.


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Why are you leaving out 2007 in your analysis of Romo vs other QBs like Brady, Rodgers, etc?

Romo had a top 5 passing defense in 2007. He was surrounded by 12 Probowlers including 5 on defense in Hamlin, Ware, Newman, Ellis, and Roy Williams.

Romo and the Cowboys were still bounced out of the playoffs in the 1st round.

2nd round.

And they lost a close one to the eventual Super Bowl Champ.

I totally agree that was probably THE blown opportunity in the Romo-era.
The other years, those teams were going nowhere.

Next Years Champ

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Romo was 1-2 his first 3 playoff games Dalton is now 0-3 but we'll see. Lots of talent on that Cincinatti team just like there's been talent on our playoff teams with Romo


the Bengals have been in the playoff 6 years in a row..

Romo has had us only twice in his tenure.

Dalton started as a rookie and was drafted high..

Romo sat for 4 years doing nothing.

Then he started for 6 years and still nothing.

I don't even see a slight resemblence to Dalton.

He's still got plenty in the tank.


Not so much.


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2nd round.

And they lost a close one to the eventual Super Bowl Champ.

I totally agree that was probably THE blown opportunity in the Romo-era.
The other years, those teams were going nowhere.

We were pretty good in 2009 as well. The defense played really well down the stretch.. but then an early exit against the Vikings. We couldn't put up any points against them and they blew out the defense. Same way Indy blew out KC's defense.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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You guys and the media get so caught up in the QB has to win the whole game by himself thing.

Unfortunately, the problem exists with football observers at all levels of the sport--so the media covering the NFL and Dallas get a little too much of the blame. Football is a 60-minute sport. Wins or losses are an accumulation of how well players execute on offense, defense and specials and coaches making the best in-game decisions for four quarters.

Even with a porous defense, Dallas should have made the playoffs this season with a record greater than 8-8. Subtract running back fumbles, mental error by an offensive lineman and a poor reception attempt by a (yes) great receiving tight end and the Kansas City, Detroit and second Philadelphia game losses were highly probable wins by themselves.

Interceptions and incompletions, due to a poor pass, are the quarterback's fault. That's bad execution. Other examples of bad execution are fumbles, totally unnecessary pickled brain penalties and allowing a pass to go through your hands to the guy defending you.

Bad execution should be placed at the feet of the guys responsible for not doing their jobs. Instead, final game results do not factor bad play performed by everybody on the field for some. It's lumped on the quarterback.

That's lazy game evaluation and interpretation. This season's team deserved a lot of fingerpointing.

Next Years Champ

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The real problem in that game was all the pre-game hype put out by the media about how much Romo idolized Brett Farve..

..put too much pressure on Romo.

He collapsed and with it any hope.

That is just how fragile Romo is.


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The real problem in that game was all the pre-game hype put out by the media about how much Romo idolized Brett Farve..

..put too much pressure on Romo.

He collapsed and with it any hope.

That is just how fragile Romo is.

I hope you are not submitting that as your summary for the game. Maybe that was how a drunk friend remembered it. Any credibility you had left went out the window.


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The real problem in that game was all the pre-game hype put out by the media about how much Romo idolized Brett Farve..

..put too much pressure on Romo.

He collapsed and with it any hope.

That is just how fragile Romo is.

Personally I think the OL being completely obliterated by the Vikes front 4 had a lot more to do with it than 'media hype' putting any pressure on Romo.

Doug Free probably still wakes up in a cold sweat dreaming about that game.


Fire Garrett
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the Bengals have been in the playoff 6 years in a row..


Romo has had us only twice in his tenure.


Dalton started as a rookie and was drafted high..


Romo sat for 4 years doing nothing.


Then he started for 6 years and still nothing.


I don't even see a slight resemblence to Dalton.

You're right...Romo is better right now.

He's still got plenty in the tank.

Yea...he's young.


Not so much

Yea...he's getting old.

Romo's replacement should be brought in within the next two years but when your first two points aren't factually correct you can't be taken seriously.


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in a year from now you still wont have an answer for why your ELITE qb's have never won a sb when their D is like tony's

2009 Saint's defense ranked 24th defensively by yardage, and 19th by points. Bottom half in both categories. Yet, somehow Brees won a Superbowl.

2011 Giants defense ranked 26th defensively by yardage, and 24th by points. Bottom half in both categories. Yet somehow Manning (no, I don't consider Manning an elite) won a superbowl.

It sure helps to have a good defense to have playoff success, but it sure isn't required.


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The real problem in that game was all the pre-game hype put out by the media about how much Romo idolized Brett Farve..

..put too much pressure on Romo.

He collapsed and with it any hope.

That is just how fragile Romo is.

Yeah, that week 16 game at Washington this year certainly proved how fragile he is.
Nothing worse than a tough guy behind a keyboard.


Offseason mode... sleepy time
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I was an original Romo homer. I was one of the guys pushing for Romo to start over Bledsoe, I thought he had something special.

When Owens told us that we had a Romo problem, it made me think. Owens is a punk, but the guy doesn't lie. And that's why people hate him, because he says things everyone else is scared to say. You're talking about a guy who would take a 3 yard pass and take it to the house on a consistent basis. And for him to bash Romo, there was something internal that none of us knew about. He also bashed Garrett, and now 90% of this board bashes Garrett.

So I started to take a closer look at Romo, and that's when I realized that he was a numbers guy and not a winner. A winner is different from a numbers guy. A winner just knows how to get things done. If he has to score 51 because his defense scored 50, so be it. If he has to drive us down the field and only score field goals to win, so be it. If it's a win or go home game, he does what he needs to do to win. Yesterday I saw teams give up close to 50. The defense didn't come in to play in that game, but those QBs had to make it happen. (Andrew Luck)

We don't have this type of QB. We have a scrub small school doofus who will make an amazing play against 3-13 team, and the entire fan base goes "Romo is incredible". In the next 2 or 3 years, Romo will be completely washed up, and we can finally send his *** on his way. We will be 20 years without a Super Bowl, or even in contention. Then we can start enjoying real Cowboys football, that's unless Jones screws it up and goes after some 5th round QB thinking he will outsmart the world.

I knew you could!


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2009 Saint's defense ranked 24th defensively by yardage, and 19th by points. Bottom half in both categories. Yet, somehow Brees won a Superbowl.

2011 Giants defense ranked 26th defensively by yardage, and 24th by points. Bottom half in both categories. Yet somehow Manning (no, I don't consider Manning an elite) won a superbowl.

It sure helps to have a good defense to have playoff success, but it sure isn't required.

The Saints defense was a turnover machine....and btw, Romo is not Brees.

The Giants defense becamedominant in the Giants SB run and Eli played amazingly well for, uh, Eli.

Anyway, compared to dallas' group this year, those two defenses were all-world by the time they made it to the playoffs.

Bottomline is Dallas did blow a great opportunity in 2007. So did the Pats that year.


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The Saints defense was a turnover machine....and btw, Romo is not Brees.

The Giants defense becamedominant in the Giants SB run and Eli played amazingly well for, uh, Eli.

Anyway, compared to dallas' group this year, those two defenses were all-world by the time they made it to the playoffs.

Bottomline is Dallas did blow a great opportunity in 2007. So did the Pats that year.

I agree with everything you just said.

My point was a bunch of folks on this thread have basically stated you can't win playoff games or even a Superbowl without a really good defense.

It's just not true and there are plenty of recent examples indicating otherwise.


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Doesn't Rodgers have the highest postseason QB rating in NFL history? I know he did at one point -- although it looks like it dropped to a pretty sucky 103.1 after last night's game.

I totally agree with you -- Rodgers should be totally called out for his 19 TD to 5 Interception QB ratio, his 5 win / 4 loss playoff record.

It's pretty obvious to anybody watching the Packers than nothing less than Rodgers playin at a 113 QB rating (as opposed to his 103 average) is required for Packers to find any more success in the playoffs and he should absolutely be considered garbage for not achieving that rating.


Rodgers looked terrible , and he blew it last year too and he blew it vs the cardinals . Ratings are just numbers right ? That's what they say with romo . Rodgers choked yesterday