Andy Dalton Vs Tony Romo

PA Cowboy Fan

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Now that you say that, I think I remember you being a Romo homer and telling me I knew nothing about football and was just a Romo hater etc. Haha.

Hey man.. I too was a Romo homer at one time. I think we all were here. The only difference is some of us snapped out of it and just started taking him for what he is instead of trying to make him into something he isn't. I snapped out of it in 2010, so I was a little ahead of the curve. I think only Clove, Noshame, and a handful of others caught on back then too.

I first started having doubts about him in 2007. That's when we had our best chance at a SB and Romo went to Cabo and became a celebrity QB. I still had hopes for him the following few years but after awhile you just get used to the same old thing. I lost complete confidence in him after the Commander game last year. I just think it's in his head now and no matter what, something will happen. He's damaged goods. I like him personally and I think he's a good Qb but I don't think he's going to win a SB no matter what team he has. It's a shame because I had high hopes for him when he first started as QB.


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I said this last year after we played them, actually.

He actually plays a lot like Romo. NOt a great athlete, but nimble around the pocket. Throwing motions, etc.


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another great stat (stolen from percy) of our choke artist who cant get it done. nothing to do with our defense. nope. just the qb. change that and SB BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!

359 of 549 4342 yd 34 td 8 int 104.1

In December and January games since 2009, Romo has a 100+ rating 12 times. The Cowboys are 6-6 in those games.

During that time, when PManning, Brady, Brees, Rodgers, Rivers, Flacco, Smith, Dalton, Schaub, and Kaepernick go over 100+ in December and January, those 10 quarterbacks have combined to lose 6 games.

Their teams are 104-6.


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Percy, I kind of like you but you have to stop asking silly questions to try and trap me. I understand you love statistics and think they are the be all end all of how to rank a QB, but you are just flat our wrong. Romo is a QB that can play above average during the regular season(minus a few games) and then choke or play below average when you need him most (Elimination/Playoff games). To me, this makes him an overall average QB. He is right there with the other average guys like Dalton, Cutler, Rivers, Palmer, Stafford, etc. None of these guys will lead their teams to the super bowl or win a super bowl. None of them will make the hall of fame either.
If you were to ask me what I base my opinions on, I wouldn't consider that a silly question at all. I wouldn't look at it like you were setting a trap either. I'd just appreciate the interest, and try to answer the question.

If it's a difficult question for you to answer, maybe that should tell you something.


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another great stat (stolen from percy) of our choke artist who cant get it done. nothing to do with our defense. nope. just the qb. change that and SB BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!

359 of 549 4342 yd 34 td 8 int 104.1

In December and January games since 2009, Romo has a 100+ rating 12 times. The Cowboys are 6-6 in those games.

During that time, when PManning, Brady, Brees, Rodgers, Rivers, Flacco, Smith, Dalton, Schaub, and Kaepernick go over 100+ in December and January, those 10 quarterbacks have combined to lose 6 games.

Their teams are 104-6.

the haters like ufcrules will never admit this. Their entire lives are based on their messianic belief that romo is satan. If he were to become say Superbowl MVP they would have to kill themselves. So really its not surprising what they say. Sort of a JIm Jones Cult like thing.

The Natural

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the haters like ufcrules will never admit this. Their entire lives are based on their messianic belief that romo is satan. If he were to become say Superbowl MVP they would have to kill themselves. So really its not surprising what they say. Sort of a JIm Jones Cult like thing.

Why do you some of you think that if Romo somehow became Superbowl MVP that people would be upset? If he was a superbowl MVP that would mean this team wins a championship which is what we all want whether you emotional homers realize it or not


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He and Romo are both average QB's. Neither will accomplish much in the playoffs or ever go to a super bowl. Who cares about stats.. they both are losers.
I tried to come up with something to top this and I couldn't.


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hey natural why dont you address the posts with some facts in them please

lets see some def qb ratings from elite qb's sb years




80 (def had 13 takeaways in 4 playoff games and allowed 8, 6, and 17 in 3 of the 4 games. beat NE in shootout)

75.1 (13-3)


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I tried to come up with something to top this and I couldn't.

one more body slam for good measure...

brady brees rodgers peyton.

pick one.

tell me how many sb's they have won with def qb rating over 80.

45 combined season for those 4 qbs.

0 superbowls with def qb rating over 80.

so if romo is not the answer who is? cuz clearly the best 4 qb's of our generation have never got it done with a defense like ours either.


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Why would you measure an individual performance of a quarterback? Haven't we all been told ad infinitum, ad nauseum that this is a team game and the results of an individual do mot matter since that individual cannot possibly lose the game by himself?
The Steelers and the Jets both went 8-8. Address each team's needs without accounting for the individual performance of the quarterbacks.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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Is Dalton the new Romo. Sure got kicked around last night on the nfl network.
I doubt it. Andy Dalton's criticism has been fleeting and fairly localized. Tony Romo's sits on the other side of the spectrum.


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All Romo has to do is have one run and all the sudden people will think he's a playoff God.

Like Rodgers.

5-4 in the playoffs/Superbowl.

4-0 one season, 1-4 the rest of the time. But, hey, that one run means he's an amazing QB come playoff time.

1 run makes all the difference.

The same could one day be said for Dalton if he some how goes on one run.

I'll tell you Rodgers looked scared yesterday . Imagine romo having 170 yards at home in a playoff game ? Pathetic .


It's been a good 'un, ain't it?
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It will be nice in 1-2 years from now to never have these Romo debates again. Glad his career is coming to an end and we can move on.

LOL....yep, it's going to be a lot of fun reading the posts of the ten percenters who will be crushed because we didn't get an "elite" QB -- like they grow on trees and were' just going to go out and snag one. This place is going to be must read everyday when the next Quincy, Drew, Chad, (insert name) will be leading us to 4 and 5 win seasons.

I hope this is not the case, but unless we get very bad or very lucky "moving on to an "elite" QB is a joke. The most realistic thing we can hope for is to groom a "pretty good" QB and surround him with a great defense, a dependable running game and a better than average offensive line and hope for some good fortune.


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Now that you say that, I think I remember you being a Romo homer and telling me I knew nothing about football and was just a Romo hater etc. Haha.

Hey man.. I too was a Romo homer at one time. I think we all were here. The only difference is some of us snapped out of it and just started taking him for what he is instead of trying to make him into something he isn't. I snapped out of it in 2010, so I was a little ahead of the curve. I think only Clove, Noshame, and a handful of others caught on back then too.
I was an original Romo homer. I was one of the guys pushing for Romo to start over Bledsoe, I thought he had something special.

When Owens told us that we had a Romo problem, it made me think. Owens is a punk, but the guy doesn't lie. And that's why people hate him, because he says things everyone else is scared to say. You're talking about a guy who would take a 3 yard pass and take it to the house on a consistent basis. And for him to bash Romo, there was something internal that none of us knew about. He also bashed Garrett, and now 90% of this board bashes Garrett.

So I started to take a closer look at Romo, and that's when I realized that he was a numbers guy and not a winner. A winner is different from a numbers guy. A winner just knows how to get things done. If he has to score 51 because his defense scored 50, so be it. If he has to drive us down the field and only score field goals to win, so be it. If it's a win or go home game, he does what he needs to do to win. Yesterday I saw teams give up close to 50. The defense didn't come in to play in that game, but those QBs had to make it happen. (Andrew Luck)

We don't have this type of QB. We have a scrub small school doofus who will make an amazing play against 3-13 team, and the entire fan base goes "Romo is incredible". In the next 2 or 3 years, Romo will be completely washed up, and we can finally send his *** on his way. We will be 20 years without a Super Bowl, or even in contention. Then we can start enjoying real Cowboys football, that's unless Jones screws it up and goes after some 5th round QB thinking he will outsmart the world.


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If you were to ask me what I base my opinions on, I wouldn't consider that a silly question at all. I wouldn't look at it like you were setting a trap either. I'd just appreciate the interest, and try to answer the question.

If it's a difficult question for you to answer, maybe that should tell you something.

Because you are obsessed with stats and you think you can always prove your point with them, but quite honestly, you can't. You are really good at posting stats though, I will give you that. In a year or 2 at max, Romo will be a passing memory., he will be a yet another player who was grossly overpaid and who grossly under delivered.


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Because you are obsessed with stats and you think you can always prove your point with them, but quite honestly, you can't. You are really good at posting stats though, I will give you that. In a year or 2 at max, Romo will be a passing memory., he will be a yet another player who was grossly overpaid and who grossly under delivered.

He owns you in every way ufc. Sorry, but it's true.


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We will be 20 years without a Super Bowl, or even in contention. Then we can start enjoying real Cowboys football, that's unless Jones screws it up and goes after another UNDRAFTED FREE AGENT QB thinking he will outsmart the world.

I fixed that for you. :D

The Natural

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I was an original Romo homer. I was one of the guys pushing for Romo to start over Bledsoe, I thought he had something special.

When Owens told us that we had a Romo problem, it made me think. Owens is a punk, but the guy doesn't lie. And that's why people hate him, because he says things everyone else is scared to say. You're talking about a guy who would take a 3 yard pass and take it to the house on a consistent basis. And for him to bash Romo, there was something internal that none of us knew about. He also bashed Garrett, and now 90% of this board bashes Garrett.

So I started to take a closer look at Romo, and that's when I realized that he was a numbers guy and not a winner. A winner is different from a numbers guy. A winner just knows how to get things done. If he has to score 51 because his defense scored 50, so be it. If he has to drive us down the field and only score field goals to win, so be it. If it's a win or go home game, he does what he needs to do to win. Yesterday I saw teams give up close to 50. The defense didn't come in to play in that game, but those QBs had to make it happen. (Andrew Luck)

We don't have this type of QB. We have a scrub small school doofus who will make an amazing play against 3-13 team, and the entire fan base goes "Romo is incredible". In the next 2 or 3 years, Romo will be completely washed up, and we can finally send his *** on his way. We will be 20 years without a Super Bowl, or even in contention. Then we can start enjoying real Cowboys football, that's unless Jones screws it up and goes after some 5th round QB thinking he will outsmart the world.

prolific posting, especially the bolded