Andy Dalton Vs Tony Romo


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He owns you in every way ufc. Sorry, but it's true.
Romo owns the record for fan excuses. It's like a cult, I'm glad I'm not a believer. I'll wait for a winning QB to come through while you guys lust over Tony.


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as usual UFC NATURAL AND CLOVE get body slammed then avoid it like the plague.

why dont you guys address the posts that actually show some merit. like how your "elite" qb's have NEVER won a super bowl with a defense like tony's.


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The best part of this entire thread was someone using Owens as a reason to not like Romo.

I can't even begin to take that person remotely serious any longer.

Owens doesn't lie....LOL! As if they're best friends in the world with Owens and would know this.

Garcia, McNabb, Romo....3 different QBs, 3 different places....maybe the QBs weren't actually the problem and Owens should have taken a look in the mirror to find the problem.

Nah. Couldn't be. All three of those guys had to be against Owens. Everyone was out to get poor little TO.

The guy had some of his best years with Romo and Romo was the problem? Ha. This thread was completely worth it just for that garbage.


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A winner is different from a numbers guy. A winner just knows how to get things done. If he has to score 51 because his defense scored 50, so be it. If he has to drive us down the field and only score field goals to win, so be it. If it's a win or go home game, he does what he needs to do to win. Yesterday I saw teams give up close to 50. The defense didn't come in to play in that game, but those QBs had to make it happen. (Andrew Luck).

This is such complete and utter nonsense based on tiny little sample sizes. "A winner just gets it done." What are you in high school?

If that was the case why don't the same QBs win every year? Why did Aaron Rodgers go 4-0 one postseason and 1-4 in the rest of his career? Did he forget "how to get it done" this year? Is he not a "winner" anymore, or does just doing it once win you the "Winner Who Just Gets It Done" title for life? What about Payton Manning who choked for years in the playoffs until he finally had a somewhat decent defense. Is he a winner or not? Or was there a special diet he went on to make himself a "winner."

You guys and the media get so caught up in the QB has to win the whole game by himself thing. Does Romo struggle more than other QBs in high pressure situations? Yes, he does. The evidence is undeniable. But he also gets put into more of those situations probably more than any QB in the league. No other QB outside maybe Rodgers has to put so much of the team's success on his back, or is constantly being asked to save the team arse in the last minute.

Romo is what he is. A second tier franchise QB who if he had any semblance of a real organization around him could easily have won something by now. But he doesn't and he won't probably for the rest of the career, so you get to whine what a "loser" he is. I'm sure the guy who went from an undrafted free agent to a Pro Bowl QB will really be crying about what a "loser" he is when he retires to his gazillion $$$ mansion to live with his insanely hot wife.


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I asked the same question on another board and got the, he won a SB so shut up line

Doesn't Rodgers have the highest postseason QB rating in NFL history? I know he did at one point -- although it looks like it dropped to a pretty sucky 103.1 after last night's game.

I totally agree with you -- Rodgers should be totally called out for his 19 TD to 5 Interception QB ratio, his 5 win / 4 loss playoff record.

It's pretty obvious to anybody watching the Packers than nothing less than Rodgers playin at a 113 QB rating (as opposed to his 103 average) is required for Packers to find any more success in the playoffs and he should absolutely be considered garbage for not achieving that rating.



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I know he won a SB and I think he's one of the top 3 in the game. The fact remains though that outside of that one season, his playoff record is bad (if QBs are going to get stuck with the record) and he has been mediocre-bad in most of them outside the SB season. One SB ring shouldn't alleviate you from media BS forever.

It is that 1 Superbowl that separates alot of QB's. Trust me if Romo had a Super Bowl all of his supporters would have the edge in any argument. Without that Super Bowl those same supporters must use stats to make any point. Unfortunately for all of us fans Romo will probably never get over the hump. His record aganst good teams is just plain bad and he isn't getting any younger. If he ever makes the playoffs he won't face any teams with a losing record. Sadly enough the Seattle game will be the defining moment in Romo's career once he decides to hang up the cleats.


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He's been to the playoff three straight years and laid a goose egg all three times...


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He's been to three straight playoffs and laid an egg...

Rodgers? Absolutely correct. He has been to 3 straight playoffs and not won the Superbowl. Brady has been to 7 straight playoffs and layed an egg (not won a superbowl) also.

This just in -- getting into the playoffs is hard. Winning the Superbowl is REALLY hard.


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as usual UFC NATURAL AND CLOVE get body slammed then avoid it like the plague.

why dont you guys address the posts that actually show some merit. like how your "elite" qb's have NEVER won a super bowl with a defense like tony's.

The problem is he can't carry the team like an elite QB, never has, never will.

2011-New England record 13-3. Went to Super Bowl
New Orleans 88.1...just one spot ahead of Cowboys.....13-3 record, Dallas 8-8 with a 88.4 rating.

Maybe those guys didn't win Super Bowls, but they gave the team a chance. Romo isn't close to elite, a good qb in a bad situation maybe--but he isn't elite. Rodgers record this season was 6-2 with a team passer rating just one spot better than Dallas..

People keep comparing him to Brady, Brees, Manning, and Rodgers....but there is not one person outside of Romo-colored glass wearing Cowboy fans that would take him over any of those guys.


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Doesn't Rodgers have the highest postseason QB rating in NFL history? I know he did at one point -- although it looks like it dropped to a pretty sucky 103.1 after last night's game.

I totally agree with you -- Rodgers should be totally called out for his 19 TD to 5 Interception QB ratio, his 5 win / 4 loss playoff record.

It's pretty obvious to anybody watching the Packers than nothing less than Rodgers playin at a 113 QB rating (as opposed to his 103 average) is required for Packers to find any more success in the playoffs and he should absolutely be considered garbage for not achieving that rating.


4 or those 5 playoff wins he had the #1 defense in the NFL. Strange coincidence that....


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This is such complete and utter nonsense based on tiny little sample sizes. "A winner just gets it done." What are you in high school?

If that was the case why don't the same QBs win every year? Why did Aaron Rodgers go 4-0 one postseason and 1-4 in the rest of his career? Did he forget "how to get it done" this year? Is he not a "winner" anymore, or does just doing it once win you the "Winner Who Just Gets It Done" title for life? What about Payton Manning who choked for years in the playoffs until he finally had a somewhat decent defense. Is he a winner or not? Or was there a special diet he went on to make himself a "winner."

You guys and the media get so caught up in the QB has to win the whole game by himself thing. Does Romo struggle more than other QBs in high pressure situations? Yes, he does. The evidence is undeniable. But he also gets put into more of those situations probably more than any QB in the league. No other QB outside maybe Rodgers has to put so much of the team's success on his back, or is constantly being asked to save the team arse in the last minute.

Romo is what he is. A second tier franchise QB who if he had any semblance of a real organization around him could easily have won something by now. But he doesn't and he won't probably for the rest of the career, so you get to whine what a "loser" he is. I'm sure the guy who went from an undrafted free agent to a Pro Bowl QB will really be crying about what a "loser" he is when he retires to his gazillion $$$ mansion to live with his insanely hot wife.
Let me add to this....the "1st tier franchise QBs"....I question if any of them would win in Dallas with the organization constructed as it has been for the Romo years. Manning...for all his greatness...has ONE Super Bowl. Brees....for all his greatness...has ONE Super Bowl. Brady has three...but Bellicheck could go blind and run this organization better than the Jones family. People still won't answer the question...what current top tier franchsie QB...could win a Super Bowl in Dallas with the way this organization is constructed? And by construcion I mean the culture, the drafting, the coaches, the horrific defense...WRs that cannot stay healthy...a passing offense that is designed for the 90s. This offense is actually not constructed for Romos is amazing that he has been as productive as he has. As a matter of fact...he is MOST productive on broken plays and in hurry up....when the offense design is not being used!


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4 or those 5 playoff wins he had the #1 defense in the NFL. Strange coincidence that....

#5th ranked in yards, #2nd in points, but yes #1 in pass defense.

I'm not disagreeing with you one bit that teams need to have decent defense to advance far in the playoffs.


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Romo owns the record for fan excuses. It's like a cult, I'm glad I'm not a believer. I'll wait for a winning QB to come through while you guys lust over Tony.

One if the beliefs that keeps Romo's cult together is thinking that no other QB could win the games that Romo has won and that the Dallas will never find another good QB. Romo is at the point in his career that he is not getting any better and he will decline more and more. There will be another QB in Dallas and it won't be that far off. Romo is already showing signs of decline with his arm strength. The back injury may speed up his retirement as well. One thing is for certain, he is not going to be here forever. The Romo lovers may not believe it, but the next QB could be better, much better. Jerry may pull a repeat of the post-Aikman years, which should give every Cowboy fan a reason to want a replacement drafted. The next QB may have good stats and have a good record against winning teams. The next one may not have the turnovers in the big games. Romo has been around long enough to know his strengths and weaknesses. At his age , they are not going to change. It was a good run considering that Romo was an undrafted free agent. I will be glad when a new QB is on the roster and we have something to look forward to. With this core group of players nearing the end of their careers, I want to see a quality , young QB drafted and get the young players to support him do that the future has some hope. Hanging on to any of these guys that are over 30 for another year or two is only delaying a much needed rebuild.


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The problem is he can't carry the team like an elite QB, never has, never will.

2011-New England record 13-3. Went to Super Bowl
New Orleans 88.1...just one spot ahead of Cowboys.....13-3 record, Dallas 8-8 with a 88.4 rating.

Maybe those guys didn't win Super Bowls, but they gave the team a chance. Romo isn't close to elite, a good qb in a bad situation maybe--but he isn't elite. Rodgers record this season was 6-2 with a team passer rating just one spot better than Dallas..

People keep comparing him to Brady, Brees, Manning, and Rodgers....but there is not one person outside of Romo-colored glass wearing Cowboy fans that would take him over any of those guys.

Wow, you found 3 teams who didn't win anything to support your paper thin argument... in the face of a mountain of evidence that supports the opposite. You're a regular Einstein. It makes me laugh that your heroes Rodgers, Brees and Brady fail just as miserably as the Romos and Dalton's of the world when they aren't on stacked teams.


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The Romo lovers may not believe it, but the next QB could be better, much better. Jerry may pull a repeat of the post-Aikman years,

Uh, were you here in the post Aikman years? If they didn't win the lottery with Payton finding a UDFA Romo we would still be trotting ex-baseball players out there.

Newflash - Jerry doesn't believe in mortgaging very high level picks in QBs. He thinks the bust rate is too high and the amount of years and $$ you spend figuring out that your high profile draft pick is in fact a bust is not worth it. He would rather gamble on the Quincy's and Henson's of the world because it doesn't cost as much if you are wrong.

Whatever I think of Tony Romo, I have ZERO reason to believe Jerry is going to win that lottery again any time soon.


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Want to know what the Cowboys would look like in the playoffs with a great defense? The Bengals. Romo would do the same choking Dalton did.

Spot-on voodoo analysis from a know-nothing fan!