4 teams including champs had "high interest" in Hitchens

Risen Star

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Wow Jerry is the dad to all FO guys in the NFL........impressive if I do say so my self

If you were his son, you'd be in the front office of the team that wasted their 4th round pick on Anthony Hitchens. So that is meaningless to me.

It was a horrible selection.

I'm just consistent. I don't tailor my opinions to what my beloved team does. There wasn't a single member here who coveted Anthony Hitchens pre-draft. Yet now he's some hidden gem we stole from other teams. It's complete nonsense the likes of which we saw when we wasted another 4th on Matt Johnson.


The Boognish
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The mission to make Anthony Hitchens appear to be a coveted prospect about to be selected as the Cowboys drafted him has begun.

I don't care. He was a massive reach in the 4th round and a horrible selection.

And for all the supporters, show me where you said anything positive about the player pre-draft. Otherwise you're just cheerleading for the team.

Way to miss the point. And make arguments that are completely irrelevant to those teams evaluations.

Here is a question that cuts right to the hear of the matter: how many player evaluations from teams have you seen ever much less leading up to the draft?

i have yet to see a single one.

Either you believe that those 4 NFL clubs indeed valued them as a 4th rounder or they did not. I do not think those sources are lying to me.

That is the thing, your hubris makes you think that you are best qualified to evaluate draft picks. I am not that arrogant and am willing to admit that the professionals are much more qualified than I am. My arrogance only goes so far.

To me it comes down to this: do I buy the evaluations of Risen Star, Mel Kiper and nfldraftdigest or do I take the Niners, Seahawks, Rams, and Cardinals?

Easy choice really especially with how those other top 4-3 teams chime in.


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What did you see that makes him a backup, just curious?
Maybe this, which is the title of a Carlos Mendez article.

Jones says Iowa LB Hitchens is insurance for Sean Lee injury, didn't mind using fourth-round pick for backup


Active Member
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I like the idea of the player selected, but there were much better prospects available when Hitch was taken. I don't have to be an expert to make that statement or even the owner's son.


If I'm so pretty, why am I available?
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Anyone have an opinion that have watched him more than just the highlights?


The Boognish
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Anyone have an opinion that have watched him more than just the highlights?

I can only find two games on him. xwalker has seen 4 and likes him.

I think he needs to get with the trainers but I like him as a prospect. bad body that runs well, hits like a truck. Inconsistent in taking on blocks and his zone skills are very unrefined. Too passive. Reads and reacts quickly though its just when he gets to his zone he is passive.

The one that is awful is the kid from Texas Tech.


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Yeah. That reason is your dad isn't Jerry Jones.

Or the reason might be that you had no idea who the player even was until his name popped up on your TV screen when we drafted him, and now you're basing your judgement of the player off of the results of your frantic google searches leading you to websites like "wedodatnfldraftscoutinlegitproskillzword.com"


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This tweet is from a scout that corresponds with the crew over at BTB. This is from a conversation immediately following the pick and the guy straight up says that the seachickens were ready to pick him. Spagnola has been on the radio saying other teams were interested but this guy comes out and names them He also says that he clocked him at 4.61 when he worked him out recently for what that is worth.

We all know the argument against him. Narwocki, NFP and draftdigest all rank him around the same spot of not in the top 150 and within two spots of 33 in the position. Therefor it must be a reach.

To me either one of two things is possible. Either Spagnola and BTB are lying to us or the defending champs, the 9ers and two other clubs ranked him similarly to what we did.

So how do you reconcile this information, Zoners?

IMO it is possible he was a wanted man.....a big reach tho.....then again I think it was a bit of gamesmanship...other teams putting on their poker faces to maneuver the draft....influence it at every stage in order to get their picks. In the end, I think this is a Matt Eberflus pick....he seemed to really want this kid....I will defer to the coaches on this pick,,,, hope he coach's this kid up so he is a player.....not just a part time special team players who is not active on sunday.


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I think we got another Bradie James.. Drafted in the 4th, solid and not special. Will be a starter for years.

Denim Chicken

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The FO obviously saw something in this guy that they thought warranted burning a 4th to make sure they got him. Regardless of anyone's else's perceived value, if he ends up being a significant contributor the pick will be a success. If not, it will be a failure. I will hold out judgment until I see what he does.


AegonTheConqueror-Now bend the knee
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Or the reason might be that you had no idea who the player even was until his name popped up on your TV screen when we drafted him, and now you're basing your judgement of the player off of the results of your frantic google searches leading you to websites like "wedodatnfldraftscoutinlegitproskillzword.com"

Yep Risen didn't tout him as a prospect so he must suck lol