News: Joseph Randle ticketed for marijuana possession *Updated Post 101*

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rock music matters
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I'm glad for you, I really am. I would bet any thing though that you are around "potheads" all the time and just aren't aware.
Not every pot head has the typical look that you see on TV or in the movies.

And not every person who smokes is a pothead. Thats like sayng if our friend here drinks, hes an alcoholic. But something tells me he'll miss this analogy completly.


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I'm glad for you, I really am. I would bet any thing though that you are around "potheads" all the time and just aren't aware.
Not every pot head has the typical look that you see on TV or in the movies.

I'm sure you are correct, I can smell them.

But I also know my friends and family which are the only people I claim and I know you aren't talking about any of them.


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Pot from a Fathers opinion:

I used a lot when I was younger and could have gone to much worse since imo smoking pot is a very capable gateway activity to worse drugs/alcohol. Not only because of an addictive personality but pot can socially connect highly addictive/dependent “friends” into a circle which can easily lead to pushing something stronger for bigger kicks than a “harmless” joint.

I currently live in Colorado and see/hear the positives/negatives on it all the time and I’m against legalizing it myself. First don’t be fooled by the lie that legalizing it keeps the drug cartels out. Legalizing it actually enhances the cartels to focus on selling meth, coke, and heroin and opens up a larger secondary market for cheaper “illegally grown” pot. Lastly the legally grown is much stronger with significantly higher levels of THC than the old days.

Spare me the “it’s not as bad as alcohol” argument because I will agree with you. Yes there is a minor age limit to pot however last I read, a child is much more apt (accidently or not) to eat a fully laced brownie or gumdrop, than to chug a quart of tequila. It’s proven that pot has much more of an adverse effect on the “growing” brain, than the mature brain so if you’re a parent and partaking and letting your children partake, then you might as well list yourself as a child abusive parent.

My opinion on pot is formed from my experience with it and without it. My present lifestyle objective is safely/successfully raising 2 teenagers in a highly pressured school/world and I’m no advocate of anything like pot or alcohol which thrives and threatens our children. I have talked to many school counselors who can pin down a pot user a mile away. Uninhibited, uninterested, unresponsive with school and life in general. Easily withdrawn and mostly have no future ambition past the next hour or day. I know everyone has a genius friend who smokes and that's great but also extraordinary.

Now if you’re an adult and you have the maturity to know when, where and how to deal with it, help yourself but don’t tell me it’s harmless to everyone. IMO it also boils down to how responsible you are and what lifestyle you want to lead. Whatever your lifestyle is, you should be accountable for your actions with pot or alcohol or pay the price.


rock music matters
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Dencowboy, appreciate the thoughts on this. However, i dont believe anyone ever said it was harmless to everyone. Extremes simply dont work n suddenly special circumstances become mainstream.

I disagree weed leads to doing harder drugs. The willingness to do drugs leads to doing harder drugs. If not weed something else but there really isnt a ladder of progression on how people get into it.drug abuse. I drank myself near death n smoked some. Never in my life have I done anything more.

There isnt a wholistic answer to this, just hopefully honest n respectful discussion. Thats how we better understand viewpoints and grow our own.


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So what, do you think that makes you better than the pothead that smoked today? You're still pro-weed.

I'm not for or against. Depends on the person. I'm not just closed minded like you are. My son smokes, I hate it because he can barley take care of himself and he's 30. My best friend smokes and he's very successful in life being self employed. Some can handle it, some can't. Those that can't shouldn't.
Do you drink if I may ask?
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