Latest Dez Video rumors from twitterverse...Terez Owens interview recap Post #230

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Yes the site is a real site. But the information that they intend to put out to slander someone is what can be construed as not following the TOS or terms of services. Thus if there is cause for Godaddy to shut it down they can.

But they won't.
I doubt it.

Roc Nation can't control who is going to coach and train Dez. Don King had his lackeys training and working the corner for Tyson. It would the be equivalent of Dez re-signing and Roc Nation getting one of their buddies to take over for Garrett and another one to take over for Derek Dooley and another one to take over for Woicik.

I think the Roc Nation is much ado about nothing other than being the new kid on the block in the world of agents. Other agents are scared and teams are scared of them driving up contracts, so they start to smear the company. I hate the fact that Robinson Cano left my Yankees, but I can't blame Cano for leaving and I can't blame the Yankees for not paying him that contract. And in the end, Roc Nation came out the winners...doing exactly what they said they would do for Cano.

They did the same thing with Rosenhaus because Rosenhaus only takes 1.5% commission instead of the typical 3.0%. Drew's selling point is that not only will he take half of the commission, but he will work harder to get the player a better contract because that means Rosenhaus gets paid more to make up for taking half the commission other agents made. Yet, Rosenhaus has a ton of clients, including greats like Zach Thomas, that were never hurt one iota by signing with Rosenhaus. But, other agents, teams and whatnot would have you believe that Rosenhaus was the devil incarnate.


King ruined Tyson with his brainwashing for a lack of a better word, not with his training or lack thereof.
Off subject: I was looking at your sig and noticing the pure, unadulterated beauty of that woman.

She is an Earthly treasure. Form her front to (maybe) her back. A shoo-in for someone's undying affection and the burning desires of many.
A classic. An exotic Audrey Hepburn. A woman any man can show off in any situation.
A trophy that has the look of someone who has a caring and intelligent soul. A woman who will be immortalized in many memories.
I will be a sadder man over her marriage to another man than Romo's retirement and that is absolutely not a knock on Tony Romo.


Yes the site is a real site. But the information that they intend to put out to slander someone is what can be construed as not following the TOS or terms of services. Thus if there is cause for Godaddy to shut it down they can.

It's a gossip site along the lines of the national enquirer.. No way Go Daddy would do that, especially seeing as there are so many other similar sites out there doing the same thing. That's bad business for them.
Granted the Cowboys have said they deny having any KNOWLEDGE, they arent saying there isnt one. They're basically saying they dont know about one. But i dont think there is one. But if there is, wow Big blow to the team.

but here is Mike Fishers tweet lol

Terez Owens retweeted
mike fisher @fishsports · 2h2 hours ago
With @TerezOwens and @PerezHilton out there, I'm still building my pop-culture bull**** site called 'BruceJender'
Ben and Skin have booked the guy behind Terez Owens for 5 o clock Dallas Time.
Why wait though? If you really have something, release it.

i dont think the guy is going to release it on their show thats just the time they worked out with him to come on the show and ask him questions about his information.
Ben and Skin have booked the guy behind Terez Owens for 5 o clock Dallas Time.

If there was a fire, there would be a heck of a lot more smoke than this by now. I've been hearing this rumor for awhile -- if there really was a video out there, there is no way it wouldn't have come to light by now.
This just in. There is no video. It never happened.

Now everyone can go back to their lives and disregard this crap :)
Soooo... the latest in twitterverse is that this video will be coming out in the next day or so and that it's 5x worse than the Ray Rice video. FWIW The source for this is Terez Owens.

The team is reiterating to a national guy that it has no idea about a Dez video.

I'm blocked at work, but right now that's what's flying around twitter if anyone wants to follow up.

From my perspective, I don't know if there is a video out there...But if the incident is from years ago, then someone is trying to get paid.

5X worse is the "red flag" for me. If this is true, the vultures would have been all over it by now. What's the hold up? The way these people fight to be first? I'm not buying it.
That looks nothing more than a typical clickbait campaign to garnish clicks. Yes I clicked onto it to see what their doing. Its fake. But someone is trying to monetize the entire situation by even registering a stupid domain name ( and throw a crappy wordpress site up.

Anyways I did a whois lookup. Its being masked by to protect his privacy. I guess this guy doesn't have the balls to show his true identity.

If someone wants to take this a step further they can. I think this is nothing more than a hate campaign against Bryant. I don't believe it for one second. However, Godaddy will shutdown any site down immediately if they know about this. In fact, can be liable by the feds on the basis of slander.

Anyways, here's the info I got from his whois lookup. That phone number is a abuse line.

Screen-Shot-2015-02-24-at-9.32.46-AM.png has been around quite a while
i dont think the guy is going to release it on their show thats just the time they worked out with him to come on the show and ask him questions about his information.

Terez Hilton doesnt say he has seen the video. He says "they are saying it will be released today or tomorrow"
If it is something 5X worse I don't think any abuser or someone associated with the abuser is going to stay silent. That just sounds really farfetched to keep something that bad under wraps.

There are a lot of people who video a lot of bizarre stuff that doesn't make its way to the public.
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