The Walking Dead (S5) - 2nd half of season thread ***Spoilers***


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i think rick's point is....there is no "jail" in the now "real world" cant just dismiss people. Either what they did they deserve severe punishment for or they shouldnt be punished at all.

plus, how do you separate a drunk wife beater from his wife? you dont. I was telling the wife "rick is just waiting for him to take first swing".

rick's very valid point with deanna is killing them yourself or "expelling them" outside the walls both results in them dying. Deanna just doesnt want to own up to the decision herself. like my mother in law says "If someone was attacking me, and I had a gun nearby, I could never bring myself to shoot them....but if you happen to have yours, Id appreciate if you did shoot them"....the result is the same, but deanna is just trying to keep her conscience clear.


Still waiting...
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I think Sasha is going to get people killed.

Those people aren't FORCED to follow Sasha out into the bush. Sure, she is trigger-happy and blasting away like it's deer season. So what?

Sasha's just not buying into the whole idyllic 'Arlington as a gated-community' thing (during that community dinner/cocktail party, her Tom&Jerry cartoon double-take on that would-be sous chef asking to make her gastronomic dreams come true - was a hoot!).

Hey, it's STILL a Zombie World - and Sasha is doing her proactive best to reduce their zombie numbers. No problem here.


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i think rick's point is....there is no "jail" in the now "real world" cant just dismiss people. Either what they did they deserve severe punishment for or they shouldnt be punished at all.

plus, how do you separate a drunk wife beater from his wife? you dont. I was telling the wife "rick is just waiting for him to take first swing".

rick's very valid point with deanna is killing them yourself or "expelling them" outside the walls both results in them dying. Deanna just doesnt want to own up to the decision herself. like my mother in law says "If someone was attacking me, and I had a gun nearby, I could never bring myself to shoot them....but if you happen to have yours, Id appreciate if you did shoot them"....the result is the same, but deanna is just trying to keep her conscience clear.

Also anyone that is exiled and has chops could survive and if they happen on to a group bent on their own piece of paradise minus everyone else. The exiled makes for nice intel piece.


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Those people aren't FORCED to follow Sasha out into the bush. Sure, she is trigger-happy and blasting away like it's deer season. So what?

Sasha's just not buying into the whole idyllic 'Arlington as a gated-community' thing (during that community dinner/cocktail party, her Tom&Jerry cartoon double-take on that would-be sous chef asking to make her gastronomic dreams come true - was a hoot!).

Hey, it's STILL a Zombie World - and Sasha is doing her proactive best to reduce their zombie numbers. No problem here.

I've seen enough shows to know when a loose cannon is about to get people killed.


rock music matters
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Those people aren't FORCED to follow Sasha out into the bush. Sure, she is trigger-happy and blasting away like it's deer season. So what?

Sasha's just not buying into the whole idyllic 'Arlington as a gated-community' thing (during that community dinner/cocktail party, her Tom&Jerry cartoon double-take on that would-be sous chef asking to make her gastronomic dreams come true - was a hoot!).

Hey, it's STILL a Zombie World - and Sasha is doing her proactive best to reduce their zombie numbers. No problem here.

she's being a stupid angry beeyatch and doesn't care about anything or anyone but her own pain.

one minute rick is sane and life is good, the next he's getting his arse handed to him by a drunken doctor who only beats up women, until rick comes along. nevermind there simply can't be enough alcohol in that community to support an alcoholic. nevermind that in a small town (even if only a few houses) everyone knows everyone elses business. this is something new and exposed by rick. the whole love triangle thing is just butt-nugget stupid and doesn't fit ricks "new" image at all. it's forced, badly written and poorly executed. we've now got our fearless survivalist leader looking like the joker about to take a fall with arms spread widely after barely being up an out of shape alcoholic.

i'm glad michonne clocked him. i wish she'd go after the writers and producers next. :)

i have a feeling this "finale" is just going to be death death eat eat eat death and eat.

i've not really given a damn about "what happens next" in awhile now but people still seem to be enjoying it.


This is a house of learned doctors
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she's being a stupid angry beeyatch and doesn't care about anything or anyone but her own pain.

one minute rick is sane and life is good, the next he's getting his arse handed to him by a drunken doctor who only beats up women, until rick comes along. nevermind there simply can't be enough alcohol in that community to support an alcoholic. nevermind that in a small town (even if only a few houses) everyone knows everyone elses business. this is something new and exposed by rick. the whole love triangle thing is just butt-nugget stupid and doesn't fit ricks "new" image at all. it's forced, badly written and poorly executed. we've now got our fearless survivalist leader looking like the joker about to take a fall with arms spread widely after barely being up an out of shape alcoholic.

i'm glad michonne clocked him. i wish she'd go after the writers and producers next. :)

i have a feeling this "finale" is just going to be death death eat eat eat death and eat.

i've not really given a damn about "what happens next" in awhile now but people still seem to be enjoying it.

I would think the unlimited alcohol would be one of the most plausible things about the situation. Deanna said that DC was mostly evacuated, so considering how many liquor stores there are vs how few people it would be a boozing paradise.


rock music matters
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I would think the unlimited alcohol would be one of the most plausible things about the situation. Deanna said that DC was mostly evacuated, so considering how many liquor stores there are vs how few people it would be a boozing paradise.

except he now has to go outside the walls to get the liquor. or someone does, since i don't see him doing it that often. i also don't see others enabling him in this but they would have to be.

it would go like this:
party of 5, head into town on a supply run.we need food, ammo, a tv guide, and oh yea, a 2 weeks supply of liquor for our alcoholic. who's got alcohol duties this week?

a 2 week supply for an alcoholic could likely be in the neighborhood of 4+ 1.75 bottles of we'll call 80*. since he's not likely the only alcoholic living in the post apocalyptic world, we can assume even casual drinkers would be on a run through town, grabbing a few bottles as they go. if we're now 1+ year into this since it started, that would be 104 bottles of 1.75 a year.

also, if drinking this much he'd not be in the shape he was in to take out lone wolf grimes very easily. daily drinker vs daily survivor...they didn't think this through before the fight. rick does seem to get his *** kicked a lot.

in any event, i still think alcoholism would be hard to maintain in this type of society, but whatever.


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she's being a stupid angry beeyatch and doesn't care about anything or anyone but her own pain.

one minute rick is sane and life is good, the next he's getting his arse handed to him by a drunken doctor who only beats up women, until rick comes along. nevermind there simply can't be enough alcohol in that community to support an alcoholic. nevermind that in a small town (even if only a few houses) everyone knows everyone elses business. this is something new and exposed by rick. the whole love triangle thing is just butt-nugget stupid and doesn't fit ricks "new" image at all. it's forced, badly written and poorly executed. we've now got our fearless survivalist leader looking like the joker about to take a fall with arms spread widely after barely being up an out of shape alcoholic.

i'm glad michonne clocked him. i wish she'd go after the writers and producers next. :)

i have a feeling this "finale" is just going to be death death eat eat eat death and eat.

i've not really given a damn about "what happens next" in awhile now but people still seem to be enjoying it.

Ummm I think they made it pretty clear that Rick didn't uncover anything not know.

Deanna told him she knew. I am pretty sure the rest of the people know they just don't care. They are willing to deal with it cause that's how they go about those things there.

Rick, and Carol, just happen to be the first people to come along who do care that he beats on a woman and have no intention of just standing by.

I do agree about the fight though. It made not sense for that drunk to have given Rick any kind of trouble.

I also agree about the drinking do they have that much there? Do they have an enormous stockpile? I suppose it's entirely possible that they've stockpiled quite a bit of it.

As for the joker like crazy...I thought they jumped to him being that way a little too quickly but it's been pretty clear that he hasn't been viewing the place as all good, and he's fine. If you thought that I don't know what you've been watching.

It's been pretty obvious since before they even arrived there that Rick simply was not sold on the idea of the place and has still never become sold on it.

He has been trying because of his kids but it's obvious he's not buying into it totally and the preview for next week made it perfectly clear as well. Rick told Glenn that he never wanted it to work there.

It's clear Rick doesn't trust the place, or the people running it, enough to give it a real shot.


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he's doing what any protector would do...dont let your guard down, and think well into the future. same I would be doing in the same case.

Let your guard down and thats when you'll be killed. Which is why I loved how rick made his entire case based around survival. Survival isnt and cant be living...they are different concepts. They are all trying to live, rick is trying to survive.


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If they did have a stockpile, maybe they should have thought about locking up the booze instead of the guns.

Agreed but it's obvious they don't care. They see him beating his wife as an acceptable thing to ignore in order to have the life they're trying to maintain there.

They lock up the guns so no one can come along and take over control of the place and it allows them to control the environment more to their liking.


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he's doing what any protector would do...dont let your guard down, and think well into the future. same I would be doing in the same case.

Let your guard down and thats when you'll be killed. Which is why I loved how rick made his entire case based around survival. Survival isnt and cant be living...they are different concepts. They are all trying to live, rick is trying to survive.

Excellent point.

I believe Rick sees a lot of himself in the early days in how these people are operating as well.

He was the guy who wanted to live that way and believed you still could. Then he went through enough, and saw enough, things to realize that way of living was no longer an option.

He's trying to show these people that they simply can't live in this manner because it will get them killed.


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Excellent point.

I believe Rick sees a lot of himself in the early days in how these people are operating as well.

He was the guy who wanted to live that way and believed you still could. Then he went through enough, and saw enough, things to realize that way of living was no longer an option.

He's trying to show these people that they simply can't live in this manner because it will get them killed.

yup, deanna thinks shes going to be some pioneer and be able to get back their old lifestyle. but in survival mode, like animals live, its eat or be eaten, there is no relaxing...well, unless you want to be eaten.


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that is one concept that the police leader chick at least understood in atlanta. its why she had patrols, etc. etc. she knew not to relax at all.


rock music matters
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Ummm I think they made it pretty clear that Rick didn't uncover anything not know.

Deanna told him she knew. I am pretty sure the rest of the people know they just don't care. They are willing to deal with it cause that's how they go about those things there.

Rick, and Carol, just happen to be the first people to come along who do care that he beats on a woman and have no intention of just standing by.

I do agree about the fight though. It made not sense for that drunk to have given Rick any kind of trouble.

I also agree about the drinking do they have that much there? Do they have an enormous stockpile? I suppose it's entirely possible that they've stockpiled quite a bit of it.

As for the joker like crazy...I thought they jumped to him being that way a little too quickly but it's been pretty clear that he hasn't been viewing the place as all good, and he's fine. If you thought that I don't know what you've been watching.

It's been pretty obvious since before they even arrived there that Rick simply was not sold on the idea of the place and has still never become sold on it.

He has been trying because of his kids but it's obvious he's not buying into it totally and the preview for next week made it perfectly clear as well. Rick told Glenn that he never wanted it to work there.

It's clear Rick doesn't trust the place, or the people running it, enough to give it a real shot.

well first, already been corrected on this, but cool - i understand.

about rick getting crazy, i just mean the limp open arms, gun kinda dangling, looked more like a scarecrow in the rain than an angry survivalist. that didn't help the "he's losing it" thought.


This is a house of learned doctors
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except he now has to go outside the walls to get the liquor. or someone does, since i don't see him doing it that often. i also don't see others enabling him in this but they would have to be.

it would go like this:
party of 5, head into town on a supply run.we need food, ammo, a tv guide, and oh yea, a 2 weeks supply of liquor for our alcoholic. who's got alcohol duties this week?

a 2 week supply for an alcoholic could likely be in the neighborhood of 4+ 1.75 bottles of we'll call 80*. since he's not likely the only alcoholic living in the post apocalyptic world, we can assume even casual drinkers would be on a run through town, grabbing a few bottles as they go. if we're now 1+ year into this since it started, that would be 104 bottles of 1.75 a year.

also, if drinking this much he'd not be in the shape he was in to take out lone wolf grimes very easily. daily drinker vs daily survivor...they didn't think this through before the fight. rick does seem to get his *** kicked a lot.

in any event, i still think alcoholism would be hard to maintain in this type of society, but whatever.

If you want to talk about "not plausible", how about a supposed leader of a group allowing a very unstable girl that she just met to sit in a tower with a high powered sniper rifle where she has a view over the entire town or giving members of that same group police responsibilities over all of the citizens and not expecting that to backfire.

The one thing that is certain is that Deanna is a terrible leader that has been extremely lucky up to this point.

On the other side of the spectrum, I'm not sure why people have a problem with Pete fighting toe to toe with Rick. We know zero about what Pete's backstory. Could be he has been using his fists for years for more than just his family. And when has Rick ever been an expert at fist fighting? Unless the dude bites peoples throats out he has been pretty hit and miss. The Governor gave him a pretty good beating. Shane thumped him (Rick getting the upper hand only after Shane got off to grab a gun to kill that kid and they grappled a second time).

Just me I guess.