BTB: 2016 NFL Draft Order: Cowboys Currently Picking Fourth Overall


Aut Viam Inveniam Aut Faciam
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If Dallas is on the clock and a QB is the highest rated player on the board you take him. If a DL or LB is the highest rated player on the board you take him. If the QB and the DL have the same draft grade you take the QB. Trading back is also an option provided you have a team willing to make the move. The main thing that you have to do is hit on whatever pick that you make regardless of position.



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Cowboys currently have the 6th pick according to Dane Brugler.



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Was just looking at the schedule, marking what teams I want to win next week, that helps our draft order. not that I want us to lose. but the 3-10 teams and the other 4-9 teams to win.
with the exception of a few games though. Like KC beating Baltimore, as it keeps them ahead of the Steelers. And Vikings beating Bears, as I want them to win the division over GB.

I'm with you. My top priority now is rooting for the Steelers to miss the playoffs and the Cam "Look at Me" Newton to be one and done in the playoffs.


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We don't wanna be Number 1, IMO. It just allows Jerry to fall in love with a QB or other player that shouldn't go #1 and we end up reaching. I like spots 2-6. You can still get a great player, but don't have all the hype of the #1. Looks like we are right in line with that projection now. Hopefully, we don't screw this up!

If a desperate team have you a first to be number 1, would you take it? I'd take it and run.


rock music matters
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Sadly, I feel like they will find a way to screw it up, either by winning another "who cares" game or blowing the pick.

kinda sad to get to a point where no matter what something we love does, we expect it to be wrong.


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No. The BTB author already admitted he was wrong.

Looks like BTB picked up the numbers from Dan Kadar of their main SB Nation account, who also had the Cowboys number wrong initially. Both have since corrected their data.

Note on the No. 6 and No. 7 picks flying around:

If you use all 16 opponents to calculate strength of schedule, the Cowboys currently hold the 7th pick.
If you use only the 13 opponents played so far, the Cowboys hold the 6th pick.

Mystery solved.


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Looks like BTB picked up the numbers from Dan Kadar of their main SB Nation account, who also had the number wrong initially. Both have since corrected their data.

Note on the No. 6 and No. 7 picks flying around:

If you use all 16 opponents to calculate strength of schedule, the Cowboys currently hold the 7th pick.
If you use only the 13 opponents played so far, the Cowboys hold the 6th pick.

Mystery solved.

According to we hold the #6 pick currently so he must have used the 13 opponents so far....


if you ain't first, you're last
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There is no RB worth a Top 5 pick. Elliott is probably the best TB but he's more a mid to late round first round pick it seems in many mocks.

Best QBs are Goff from Cal and Lynch from Memphis. One or both might go Top 5 but there is a lot of chatter out there neither are really that great. A few articles have said it's not the best draft to have a Top 5 pick and want a QB. Both guys have questions.

Biggest impact players on defense in the Top 5? Joey Bosa, the SDE from Ohio State is a player. Nkemdiche is the DT from Ole Miss. Freak athlete but just got into a weird situation where he fell out a window because he was high. Jalen Ramsey is a FS from FSU. Another highly thought of kid. Some scouting reports say the kid with the highest upside might be Jaylon Smith, the LB from ND. Hargreaves, the CB from Florida is another top player.

Other top players could be OTs - Larry Tunsil from Ole Miss and maybe Ronnie Stanley from ND. But I can't see us going OL again.

Plus Myles Jack


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This is idealistic silliness, in my opinion.

I can tell you in 1988 i was rooting for Cowboy losses like no tomorrow, and when Green Bay won a meaningless game on the last day of the season to ensure that we, and not they, would have the opportunity to draft Troy Aikman i was ecstatic.

Loser mentalities, what a crock, seriously. I can hear all those Packer fans now seated around their stoves talking about how 'dang nab proud' they are of their team not laying down and even though it cost them Aikman vs. Mandarich it ensured a winning culture going forward.

Most fans with any sense will always look at the big picture.

Every year is different, there are countless examples of teams sort of, kind of, maybe not giving it all to win everything late in a season. The following seasons are seldom dependent on the previous, especially if top talent is acquired because of it. There are too many factors, new players, new coaches etc.. etc..

I've seen a lot of posters in numerous threads taking a lot of heat for their subversive losing thinking, i would suggest their chastisers lay off the romance novels.

And you are exactly the kind of person who I wouldn't want anywhere near a team sport of any kind.

You have that loser mind set in you. Good for you. I don't begrudge you the right to have that quitter and loser mentality.

I also don't have to listen to it any further either. Good day sir.


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Last I seen, Zeke Elliot was the top rated RB projected as the best overall player around 15 to 17.
Lynch at QB at #4, Goff at #7, and Cook around 15 to 17.
Next 2 QB's in 2nd round, Hackenberg and Wentz.
RB in 2nd round, high 2nd is Henry.

Best defensive players in top 5, Bosa and Ramsey.

all this will change after combine though.

CBS Sports site seems to be the best for ranking players.

Sign me up for Derrick Henry if he's there in the 2nd when we're up.


Dr. Freakasaurus
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The thing about trading or picking there wasn't for you specifically. That was a continuation of my post in regards to the rest of the topic.

And, yes, when you mourn a win you need your head examined.

I'm sick of people talking about loser mentality around here and then have that tanking for the 'future' loser mentality. There is nothing worse, when it comes to sports, then for people to actually root for losses, or any of that bull****.

Thank God the players don't share that attitude. I would want every single one of them who did cut immediately.

And while I like people, like yourself, on these forums who have that loser mentality I would never want anyone with that outlook having anything to do with a sports team that I was a fan of, or part of, cause that loser line of thinking, and approach, is absolutely disgusting.

Instead of spouting off nonsense about people being "losers", why don't you take a second to actually understand what you're talking about? People who are hoping that Dallas gets the highest possible draft selection at this point are not bad fans or 'losers" or whatever crap you want to spew. They are fans who want their team to have the best chance to improve for next season. NOBODY is asking for the players , who are paid to play the game, to play poorly intentionally or "tank". The players should be giving good effort because that is what they're paid to do. However, anyone who would rather have seen us get the number 2 pick instead of the number 1 pick in 1989 needs to get their head checked. Getting Aikman vs getting 1 more meaningless regular season win is a no-brainer. Fans who wanted to see this team have a shot at the top QB in the draft were not "losers", they wanted what was best for their team. You know, like most smart fans would want. Root for the Cowboys however you want, but to call others "losers" for thinking about the team' future is ridiculous.


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couldn't help myself



Well-Known Member
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I hope that Dallas has a top five, and ends up with two first round and three second round picks....oh, and Gunner, sabot tank!