The Walking Dead Season 6-Episodes 9-16 *SPOILERS*

Perhaps. The geography of this show has always been a little mysterious to me.

It's not like there are only a handful of roads in real life Alexandria. There are soooo many roads. The whole area is paved over and filled with strip malls and mega supermarkets. All anyone in the show sees are dirt roads and little country general stores lol.

the two are obviously not the same.
Based on Negans comment after first hit ... Paraphrasing - oh look at that.. Taking it likely man/warrior etc....I'm guessing a big guy... Eugene or Abraham.

I'd buy Eugene before Abraham.

Back in season 3, I was fooled into thinking the writers wouldn't be that obvious with clues, and when the zombies were torched in the pit– depriving The Governor of his fun, I thought it was a "red herring" when the obvious character that did– actually did do it.

So maybe it wasn't a "red herring" giving his last couple of speeches and giving Rick the instructions on how to make bullets.
I'd buy Eugene before Abraham.

Back in season 3, I was fooled into thinking the writers wouldn't be that obvious with clues, and when the zombies were torched in the pit– depriving The Governor of his fun, I thought it was a "red herring" when the obvious character that did– actually did do it.

So maybe it wasn't a "red herring" giving his last couple of speeches and giving Rick the instructions on how to make bullets.

He definitely has people guessing in multiple ways... lol

Abraham did the whole "rise up" to Negan when he stood in front of him. So, did he go back to Abraham because of it?
He definitely has people guessing in multiple ways... lol

Abraham did the whole "rise up" to Negan when he stood in front of him. So, did he go back to Abraham because of it?

Could he have whacked Abraham?

You bet.

But I think in Negan's world he kind of respects that. I think he's more likely to go for someone that shows weakness– Glenn. much hate around these parts!!!! So much for trying to liven things up via a photoshopped pic!!! Geeeesh
But that makes my point exactly, How does Negan know what Rick would do? how does he know Rick is not some reckless idiot who would gamble everything and barrel right through those few cars and "soldiers"?.......We already know from the comics that Negan is gonna vastly underestimate Rick in the near how does he know how to precisely estimate him here?.......And ok, sure its not hard to surmise that first road theyre goin to Hilltop, but how did they know they would need to go to Hilltop? were they just campin out in the woods indefinitely on the presumption that eventually they would need to go to Hilltop for one reason or another? I understand we humans can be extremely patient and stealthy, but you gotta at least be able to have some kinda timeframe......what was the order from Negan? "Hey, Yall go out and blockade every possible road in a 50 mile radius leading to Hilltop,just in case they need to leave Alexandria for whatever reason we cant possibly foresee"....."And I will wait in a random location with the majority of our soldiers knowing thats exactly the spot our idiot victims will demobilize and attempt to march with stretcher bearers the rest of the way to Hilltop"...."Oh and Ive also Captured the bait car RV and am just hangin out peacefully whilst the ambush takes place and am summoned by a lackey to introduce myself"..........

Rick wouldn't have got himself and his group this far in this messed up world if he were that careless. Of course he's not going to barrel through. Stop with the dumb argument.

They didn't know Rick's group was going to the Hilltop until the Winnebago came up on them the first time... when they had the guy laying in the road. Rick has obviously got Negan's attention and Negan has put out a standing order to his people that If you come across the Alexandrians, drop everything and alert Negan. Negan most assuredly directed his people to do the rest. There are only a few places worth going by road. That particular road is the most direct road to the Hilltop. Cut that off you can easily figure all other alternate routes to the Hilltop with a map. With manpower and communications you can cut those other routes off. Negan had all those things so it wasn't hard to do what was done. No patience was required. You are over thinking what it required to track Rick's group.
Bringing this back to whom I don't think got whacked...


Kirkman regretted offing Abraham so early in the comic... So he's going to off-him in just a blink-of-an-eye after his comic book death? Nah. Don't think so.


The guy has just been shot and is huddled up under a blanket. Whacking him means the shooting was unnecessary and it takes away from any future Daryl/Dwight meetup. Nah, I don't see Daryl getting Lucilled either.

I think after thinking about it a whole lot yesterday I'm with you on Daryl. I'm now 100% convinced that they're finally going to follow a comic book death to the letter and they're actually going to go with Glenn.

I think they're going to have a very interesting dilemma between Daryl and Dwight next season, especially if they follow another part of the comic. It will make that part much more difficult to have work.

I'm on board now that I believe they're going with Glenn. Its the biggest death they can do for the core of the group because of what Glenn represents to each person there, and he does represent something special to each person.
Stupid fake letter... but funny just the same.

Fake in the respect that Yeun was joking or in the respect that it was actually written by Yuen and published with a response from Kirkman in the comics? Because it was really written and submitted by Yeun and published in issue #102.
Last night they already had footage on youtube where someone had went in, slowed down the audio, cleaned it up, and enhanced the screaming and the people talking in the background that sounds muffled and under water when you watch it normally.

The audio that is being passed around the internet already seems to pretty clearly point to it being Glenn because you can clearly say him saying Maggie, in a very pained like he's going out kind of way. Much like in the comic book. There is a couple of times when it sounds like Maggie is absolutely screaming Glenn and even one point where it sounds like a guy (Possibly Abraham) is saying Glenn.

If this audio is good (Who knows if it is or not) for them to get something like that up and out in barely 24 hours should be the most telling sign to the people writing these TV shows that stupid *** cliffhangers will not work. If they got something like this in barely 24 hours wait until someone has 2 weeks or a month to work with the audio.

So stupid that they ever thought they'd be able to keep something like this secret.
Last night they already had footage on youtube where someone had went in, slowed down the audio, cleaned it up, and enhanced the screaming and the people talking in the background that sounds muffled and under water when you watch it normally.

The audio that is being passed around the internet already seems to pretty clearly point to it being Glenn because you can clearly say him saying Maggie, in a very pained like he's going out kind of way. Much like in the comic book. There is a couple of times when it sounds like Maggie is absolutely screaming Glenn and even one point where it sounds like a guy (Possibly Abraham) is saying Glenn.

If this audio is good (Who knows if it is or not) for them to get something like that up and out in barely 24 hours should be the most telling sign to the people writing these TV shows that stupid *** cliffhangers will not work. If they got something like this in barely 24 hours wait until someone has 2 weeks or a month to work with the audio.

So stupid that they ever thought they'd be able to keep something like this secret.


It's a tough spoiler to keep under wraps for 6 months.
Fake in the respect that Yeun was joking or in the respect that it was actually written by Yuen and published with a response from Kirkman in the comics? Because it was really written and submitted by Yeun and published in issue #102.

That letter is either a joke or written by a psychopath. I don't think Yeun is a psychopath so...
Alright...first time posting in this thread but I have read every post after having watched the latest episode. First thing I'd like to say to all the people saying how bad the season finale was, how they're done with the show & how dumb the ending worked and is doing exactly has they had hoped. EVERYONE is talking about it. See 5 pages of posts just talking about this ONE episode. ;)

Secondly, I'm going w/ Carl as the one who's bell was rung. Saw this pic on another forum so I went back and checked for myself. I'm most likely a sucker but I'm ok with it. LOL



It's a tough spoiler to keep under wraps for 6 months.

i'm kinda to the point where i just don't care. not happy they chose to end it this way. let's just totally dismiss the fact it was a ******** ending - but let's bring this into terms.

55.3 million people die each year. We have 6 months to wait for Season 7 to find out who got killed. if 5% of the planet watches the walking dead, or keeps up with it - that's still over 1 million people who will never know who got whacked who will die between now and the season premier.

that alone makes me sad.
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That letter is either a joke or written by a psychopath. I don't think Yeun is a psychopath so...

Kirkman confirmed it was a legit letter from Yuen meant as a joke but submitted through the normal letters sent in.
Kirkman confirmed it was a legit letter from Yuen meant as a joke but submitted through the normal letters sent in.

Did I not just agree it was a joke. You've hammered this factoid home enough. Thank you. Appreciated!
i'm kinda to the point where i just don't care. not happy they chose to end it this way. let's just totally dismiss the fact it was a bull**** ending - but let's bring this into terms.

55.3 million people die each year.
if 5% of the planet watches the walking dead, or keeps up with it - that's still over 2 million people who will never know who got whacked who will die between now and the season premier.

that alone makes me sad.

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