Romo has broken bone in back; out 6-10 weeks ** Mega Thread **


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It was late on a sliding QB. It was close so some contact would be forgiven but the defender followed through, wrapping up Romo, basically pile driving him into the ground. A golden boy draws a flag on the play every time.

The defender had Tony wrapped up before any part of Tony touched the ground. And if by, "followed through", you mean the defender didn't defy the laws of physics and immediately levitate to avoid landing on Tony then I guess you could say he, "followed though".

There's no need to sensationalize - or blatantly fabricate - the sequence of events. Nobody would draw a flag on that play, and nobody should draw a flag on that play. Even if a flag had been wrongly thrown, the outcome doesn't change. He's still injured. The flag does nothing to change that, but I guess it could give someone a villain to direct their hate towards.

Quit lying to yourself.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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This has been a rude wake-up call for everyone including Jerry who thought Romo had 4-5 more years. With him missing a good portion of the season for a second straight year this is looking like the beginning of the end for him.


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But if it's really 4 to 6 weeks he won't be. Because you cant play until after 6 weeks on the designated to retur IR deal. Remember when Dlaw was ready in week 4 but he could return because of that? JJ isn't touching IR
I hear 6-10 weeks


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its easy to talk after what happened but i dont know what romo was doing playing vs seattles defense in the first place? no point at all.

I appreciate your point but there's part of me that says the next injury was right around the corner as I thought the hit was somewhat benign.

The silver lining I try to make myself believe is that sooner rather than late is better as Dak can get the valuable reps with the 1st team that he will so badly need instead of being brought in cold off the bench.

Having said that I wish Tony would play every minute of every game but the cards are dealt an time to move on. BTW anybody for bringing Jared Lorenzon in as back up? He's got a SB ring


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You really don't get it. Opposing defenders have no fear at all with taking borderline shots at Romo because he doesn't draw flags. There was even a thread with some solid statistical facts about this recently in this forum. Defenders won't take the same liberties with golden boys.

Fact is the NFL has gone out of its way to protect QBs. They go the extra mile for some of them and not for others.

This wasn't borderline, and no amount of protection afforded to any QB would have changed the outcome of this play. Defenders will never be in such fear that will avoid trying to tackle a player who is upright and running from them.


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One of the talking heads on NFLN said he was told Tony would have to have an epidural to play when he comes back.

I have had a hard time believing that.

If so, he should sit for the year.

The man should be able to walk with his kids, not be pushed in a wheel chair.


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I felt it was a bonehead play and he should have just grounded the ball, who cares? However, it could be the opposite. When he felt it closing in on him, he may have felt more vulnerable where he was and instinctively took off to get in the open and get down. Or he felt the pressure to make a play out of nothing because of Footsteps.

There is only one fact I know for certain. Given the time, he would have protected himself because as competitive as he is, he didn't want to give up his job unless Footsteps took it away from him as he did Bledsoe. Do we think he would have been fighting to get back in if that had been Cassel or Weeden out there? If you get the chance, take a good long look at his body language and eyes when Dak was wowing everyone. Not saying he's not happy for him and mentoring him but show me the QB that wants to go out that way. Think he doesn't know that after Weeden and Cassell everyone was antsy to get Romo back. You can take a look around this forum or any other and that's a reflection of how many were ready for the next franchise QB. Do we think he's not aware of that?

I posted something like these "why", "what was he thinking" posts but the more I think about that and him, I really do think he was feeling pressure to perform and quieten the DakAttackers. He's never been through anything like this before. No Cowboys team has ever seen this. He wasn't a husband, father or mentor on that play, he was the QB doing what they do.

God, its hard to read a post from you with no sarcasm.


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I don't think he was kicked on purpose if that's what your saying. Avril wasn't trying to hurt him just a funny play.
Well I dont think it was intentional, and hard to tell if the foot made contact or not, which is why I said "possible"


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It's a fine line in deciding to play a veteran like Rono in the preseason. I am not criticizing Garrett for playing him, but I really doubt that Romo would have gained much from playing in the Seatlle game.

It Amy have made a difference in evaluating other players but it probably wasn't worth the risk. At least they were smart enough to pull him before he injured himself further.


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Can we get a full Romo Injury list? Anyone? I tried looking it up but having trouble compiling one with proper terminology. My guess is the list is long. Is this the longest injury list for a starting QB or QB in NFL? If not has to be close.


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This wasn't borderline, and no amount of protection afforded to any QB would have changed the outcome of this play. Defenders will never be in such fear that will avoid trying to tackle a player who is upright and running from them.

It doesn't matter. Flag OR no flag, it wouldn't have changed the outcome as it relates to Tony's injury.