Video: Undisputed: Lombardi's advice to Jerry: It's time to be aggressive


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Dude. He's perfect. We just need him for this year anyway...until next draft. If he performs well, worry about signing him beyond this year for a cap friendly deal structure. Get him now for a conditional pick and don't trade Romo as Wake's going to be a FA after this season anyway. If he walks we get a comp pick.

A bunch of folks were keen on bringing in Freeney as a situational pass rusher this pre-season. Wake would totally be the ticket. Think of him as a Jeffcoat type. He would immediately help push us over the top in terms of consistency in pressuring the QB. It's a no brainer!!!

So what do you think it will cost to get Wake, dude? :)


Kane Ala
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The remaining years (2017 thru 2019) are not guaranteed. The team that traded for Romo would give him a new deal, with a signing bonus (guaranteed money up front) and lower the cap hit. They take no cap hit for this since a traded player has no prorated bonus acceleration attached to him. The team only inherits the base salaries and can immediately discard that contract (no cap hit) when the player signs the new deal, usually a requirement of the trade.

You may be right but I don't think so. IF you trade/release Romo then all the spread out bonus money is accelerated into the next two years. When they restructured his contract in the 2015 offseason, he didn't take a paycut and he did receive all but one million of base salary as a guaranteed 16M bonus. That was 5M as a signing bonus, 1.635 M as an option bonus and 5.7M as a restructured bonus. All of that and more was spread out thru 2019 as:

2017 5M signing bonus and 5.7M as a restructured bonus
2018 5.7M restructured bonus
2019 3.2M restructured bonus

Those all get accelerated into the next two years of his imagined release. That's 19.6M in bonus or at the least 9.8M for those two years. To my knowledge there is no way to put that money into the other camp unless it is in the form of draft picks and/or players with small contracts whom can still play for another 2-3 years you can also acquire. Perhaps there are other ways beyond my imagination.

Where are you getting your data?


You Have an Axe to Grind
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That's why Skip is right....we're just trying to unload a contract here. Any players or draft picks on top of that is icing on the cake.

With all the injuries Romo has had and all the missed games along with his age it would be hard to get much if anything for him in a trade. Hard to trade him during the season because he hasn't played since his broken back and no one knows for sure what they'll get with him plus he would have to learn a new offense. My guess is we'll end up having to release him after the season unless Dak were to get injured and Romo comes in and plays well. If he gets the opportunity to play some this season and plays well someone likely would be willing to trade for him.


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So what do you think it will cost to get Wake, dude? :)
Well...given he's slated to be a FA next year and the Fins have little expectation to resign him (given his age as you point out)...I think we can get away with a 4th (likely conditional) as I expect there will be some other teams that will be vying for his services (good teams like us looking for pass rush help prior to trade deadline)...the good part is, if he walks at the end of the season (signed by another squad), we should easily see a comp pick back for him in line with what we traded away to get him...essentially we "rent" the guy for free as worst case scenario...i'd say that's worth the 6-8 sacks he would generate as well as his ability to free other guys up, etc.

And here's the real interesting part about it (if what I've written isn't already enough!?! LOL)...the cat has totally OWNED the Patriots during his career...he's been a wrecking crew in terms of sacks on Brady and QB pressures...that history might just come in handy come next February...if you get my meaning ;) ;)


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Well...given he's slated to be a FA next year and the Fins have little expectation to resign him (given his age as you point out)...I think we can get away with a 4th (likely conditional) as I expect there will be some other teams that will be vying for his services (good teams like us looking for pass rush help prior to trade deadline)...the good part is, if he walks at the end of the season (signed by another squad), we should easily see a comp pick back for him in line with what we traded away to get him...essentially we "rent" the guy for free as worst case scenario...i'd say that's worth the 6-8 sacks he would generate as well as his ability to free other guys up, etc.

And here's the real interesting part about it (if what I've written isn't already enough!?! LOL)...the cat has totally OWNED the Patriots during his career...he's been a wrecking crew in terms of sacks on Brady and QB pressures...that history might just come in handy come next February...if you get my meaning ;) ;)

how many sacks does he have this year?


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I am talking about this season. We need to grab the ring this year, who cares about the future right now. We are dominant with Dak and Romo. Screw Jerry's money paying Tony is a small price for Super Bowl insurance. All in this year, evetybody stays period.

HECK yes....this is the EASY answer. So we are paying Romo a boat load to be a backup (hopefully) IT's been done before...most recently with Russel Wilson in Seattle.(forgot name of overpaid vet in front of him....guys must've sucked because I'm drawing a legit blank) A team can justify overpaying a vet if the rookie is tearing it up. Hell, the cap hit is enormous. As others have pointed out, very well might make sense to peddle him in the off season. But NOT way it happens IMHO.


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HECK yes....this is the EASY answer. So we are paying Romo a boat load to be a backup (hopefully) IT's been done before...most recently with Russel Wilson in Seattle.(forgot name of overpaid vet in front of him....guys must've sucked because I'm drawing a legit blank) A team can justify overpaying a vet if the rookie is tearing it up. Hell, the cap hit is enormous. As others have pointed out, very well might make sense to peddle him in the off season. But NOT way it happens IMHO.
It was done by Denver LAST YEAR...Peyton was essentially moved to back-up role...brought back in after Brockweiler faltered...we can take same approach...Romo is at the very least GREAT insurance...even more so than Leary was, which has turned out great!


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From a team perspective. the idea of trading Tony Romo is as risky as the idea was of trading Leary. You never know what may happen, and may need an adequate replacement for an essential player. If you trade away the equivalent replacement, you can be up the creek without a paddle (where the team would have been if Leary had been traded). It isn't necessary to be sentimental about Romo in order to understand his continuing importance to the team, but in consideration of his spectacular past services and possible future ones, it's certainly appropriate to consider him necessarily a Cowboy until he retires. Bottom line: Don't trade a proven gold producing goose for one or two birds in the bush of undetermined mettle.


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
HECK yes....this is the EASY answer. So we are paying Romo a boat load to be a backup (hopefully) IT's been done before...most recently with Russel Wilson in Seattle.(forgot name of overpaid vet in front of him....guys must've sucked because I'm drawing a legit blank) A team can justify overpaying a vet if the rookie is tearing it up. Hell, the cap hit is enormous. As others have pointed out, very well might make sense to peddle him in the off season. But NOT way it happens IMHO.

Matt Flynn


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I don't know if I could deal with watching Tony in a different jersey.

This dude has been the Dallas Cowboys for years.

He's EARNED a ring with the Cowboys, IMO

This is the dude who helped change a strangers tire.

Took a bum to the movies.

Said all the right things with a ****-storm all around him.
Well I like tony for the reasons you mention, and would like to see him win one or at least get a ring.
If they leave dak in and they won the SB, tony would get a ring like everyone else.
Would that be so bad?
Also I say give tony a chance in 2017 to be starter from game one, and see if he can do it.


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I forgot, also I am against trading tony now or next year, unless it is something he wanted to do.
With him as a bkup we are in good position for rest of this year, and next year who knows, but still
having 2 winners for qb's is a good thing to have. no other team has the very good qb duo we have.


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David Moore from the DMN went over this several times the last couple of weeks on the Ticket. Unless Romo decides to retire (don't see that at all), the salary cap will basically require him to be here until after the 2017 season. People might as well give up on this idea of trading him like this is baseball. He'll be here for a while yet, and good thing. Have seen plenty of young QBs play well to begin and then fall off a cliff (Shaun King, RGIII, Mark Sanchez, etc).
There's playing well and there's breaking Tom Brady's record well. If you just watch the kid, you'll see his floor is a starter in the NFL. Other guys faulter when the playback opens up and they're asked to do more. Dak is already using the playbook to the fullest. Other guys come in and rely on their talent but Dak works very hard at his craft.

Yes there is a chance he falls down and doesn't get back up but I'd think the probability of that being manageable and a good risk to take.


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I was ahead of the game on this, I posted this several weeks ago and got called every name in the book on here. Now these professionals see what needs to be done.

I also said the same holds true for Dez. That contract needs to go. He doesn't add enough value to justify keeping him around. He is hurt half the time and ineffective half the time he is playing. Our offense slows down ZERO without him and I told everyone this when he went down three weeks ago.

Anyway, we will see how serious Jerry Jones is about building a winner or we will see if he is just happy and content with the past 20 years.