TV ratings continuing to fall

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Me thinks the ratings were down because a lot of folks outside of Boston don't care for or actually are sick of the Patriots and their dominance. On top of that Nobody outside of KC cares for the Chiefs. So it was a bad match up, fan-base-wise to kick off the season. Had it been a rivalry game, say one of the two NFC East games, ratings would've gone through the roof. I don't think it has anything to do with the National Anthem or Politics.


Kellen Moore baby
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I watched the entirety of last night's game and was surprised that I felt a definite sense of boredom. The game lasted close to 4 hours which may be part of the reason, but one shouldn't feel that way on opening night with a very entertaining game.

The Cowboys are the only real hope the league has of turning their tv ratings around. They are pure gold when it comes to tv audiences because of their tradition, drama, and high exposure. It's always been that way. It's one of the reasons they are the league's marquis franchise. That's why it makes no sense that the NFL has an apparent vendetta against them.

Yup, JJ, and they're gonna spoil it more by running Zeke out of it for 6 games.


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I agree with the preaching part. It is very evident in today's NFL. I watch Football because it is my outlet from the political bull that goes on in todays world. Ever since that Super Bowl in San Francisco, it's harder for me to turn on the games. I don't see it gettin better.
We want our athletes to "shut up and stick to sports" except when they endorse products and then you're somehow OK with this? Hypocrisy at it's finest.

I must have missed your and @erod's post denouncing players endorsing soft drinks and burgers. T-shirts and shoes. Just stick to sports....right?


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Yes ratings are down because players are sitting for the national anthem fighting for social change in a country that desperately needs it. Are you ******* serious right now?

On an unrelated note tv ratings are down because streaming is up. The NFL, despite your agenda driven post, is at an all time high. Look at money wagered. Look at fantasy football industry. Look at rising cost of player acquisition.

Also to the mods...I thought politics and political threads are banned here?

On a somewhat related note I write this message on a flight home from DC to San Francisco. I'm sitting next to Nancy Pelosi. We've had a very nice conversation.

She's a very nice lady. Her husband is awesome, too.


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For real bro, I didn't wear the uniform for over a decade for a bunch of obese guys to get their feelings hurt because a player wanted to exercise his constitutional right that I SIGNED UP TO DEFEND.
Well said.
I have to assume that most of the people who are acting like the protests are aimed at the military are quickly jumping to that conclusion because it's easier than dealing with the realities of the injustices the protest are trying to expose.
With the way our country craps on Vets systematically I wouldn't be surprised to one day see Vets sitting down in protest. Look at the number of Vets who are homeless or who have committed suicide. Our government has turned their backs on the realities of war. There are no winners in war. Just victims.

If someone cares so much about the Vets then do something about it. Don't just pop off at the mouth about a man who is trying to bring to light what negative effects our for profit Prision industrial complex has done to many of our communities. Yelling about bootstraps while pretending justice is blind. It's certainly not color blind. It sees black and green for sure.


It's been a good 'un, ain't it?
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Please prove that the lower rating are tied to the player protest.

You are aginst it obviously and you still watch belied your theory.

And I do like how people have turned social justice into an insult.

Absolutely right.

In the latest Quinnipiac poll - only 3% of respondents said the player's protest will affect their decision to watch games.


Proud Native Texan, USMC-1972-79, USN-1983-2000
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I had 5 sisters growing up...I was FORCED to pee sitting down over a strong sense of self-preservation!?! God help me if a slightly missed the target...there would be a steep price to pay!?! :)
You could have simply raised the toilet seat...just remember to put it back down. :)


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They exist and will always exist.

Making them into the boogeyman and using them as an excuse for one's failings in life is something I won't accept. Pull your bootstraps up and get on with it.

"It's all right to tell a man to lift himself by his own bootstraps, but it is a cruel jest to say to a bootless man that he ought to lift himself by his own bootstraps."

Humanity has gone through much worse than being told you can't use a certain bathroom or because some statue that's been standing for 100 years offends you. Life is hard for everyone.

So it's okay to discriminate because life is hard? Also do your research. These confederate monuments have not stood for 100 years. They were erected decades after the civil war. As a direct attack and warning against minority groups who were starting to make social strides in this country. Please know what you're talking about next time.


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Right? Look at all these losers fighting for equality!
Your equality fight is seen as disrespect and misplaced whining to a lot more people
More fans stand with the Police than with CK and Marshawn Lynch

You are the one being naive when you say it has no effect on the ratings when 100s of thousands of people say that it does...... I guess they are lying....... it was the number one reason given by fans that said they watched a lot less football next year

It is one reason of many reasons people are frustrated with the NFL


Kellen Moore baby
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That could be a thesis and goes back to my original response to the poster who brought up injustice and social justice as a justified excuse for certain behavior. The NFL has troubles that go way beyond this issue, but I was simply trying to set him straight or get him to see another view - and that was a stupid idea on an internet message board....much less a Cowboy's board.
Oh cut it out already.

You're gonna watch the Cowboys. Stahp.


White and Nerdy
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Btw, i watched the game last night, it was a good game. I feel the Pats should have kicked the FG to go up 10-0, instead of going on 4th and short. I feel that changed the momentum and gave KC more hope than they needed.


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I watch sports and entertainment to get away from all the crap in the news, etc.

And to be blunt things are so much better in so many ways then they were 30 years ago as regards racism, etc that those crying about it now have absolutely no concept.

"Things used to be shut up."

Imagine if Rosa Parks or MLK had thought that...


Kellen Moore baby
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Just out of curiosity how many on here that despise our national athem actually served our country? Id imagine its close to zero but suprise me if not.
Ironically, most that are defending Kaep/right to protest without getting panties in a knot.


Proud Native Texan, USMC-1972-79, USN-1983-2000
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My grandfather was an old school vietnam vet who was one of the first African-American Soldiers to ever make it through OCS.

To the bolded - you can say that again. Kickoff - commercials - punt - commercials - INT - commercials - fumble - commercials - touchdown - commercials - end of quarter - commercials.

Football games are longer than baseball games!!
You forgot the "official's bad call, now let's review the play" - commercials...:)
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