TV ratings continuing to fall

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The idea of athletes using their platform for social awareness being a new thing is one not based in reality and is revisionist history. This has been prevalent in sports for decades. It is definitely more exposed now (a good thing) due to technology and social media platforms. The fix here is, stay off social media, don't watch the news, and just watch the games during the time they are happening. And if you have problems hearing announcers mention it a couple times during the three hours, mute that thing, and move on.;)
They could do that or they could rant about stupid social justice advocates ruining their football!!!!!


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Your facts are incorrect or stated in a way that isn't clear.
The reality is black men are 21 times more likely to be shot by police than white men.
My facts are 100% facts..... there is no basis for the 21x more likely stat

1500 people shot by cops: 750 white..........380 black........370 other


Kellen Moore baby
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This is what happens when you turn the NFL into an activist group...

We come to watch football not hear your view on current events etc. Moment of silence, stickers for a cause etc... But kneeling for the anthem of this great nation?? It has and will continue to rub people the wrong way and they will stop watching.
Are you gonna stop watching? Is that your big boy way of supporting your cause?


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So football players shouldn't be allowed a voice on an issue they are passionate about? That impacts them, their families and/or loved ones? Be seen but not heard?

Yeah....I have a problem with that.

Athletes due tot heir God given ability oftentimes have large platforms to be heard. Not using that platform to try and better the world would be sad. I live by the code "to whom much is given....much is expected." Not the code you apparently live by "to whom much is given...much is expected...except football players."

On their own time, fine. Not on their company's time. Show respect for your employer.

The anthem should be a time to bring everyone together. Now everybody uses it for their own reality TV show.


Kellen Moore baby
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I've already sold half my tickets for this season. To opponent's fans, I'm sure.

I'll tell you this. I care less right now than I ever have.
But you're gonna watch, E.

And honestly, when was the last time you went to every game in-stadium?


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It really is amazing for a nation that prides itself on freedom that so many get upset when other people don't do what they want them to do.

There are so many factors that influence viewership and rating. Most have already been mentioned, the methods that fans watch the games etc. There are a lot of factors that were self induced by the NFL, the length of games, rule changes, officiating, the increasing injection of social and political issues. Some of the displeasure is how the sport is now being covered and presented by the media. The TMZ style reporting and attempts to dig into every facet of a player's life is a turnoff. They want to shout from the mountain top about what player x did wrong and bury the story about the good things that player x did in the community. Good deeds aren't as sexy a headline, I guess.

Sometimes it's a lot of little things that start adding up. It used to be fairly easy to determine what was a catch, now it needs a team of lawyers. Every fan has gotten mad at the NFL because a player on their favorite team got a penalty for doing a celebration dance, because apparently dancing is a big problem. Every team's fans feel like the league is against them in some form or fashion it seems, the game seems to have become more rigid and less fun. Sometimes it's as random as who is announcing the games, I guarantee that every fan base hate Troy and Joe Buck, but Madden and Summerall were well liked for the most part, they made watching the game more enjoyable. MNF used to have Cosell, Gifford and Meredith, Cosell could be kinda grating, but Gifford and Meredith made it fun to watch too. I'm hoping Tony can bring back some of that fun factor back to the announcers booth.


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But you're gonna watch, E.

And honestly, when was the last time you went to every game in stadium?

I've missed two games in the past 10 years. Once because I was injured, and another time because my kid had a game in North Carolina.

I won't be there Sunday.


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The NFL players are hurting their pocketbooks.

CBA negotiations, when it comes to money, are very closely tied to ratings and revenue. Ratings bring premium rates for advertising, thus revenue for TV contracts and all that implies.

Last night's kickoff opener was down 12% from the ratings of a year ago. Ratings were already down last year.

I suggest the players get off their butt and stand for the anthem, and stop trying to be social justice warriors. That is, if they don't want to see their checks shrink next CBA.

People are developing a cold shoulder toward athletes. If they want that golden egg, they'd better stop punching the goose.

On a personal note, I can feel my interest waning. I NEVER thought I'd say that about the NFL. Stop preaching to me, and play football.

Such balogny.

If young intelligent professional men wish to express their opinions and thoughts they should be able to.

Here is a thought also if you don't want to watch the nfl don't. If your politics are so extreme that you can't accept another's viewpoint or opinion then it's you and your ilk that have the problem and not the players.

So stop watching and your problem is solved.


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Did you stand for the anthem? You're unAmerican if you didn't.
I stand in my living room for it out of respect. As do my wife and kids.
You really think people are kneeling during the anthem because they despise the anthem. Talk about missing the point.

Oh and since we are on the "point missing" theme....those in our military fought for our constitutional rights. Have you heard of the bill of rights? It contains the first 10 amendments to our constitution. Right there at number 1 is the right to peaceful protest.

So I think when people kneel during the anthem they are thankful for those who have served and bleed and died for this country to protect their god given unassailable rights as citizens of this country.

If I didn't like how you were saying something and decided to protest by peacefully sticking my middle finger out at you. That does not make it right.

If I have an issue with a certain demographic and statistics why would you disrespect the symbol of that country and not address the issue directly? That makes a ton of sense.

McDonalds made me fat, screw the whole world because McDonalds exists in a lot of countries...

Totally logical to me...


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You just compared "disrespecting the flag" too eating a Big Mac on tv. How is endorsements on the same level as protest?
It is not disrespectful to the flag to peacefully protest. That flag is honored everytime someone feels comfortable exercising their constitutional rights as citizens that the flag represents.

The analogy to endorsements is that people who say "just stick to sports" really mean "just don't talk about things I disagree with" because the animosity doesn't occur when these same athletes use their platforms to advocate for other things (in your example a fast food chain).

I've yet to see someone watch a nascar race and say I wish these drivers would "just stick to racing" because their cars are plastered with brands.

This is the definition of hypocrisy. Be quiet you dumb athlete unless you are saying and wearing what I agree with or what will make me money....and then its ok.


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Oh cut it out already.

You're gonna watch the Cowboys. Stahp.
What the hell did I just say? Of course I am going
Oh cut it out already.

You're gonna watch the Cowboys. Stahp.
What in the world do you think that post just said? Of course I am going to watch the Cowboys. The whole point was that all of these people being holier than though on both sides should "stahp" and "cut it out already" as it is as misguided. And that post pointed out that the irony of my desire to set someone straight was just as misguided and silly.


Kellen Moore baby
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I've missed two games in the past 10 years. Once because I was injured, and another time because my kid had a game in North Carolina.
Ok. Fair enough, brother.

But you will still watch the games, even if on TV?


Pixel Pusher
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On their own time, fine. Not on their company's time. Show respect for your employer.

The anthem should be a time to bring everyone together. Now everybody uses it for their own reality TV show.

I think you should absolutely boycott the NFL and refuse to watch any NFL games this season.

We'll let you know what happened during the offseason.


Kellen Moore baby
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Such balogny.

If young intelligent professional men wish to express their opinions and thoughts they should be able to.

Here is a thought also if you don't want to watch the nfl don't. If your politics are so extreme that you can't accept another's viewpoint or opinion then it's you and your ilk that have the problem and not the players.

So stop watching and your problem is solved.
Yet, not a single soul on this message board, griping and complaining about some damned protest, will do that.

They will all watch. And still complain.


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The NFL players are hurting their pocketbooks.

CBA negotiations, when it comes to money, are very closely tied to ratings and revenue. Ratings bring premium rates for advertising, thus revenue for TV contracts and all that implies.

Last night's kickoff opener was down 12% from the ratings of a year ago. Ratings were already down last year.

I suggest the players get off their butt and stand for the anthem, and stop trying to be social justice warriors. That is, if they don't want to see their checks shrink next CBA.

People are developing a cold shoulder toward athletes. If they want that golden egg, they'd better stop punching the goose.

On a personal note, I can feel my interest waning. I NEVER thought I'd say that about the NFL. Stop preaching to me, and play football.

Im sure you hated Muhammad Ali.


Well-Known Member
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Im sure you hated Muhammad Ali.

He didn't work for a company called the Dallas Cowboys and the National Football League.

I believe in Morgan Freeman's thoughts on this stuff.
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I don't really have an issue with the protests. I just think it's misplaced.

Far more black men are killed by other black men than by cops.

If the African American community can somehow fix this issue, the entire country will be better off. If NFL players use their large platform to fix this, it would be great. That's where the focus should be, IMO.

Far better for their community than wearing cops are pigs socks.


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I won't tell you my job but let's just say I have inside upper management knowledge of the cable industry.
You are correct on the surface. The part consumers don't understand is that the cable companies are not making a profit on programming. In some cases they are losing money. How? The network rebroadcast rates would shock you. Cable companies are just the middle men in this. They make no money on tv programming. All the profit on the tv side comes from equipment rental fees. If you are paying $100 for a cable tv package then there is a good chance your cable provide is paying $110 to the networks for it. That HBO subscription you pay $10 per month for directly to HBO is cheaper than the rebroadcast rate HBO charges cable operators. It's crazy.
The profit is in the internet and phone.

The networks know consumers don't understand this. Rates go up and everyone hates the cable company.

Appreciate the insight.

I figured as much that it's gotta be difficult for you guys, too.

It reminds me of the movie industry. People complain about concession costs but don't realize that's where the majority of theater profit comes from since they often don't get a worthwhile percentage of ticket sales until the 4th week a given film has been released.

Like a cable company, the theater is not the product; Just the distributor in a world where other options are becoming more viable.

Anyway, since you're in the cable biz I'll pitch my idea to save your industry.


That is all.
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