Why is the NFL committing suicide?

Of all the people killed by police, 25% are African American males. They comprise 6% of the US population.

What do disproportionate mean?
That 6% is committing over 50% of crime.

Let's say it's exactly 50%.

Then that 50% of criminals are 25% of the people killed by police.
Of all the people killed by police, 25% are African American males. They comprise 6% of the US population.

What do disproportionate mean?
your question was answered already. Although you may hate the data, 6% of the population, which are black males, commit 50% of the crimes. Yes, disproportionate.

Please separate emotion from facts/data.
Dude, players can protest all they want...who really cares about what they protest. The argument is about protesting on the owners dime during a sporting event. I watch football to get away from the everyday bs, if I wanted that then I have many options. I prefer not to see politics and people making their statements when I watch sports or go to concerts etc. Politics is one area where it is guaranteed that everyone will disagree, I prefer not to have to deal with that while tuning out to watch a football game. You obviously enjoy it so please enjoy further. Ty Jerry...

Most of the league's owners have come out in support of the players doing this on "their dime" - yet you continue to complain

Everybody has an opinion and no opinion is wrong, just different. My opinion is with rags. I just want to watch a game without the extra crap. AbeBeta likes the activism, to each his own. With respect to the owners, they're caught in the middle. If they do support the players, then why doesn't K-nick have a job right now? They're balancing their position on a thin wire. They don't want the distraction but, what, 75% of the NFL is black and may be standing on the sidelines but who knows what may trigger a shift in their position. And then comes Trump with a can of gasoline and a box of matches. Must see tv.
it's basically why he is hired, to screw over the NFLPA and he has done a good job of it so far. I think he pulled an Icarus when he suspended Zeke 6 games for Domestic Violence.

Pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered. Goodell is a hog. If he wouldn't over reach the NFLPA would let him get away with murder. But over reaching like he has may cause an eventual lock out.
That 6% is committing over 50% of crime.

Let's say it's exactly 50%.

Then that 50% of criminals are 25% of the people killed by police.

Got it

Your arguments rest on the assumption that black folks deserve it.

You've also argued that they don't take advantage of all the opportunities the government supposedly provides.

Totally understand your arguments. Ungrateful folks get what they deserve.

Oh, the I'm so disadvantaged because minorities get so much nonsense. They just don't take advantage of it.

If you come from an area with crap public schools you face far more barriers than not having the money for college.w
In Dallas they spend the same on the schools in the black areas and white areas. The suburbs have better schools but plenty of middle class people go to Dallas schools and go on to college.

If you can read and write and have the desire, there are programs in colleges to get people up to speed. Some people have to take some classes that don't really count (pre-Algebra, etc.) but the assistance is there, especially at JUCOs.

Kaepernick could be encouraging kids to acheive academically but he would be the center of attention doing that.
Got it

Your arguments rest on the assumption that black folks deserve it.

You've also argued that they don't take advantage of all the opportunities the government supposedly provides.

Totally understand your arguments. Ungrateful folks get what they deserve.

Again, you're strawmanning.

More encounters with police mean more chances to get killed. It has nothing to do with deserving it.
Sadly the protests do more harm than good.

The vast majority of people killed by police either had a weapon and/resisted questioning/arrest.

Now the protesters are telling kids that the police are the enemy which will lead to even more people resisting.

The idea that police are killing black people because they're racist is absurd in 2017. The police know the scrutiny on them for killing a black person will be extreme. Only a insane person would volunteer for that scrutiny.

Police killings are based on fear of being killed themselves. Police are not killing black Grandmothers at high rates. The police killings are concentrated on the demographic that is most likely to kill the police (Black Males).

Race definitely does not explain why black officers have killed blacks at 3x the rate of white officers.

Until people quit denying the real issue, nothing can really improve. There is an extreme crime problem in black communities. That needs to be addressed. The Kaepernick types could have much more impact focusing on this issue.

Why are the black crime rates so high?

Police killings might not really be a black issue, but an income issue. There are believed to be higher rates of police killings of low income whites than those with higher incomes. Unfortunately race is much easier to quantify than income in the stats of who was killed by police.

Sadly the protests do more harm than good.

The vast majority of people killed by police either had a weapon and/resisted questioning/arrest.
Do you believe in the 2nd amendment?
Is resisting questioning/arrest a capital offense now?
Are police authorized as judge, jury, and executioner in your opinion?
Originally it was just a few guys kneeling. If people ignored them, it would've faded away. Instead, people made a big deal about it. Naturally, it's escalated because of all the attention it brings. If the protests bother you, and you've been losing your mind over them, pat yourself on the back for causing them to grow.

Personally, I think it's silly - the notion that we can't have a sporting event without singing the anthem first. But if you claim it's a celebration of freedom, or respecting those who have fought to protect it, then guess what? People have a right to exercise that freedom in ways you may find distasteful. If you want them forcibly stopped, then you're not really about freedom - you're about your own freedom.

I don't feel it was a big deal. Not until 72 hours ago or so when the President of the United States felt it was necessary to jump in the middle of it. Prior to that, I couldn't have identified an active player, let alone their team, who was kneeling. Now I can identify a number of teams.
Third topic...

The murder rates of blacks spiked 17% in the 50 biggest cities after the beginning of Black Lives Matter. They attribute it to police staying out of those areas due to the increased hatred towards them. Basically Kaepernick is contributing to more deaths of black people than the police.

For someone trying to make an argument based on numbers, you sure accepted the completely unsubstantiated conclusion-jump that murder rates are linked to BLM.
The kneelers are snowflakes, I'm far right of a Snowflake sry.

Second time I've seen, "snowflakes", used in these discussions in the past 2 hours or so. Both instances the usage seems to be off. Starting to think people don't even know the proper context.
Do you believe in the 2nd amendment?
Is resisting questioning/arrest a capital offense now?
Are police authorized as judge, jury, and executioner in your opinion?

You can't be serious...

You can't brandish a weapon at police. Had a weapon stats mean a weapon in their hand, not an untouched weapon in the trunk of the car.

If you resist arrest, the probablity of getting killed by accident increases dramatically.

Are you really this obtuse or is it intentional?
Second time I've seen, "snowflakes", used in these discussions in the past 2 hours or so. Both instances the usage seems to be off. Starting to think people don't even know the proper context.
It was my impression it was a substitute for the word Libtard
For someone trying to make an argument based on numbers, you sure accepted the completely unsubstantiated conclusion-jump that murder rates are linked to BLM.
The spike was just black-black murders and the spike was an outlier in historical data. The chances of coincidence are extremely low.
Do you believe in the 2nd amendment?
Is resisting questioning/arrest a capital offense now?
Are police authorized as judge, jury, and executioner in your opinion?

Nobody has said any of this, you just like to conjure up this as a feeble attempt to give your argument a leg to stand on.

If you resist arrest, you have exponentially increased the odds of getting killed. Especially if you go after the officer's gun or go to grab your firearm.

And that goes for any race regardless of the race of the officer or the race of the person that was killed.

Why is it that out of all of the racial groups in this country, it's Asians...not whites...that have the lowest rate of deaths police? If there's systemic racism in law enforcement, then why does it not pertain to Asians?

You can't be serious...

You can't brandish a weapon at police. Had a weapon stats mean a weapon in their hand, not an untouched weapon in the trunk of the car.

If you resist arrest, the probablity of getting killed by accident increases dramatically.

Are you really this obtuse or is it intentional?
I’m totally serious. You’re changing your post now...you said “had a weapon” not “brandish a weapon.” Your attitude is part of the problem.

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