Are you still a Garrett supporter?


Beyond tired of Jerry
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A smiling turd...can it clap??

Sorry, my art work isn't so good.



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Garrett is as good an X’s and O’s guy knowledge wise as 80% of coaches. I said last week he is just more conservative than most fans would want.

Right now McVay and Belicheck look like top tier guys scheme wise but really there’s no one else than is consistently at the top you can cite as being superior.

Now did Garrett totally screw up as bad as any coach has yesterday by allowing one guy to have 6 sacks? Absolutely. But there’s virtually no coach out there that hasnt had the same issues.

Payton ran the Saints into the ground the last few years before this year’s turnaround so far.

Reid was run out of Philly.

McDaniels flopped as HC.

People were trying to run Tomlin out of Pitt

Gase has proven nothing special in Miami

Rivera has been up and down

Find me someone outside of New England and thus far the Rams where there’s definite upgrades
You do realize many of the coaches you have listed, have accomplished far more as coaches than Garrett has?

waving monkey

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If and when we get to the playoffs, be it this year or beyond, we'll generally be playing the best teams with best coaches. Coaches that will adjust on the fly, which Garrett simply isn't able to counter effectively or efficiently. His whole philosophy is 'be your best, beat your man', which would be fine if you had an all star team. But in a capped league you'll never get that, so we'll always have weaknesses he won't be able to cover with that philosophy (linebackers after Lee for one), not to mention injuries.

If Garrett coached New England with Brady all these years, I don't think he wins a single Super Bowl. He doesn't give his team any extra help, all his prep is done mid week, and that's all.

We will never win a super bowl with Garrett unless all players play to 100% of their abilities, the opposition doesn't have weapons to counter our weaknesses and no injuries, which will just never happen. He's won a playoff game on the back of Romo playing the best he's ever played, but you can't win 4 games in a row in the playoffs that way.
I've seen average coaches win big with great QB.

waving monkey

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Just a great QB alone? Like who? I can only think of Aaron Rodgers but he has some decent weapons and some stars on D, even if the D isn't the best
of course not its a team sport
I thought Flores was OK coach but won a super bowl with Jim Plunket


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Jason Garrett has turned into the ‘Tony Romo of coaches.’

I was about done with him in his 2nd 3rd year with the seemingly constant clock management problems....but then he got better.

I do appreciate his professionalism—he gives the media nothing and manages JJ as well as anyone could.

I like his pedigree— he was Troy’s back up and had history with this franchise.

I just think he should be better by now. I hate teams that turn over coaches every three years; that’s how you become the browns. But if there are options in the off season, I’d be open to new blood. JG has had his turn and hasn’t done much with it.

Tony’s career went down in flames and now his 2nd year QB just got sacked 8 times in a game and he did nothing to stop it. Endangering the franchise QB can and should get you fired.


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Jason Garrett has turned into the ‘Tony Romo of coaches.’

I was about done with him in his 2nd 3rd year with the seemingly constant clock management problems....but then he got better.

I do appreciate his professionalism—he gives the media nothing and manages JJ as well as anyone could.

I like his pedigree— he was Troy’s back up and had history with this franchise.

I just think he should be better by now. I hate teams that turn over coaches every three years; that’s how you become the browns. But if there are options in the off season, I’d be open to new blood. JG has had his turn and hasn’t done much with it.

Tony’s career went down in flames and now his 2nd year QB just got sacked 8 times in a game and he did nothing to stop it. Endangering the franchise QB can and should get you fired.

With you 100 percent. Our QB could have easily had his knees taken out by being sacked by the same guy coming from the blind side 6 different times. At some point you have to realize that you and only you as the head coach need to pull the line coach over and say "FIX IT NOW". That apparently didn't happen. I've seen QB's take a beating like that and never be the same guy. I think Dac is too tough (and young) for it to bother him now, but wait until he takes a few more of those hits, bruises or cracks a rib, high ankle sprain etc. That's all on Jason, no one else. He's the head coach of the Dallas Cowboys for goodness sakes.


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I'm not so sure about that, unless your referring to Jones next hire being someone he's comfortable with.

As far as personnel acquisition, despite my criticisms of a botched year in free agency, I think GM Jones has done a pretty good job of bringing in some talent on this team overall.

I'd be hard-pressed to find an offense that has more talented players from top to bottom. And I think it's obvious that there are some quality pieces on the defense as well.

I firmly believe that the right coaching staff could take these very same players and win a championship. Not a doubt in my mind. The only doubt I have is if Jones can find them or hire them.
The reality is that Jerry Jones is not (or the front office run by Jerry if you will) good enough to properly build a team in the modern NFL.

Who do you think hired Garrett and kept him for 8 years?
Why will he suddenly find a better coach?

We've won 2 playoff games in 21 years with the same front office running the show.
The irony is Gerrett was OC or HC for both of those wins.

I'm not saying Garrett is good enough to bring home a SB, rather that imo no coach is good enough with the JJ run front office just look at what Bill Belichick did in Cleveland if you think someone can.


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I'm curious to get a read on how many fans still have faith that Jason Garrett is the right man for the job or how many fans are ready to move on?

Just your own opinion on what you would like to see happen going forward, and not what you expect Jerry Jones to do.

I'm interested to get a read on how opinions and overall confidence stands at this point.
No longer a supporter. I believe in giving a Head Coach 4 or 5 years to see what he can do as far as Playoff appearances and team consistency. Garrett has had 7 seasons and we are still spinning our wheels trying to string consecutive winning seasons together. Garrett would have been fired already from probably 28 other NFL teams before this. Its time, but here's the rub: The thought of Jerry choosing the next HC causes me insomnia and hangovers...........:eek:


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You do realize many of the coaches you have listed, have accomplished far more as coaches than Garrett has?

That was my point. They are all credited one day with being the top of the league but then are run out the next day. None of them are perfect.

It would take people 1.5 preseason games to start complaining about whoever is brought in here.