Video: David Carr challenges Dak Prescott to a passing competition

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The thing is, we have people here (slobberers) saying we need to run a scheme that fits Dak ...something like a Zone read ...

Dak can't function in a normal traditional pocket passer scheme and he needs a gimmick type of offense to succeed...

There is a reason why this league hasn't found an effective way to stop a pure pocket passer type QB and gimmick type QBs always get figured out...

He doesn’t need a read option offense to succeed. He succeeded in his rookie season and in the first half of this past season, without running a read option offense. I would argue he needs a more modern offense that revolves around more run routes and bunch formations than our current scheme does. But that’s just my opinion.

You also make it hard to have a reasonable conversation with you, when you refer to anybody that likes Dak or believes in him, a “slobberer”.

I don’t quite understand the need to mock and call names to fans of the SAME TEAM who just happen to support the current starting QB. Whether you happen to like that player or not. He is (currently) the starting quarterback of the team after all.

Does supporting him really make one worthy of being labeled such a disrespectful name like “slobberer”. And then wonder why people get defensive? At the end of the day this is just a message board. But again it’s not conducive to getting people to see your side of the argument when you refer to people in that way.


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The thing is, we have people here (slobberers) saying we need to run a scheme that fits Dak ...something like a Zone read ...

Dak can't function in a normal traditional pocket passer scheme and he needs a gimmick type of offense to succeed...

There is a reason why this league hasn't found an effective way to stop a pure pocket passer type QB and gimmick type QBs always get figured out...

Aren't Joe Flacco and Matt Stafford pure pocket passers? They seem figured out to me lol.


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So you must be a Eagirls fan?


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I don't know what's worse. The fact that Dak got to showcase his accuracy against a 40 something has been and got shellacked, or the blind defending he gets from the Dak homers who steadfastly defend his noodle armed accuracy issues when it stares them right in the face. You can cry all day about the coaching, the owner, the scheme, the play calling, etc. But this team will be an average 8-8 team with an average QB. There is no denying that.

This team is good enough to compete right now with improved QB play. I would follow Philly's lead and give up whatever it takes to get a franchise QB. Fill in the rest of your needs in FA. 2018 is going to be a horror story. Where's my dog?
I would follow Philly’s lead and fire my lousy coach. The coach with simple Offensive game plans. The coach who’s in game adjustments are non existent or to late. The coach whose clock management is terrible( see last two GB games). The coach without a creative bone in his body( see Philly’s short kickoff in Super Bowl, Garrett should have done that vs GB in our 2017 playoff game ). The coach, along with the owner, who wasted, Romo’s career. BY THE WAY, what franchise QB are you talking about? The backup who no one wanted, WHO won them the Super Bowl, or the QB sitting on the sidelines cheering. I do agree with you that we are good enough to compete now, but only with a new HC or if Garrett some how learns from his mistakes. I don’t see it though. We are mediocre because of Garrett and Jerry, not Dak!!


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Stafford is a bad comparison. 4500 yards last year. He can ball.
Yeah, he can ball all right, but he makes to many mental mistakes. Their GM just came out and said he needs to stop trying to win the Super Bowl on every play. I’ll take Dak’s football intelligence over Stafford’s every day. Brady is not the GOAT because of his rocket arm or athletic ability, he is the GOAT because of his football intelligence, desire, and work ethic. Anyone giving up on Dak, already, doesn’t understand what it takes to be a successful NFL QB. Dak doesn’t have the strongest arm, he’s not the most accurate, he doesn’t have the quickest release, etc. etc., but he is good enough in those areas. Dak has the intangibles to be a great QB( football intelligence, desire, work ethic). The one thing holding Dak back is Garrett and his predictable basic Offensive system with few affective in game adjustments. Tom Brady, as great as he is, would not be the GOAT with Garrett as his coach!!!


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Not a bad comparison. His teams suck. Just because he racks up yards at the end games already decided doesn't mean he can ball.
Did that actually happen or is that just something you want to be true? It looks like Stafford had more yards in both the 2nd and 3rd quarters than the fourth quarter this year.
Meanwhile, Dak had by far the most of his passing yards in the fourth quarter. So who is racking up what here?


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About as accurate as he was in the pro-bowl competition after the 16 season... Actually, looks like a decline, if that is possible lol.


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Yeah, he can ball all right, but he makes to many mental mistakes. Their GM just came out and said he needs to stop trying to win the Super Bowl on every play. I’ll take Dak’s football intelligence over Stafford’s every day. Brady is not the GOAT because of his rocket arm or athletic ability, he is the GOAT because of his football intelligence, desire, and work ethic. Anyone giving up on Dak, already, doesn’t understand what it takes to be a successful NFL QB. Dak doesn’t have the strongest arm, he’s not the most accurate, he doesn’t have the quickest release, etc. etc., but he is good enough in those areas. Dak has the intangibles to be a great QB( football intelligence, desire, work ethic). The one thing holding Dak back is Garrett and his predictable basic Offensive system with few affective in game adjustments. Tom Brady, as great as he is, would not be the GOAT with Garrett as his coach!!!
I guess I don't understand what it takes to be an NFL QB. So maybe Garrett should eliminate the 10 foot high wobble pass from the playbook.
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