NFL Officiating Scandal


rock music matters
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Since that doesn’t involve the CBA as long as the majority of owners don’t have an issue with it then it’s kind of a moot point

if the owners with hundreds of millions of $$$ invested in their franchises don't care, why should i?


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Considering Kraft and the Pats have said jack about this, I find it hard to believe.

If either one of those TDs were changed to FGs, the Pats if this is legit, why have Kraft and the Pats not said a dam word about it?

Kraft was so livid with Brady's 4 game suspension, he printed up T-shirts with Goodell dressed like a clown on the front of them for opening day. So if Goodell screwed the organization and Brady out of a SB win, they are going to say or do absolutely nothing?

Doesn't pass the smell test..............and then the question begs, if the Pats don't have a problem with it and they were the team most affected by the change, why should any other team or fan base care. If the Pats are cool with, so am I.


Beyond tired of Jerry
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So when does the "scandal" begin? I don't see one here, and I don't see anyone outside of this board even talking about it. :rolleyes:


I Copy!,,, er,,,I guess,,,ah,,,maybe.
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I'll be surprised if that turns out to be true. There are a lot of things that go on behind the scenes that fans know nothing about.

I'm of the 'likewise' persuasion as pertaining to that being of puzzled surprisal to anybody ,same as you

Not at all caught ' surprised' in much of any of this convoluted morass of on the fly ,selective,rules,regulations & fanciful enforcement conjured by the hands of evil intent laid upon the helmo_O

Redball Express

All Aboard!!!
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The NFL often officiates games with specific agendas, so why would this garner national attention?

Remember the Raiders game where the ref used an index card to rule 1st down?

Everybody screamed bloody murder.

The refs play a game within the game.

Been that way for us way back to our 1st SB where the Colts scored the winng TD to Mackey with Mel Renfro's supposed tip pass.

The refs are always the 3rd team on the field.



I Copy!,,, er,,,I guess,,,ah,,,maybe.
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yup, the NFL is WWE and Roger Goodell is Vincent K Macmahon.
  • :lmao: the long shadow of Vincent K. Looms closer with every passing day & should I still be of reasoned freedoms (I.e. above ground) I'm gonna choose A team to fancy out of that enterprise and try to gain some enjoyment just from watching and following the games being played without the rolling cluster ∆√%π orgy of self aggrandizement ,foremost being the inner fuggery flying the middle finger in the foundational supporting base of fans faces,,,of course, the Shield of the N.F.L. will be brought to bear in battering down any visually viable encroachment upon there long held &vested territorial realm of revenue,,, by hook,crook & supreme court lawsuits, what's pretty cool & positive is that C.B.S. is already onboard in carrying 'x' number of games for at least the first season ,yeah,like that old tarrington cigarette advertisement campaign where it showed there customers consisting of both men& women of the product with blackeyes saying " they'd rather fight than switch" ,,,,ya,well ,,maybe it's that once formidable phlanax of 32 franchised teams in need of sporting a blackeye and profit munching rising operational costs,,,oh,yes! Might as well unleash the proverbial fleas of 10k camels relocating to their armpits with a couple of dump trucks of hideously offensive facial warts thrown in for just evening of the full measure,,,TOO!


Beyond tired of Jerry
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Watch how many bad first half calls in games have the effect of keeping the score close, which means more viewers and more ad revenue to the NFL.

Then watch DLaw getting held on every other play last year, beginning right after Jerry challenged Goodell's new contract and the Zeke suspension.

Then tell me you are shocked, shocked that they don't make the rules up as they go along.

Why would anyone follow a sport if they actually believe all of that?


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Why would anyone follow a sport if they actually believe all of that?

Are you implying that he really doesn’t believe that or that he shouldn’t follow something that he doesn’t blindly support without question?

We know you are a staunch defender of the refs and those in power.

Despite that, do you, at least, think the no holding streak was an odd occurrence? Unique even?

Do you feel any questioning of the integrity or the impartiality of refs hurts your ability to enjoy the game?

I’m trying to understand your point of view on this recurring theme of your defense.


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You ignored this before.

Here you go.
"... speculation that officials were “legislating on the fly” and using the new catch rule doesn’t seem to hold much water, because both rules would’ve had the same result."​


Well-Known Member
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not really a scandal, kinda throws shade on the steelers who got hosed but they were trying to correct errors they obviously made for years on the catch was not fair but a scandal not so sure.. it just helped teams on few plays that would have otherwise might have cost them a play or two using old rules..but yes i saw this interview..but hey RG is doing a stupendous job we should give him even more raises and extend his contract LOL


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Further, there's this on the Clement catch from that "article."

'Referee Gene Steratore, who was mic’d up for the game, said this when explaining the decision to another official, said this:
“It sticks here and then it goes there, but he never loses control. Is there a little ball movement? Yes. But that does not deem
loss of control. You know? It goes from here, sticks on the forearm, right back to the hand, touchdown.” '​

If that quote is true, Steratore is quoting the current catch rule that states:

"Note: If a player has control of the ball, a slight movement of the ball will not be considered a loss of possession. He must
lose control of the ball in order to rule that there has been a loss of possession."
Bottom of Page 39 in the PDF file (p. 31 in the rule book)​

But never let the facts get in the way of a CONSPIRACY!


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Why would anyone follow a sport if they actually believe all of that?

Because people love to torture themselves. It's like those who complain that the media is to be ignored because they're biased against the Cowboys but continue to go back over and over again to confirm their bias, pulling more articles as "proof" to complain all over again. The media knows this so they'll provide all sides of a topic to draw in both sides of an argument to get the clicks they wanted in the first place. They know people can't help themselves so they'll win either way. It's like all the Kardashian articles that are there solely for people to click on them to comment that they "don't care" for the 96th time, lol.


Well-Known Member
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Further, there's this on the Clement catch from that "article."

'Referee Gene Steratore, who was mic’d up for the game, said this when explaining the decision to another official, said this:
“It sticks here and then it goes there, but he never loses control. Is there a little ball movement? Yes. But that does not deem
loss of control. You know? It goes from here, sticks on the forearm, right back to the hand, touchdown.” '​

If that quote is true, Steratore is quoting the current catch rule that states:

"Note: If a player has control of the ball, a slight movement of the ball will not be considered a loss of possession. He must
lose control of the ball in order to rule that there has been a loss of possession."
Bottom of Page 39 in the PDF file (p. 31 in the rule book)​

But never let the facts get in the way of a CONSPIRACY!

You spend 98% of your time scoffing and trying to disprove conspiracy theories, but it's not getting you anywhere. NO ONE has changed their minds. Most folks KNOW we don't live in a black and white world. Most folks KNOW the wealthiest 2% have an agenda. Most folks KNOW there are too many coincidences. Is this particular subject "fishy"? One could easily assume "yes", but who knows? But you keep on keepin' on, Don Quixote!


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You spend 98% of your time scoffing and trying to disprove conspiracy theories, but it's not getting you anywhere. NO ONE has changed their minds.

Because emotion tells people they have to believe something so that's what they do without thinking. I simply like seeing what happens when rationality is thrown into the equation. I don't necessarily have to get anywhere. I'm not the one suffering from the persecution complex ulcers.

Most folks KNOW we don't live in a black and white world. Most folks KNOW the wealthiest 2% have an agenda. Most folks KNOW there are too many coincidences.

And most folks can't prove a damn thing that they KNOW. Again, this is why I ask questions or present evidence to the contrary to see what effect that has. But somehow you, who tout that you like to "question authority," etc. don't actually like receiving clarifying questions on your theories and will leave a discussion on a topic the moment that happens and will claim you don't actually need proof because you "just KNOW." Flat Earthers appear to "just KNOW" as well. Quite curious indeed.

Is this particular subject "fishy"? One could easily assume "yes", but who knows?

One could assume it's fishy if they just close their eyes and stop their ears when evidence to the contrary is presented and not want to engage in a discussion on the matter. Ironically, this is what conspiracy theorists like you claim others do with their theories. "Ostrich with their head in the sand" is what you've said before if I remember correctly. You don't say. LOL.