Does It Make A Person A Bad Fan To Hope For Bad Season & Red's Firing?


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Then your blind faith is just that. I called last season to the tee. I'm willing to stand on my predictions and eat the crow if wrong .....although un likely.

It's all good though.
It's more than faith. I like to think I know a thing or two about football. I have a good feeling about things. At least from what I can see.

But what we see is only the tip of the iceberg.


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I just want to enjoy football with my Cowboys and feel like they can win any game they enter.
Not guarantee, but feel like they can win. And they do, more often than not. And I want to see them in the playoffs and win some games.
And I'd like to see a trajectory. That would be nice... no more treadmill running, but a trajectory.
That's the main thing. This stuff the past few years looks more like a cluster... group outing. But I'm on the outside, looking in.
Back in the 90's, it was all so simple and obvious: That team was going to WIN and win it did. You could see it, smell it, know it...

I see nothing right now. Nothing, but derision, division and something else that rhymes with ision. I haven't figured out that last ision... but I'm working on it!


Offseason mode... sleepy time
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It's more than faith. I like to think I know a thing or two about football. I have a good feeling about things. At least from what I can see.

But what we see is only the tip of the iceberg.
You mean the tip of the @iceberg , my man.
Now there's a guy that doesn't post enough, but I can see why.


Beyond tired of Jerry
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For the record, I'm gettin' too old to hope for bad seasons. I'm hoping for miracles from Dak, Zeke, and the Boys.

Besides, does anyone think Jerry is gonna hit a home run with his next coaching hire? THAT is really hoping for miracles.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Winning in the playoffs is hard. Even for the best coaches.

I've already gone on record saying we will win the NFCE this year and make the playoffs. Us cutting the player changes nothing.

Anything past the playoffs depends on if we get Thomas and how the draft shakes out.


For the record, and though I want Garrett gone, I hope you're right.


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Do we need to go into the fact that it was an expansion team populated by guys off the street?


Even after he assembled all that talent, it still took him six seasons to win a SB. 12 seasons total before his first ring.


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Seriously, at this point I would root for a 4-12 season if it guaranteed Red's departure.

Now I don't typically approve of fans rooting against their favorite team, but desperate times call for desperate measures. Its like having cancer that has spread in a limb, sometimes you have to amputate the limb in order to save the patient. Garrett is a cancer that must be excised to save the franchise, so some short term pain may be needed for longer-term game. I really hate the fact that Jerry has put me into this position of rooting against my favorite team, but it is what it is.

So yea, I might get called a bad fan, but if it means getting rid of Garrett, I am rooting for a losing season.


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Its not bad at all.

It is my hope that the franchise is removed from the Jones family similar to what is happening to the scumbag Panthers owner. I'm confident Jerry is guilty of everything causing Richardson, the Carolina owner to relinquish his ownership of the Panthers.

I dont have to cite all the things Jerry has done, been accused of, and has made go away via the classic billionaire's gag order settlement with women.

Jerry's recent vendetta against the idiot commish has not set well with the other 31 owners so hope is alive that he will get his comeupence.

23 seasons with two wild cards wins is what Jerry has done for us lately. The Browns are only two playoff wins in the last 23 years behind us. It transcends any coaches or group of players so it doesnt take a rocket scientist to determine the root cause of our mediocrity.

Jerry is a hall of famer for making the owners even richer. Any possibility that he had anything to do with building those 90's SB championship teams has been answered the past 23 seasons.

You can shuffle the deck chairs and give the Titanic a new coat of paint each off season but with Jerry permanently installed as the captain, gm, and phantom head coach, the Titanic will still sink. It will be entertaining to watch a Johnny Walker Blue soaked drunken fool build "castles made of sand" on the cracked foundation of Jones Inc.

Hope is not a strategy but thats the Jones model.


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Would you rather they win a Super Bowl and Garrett get an extension or go 5-12 and get fired?

I would take the SB, of course.

I have nothing personal against Garrett, I have never met the man, I have never talked to the man, I have only seen him on TV. My opposition to Garrett is because I think he never will be able to take the team deep into the playoffs, he is just not a good head coach, especially on game day. He doesn't make any adjustments, he doesn't manage the clock very well, he doesn't understand situational football, and even Romo said he knows very little about the Xs and Os of the game.

So wanting to get rid of a head coach with these qualities makes me a disgrace to the fanbase and a fake fan according to a lot of the posters in this thread. A mod even mentioned that he hopes for a winning season to get rid of fans like me, obviously not understanding the reason a fan would want Garret gone in the first place. What Michael doesn't understand is that a head coach that doesn't make adjustments, cant manage the clock, and doesn't understand Xs and Os is not going to take a team on a deep playoff run, ergo, that is why fans want him gone. We have 7 full seasons that show this.

Now if Garrett learns all of this over the summer and take the team on a deep playoff run next year, why would a fan like me be upset then? Why, as Michael stated, would fans leave if Garrett learned the qualities that the fans want in a head coach? If Garrett learned to make adjustments, learned situational football, learned the Xs and Os of the game, and as a result, took the team to the NFC Title game, why would any fan be upset.

We all want to win, its just how is the best way to do it. I truly and honestly believe the only way this team will ever make it to the SB is with another head coach, so whatever it takes to get a new head coach is what I am in favor of. Now other posters, like Diehardblues, agrees that Garrett is a terrible head coach, but his solution is to acquire "superior talent" than everybody else to overcome Garrett's deficiencies.

I don't think this is realistic in the era of the salary cap and free agency, but it is a viable solution he has come up with. I think getting a new head coach is easier, but that requires losing games to achieve. Hence, why I said I would root for loses "IF" it accomplished the goal of getting a new head coach. Otherwise, I guess we have to go with Diehardblues plan and just acquire so much more talent than everybody else that it doesn't matter that the head coach cant make adjustments, cant manage the clock, or doesn't understand Xs or Os.


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IMO, yes it does make you a bad fan.

The need to say I told you so is more powerful than your fandom for the team as a whole in this scenario.


rock music matters
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You mean the tip of the @iceberg , my man.
Now there's a guy that doesn't post enough, but I can see why.
leave my tips out of this!!!! :)

i've just lost a lot of interest over the years and their moves just seemed designed to tread water than go somewhere. garrett simply can't put back to back seasons together worth a damn and it's beyond frustrating. last 8 years:


his greatest feat so far is having (2) years in a row over .500 and while we can all breathe helium and go YAY for effect, it's disappointing as a fan. i'd hardly call 9-7 something to be proud of when football last year overall was the last thing people in general cared about. it was more the zeke drama power hour or *****ing about protests or other goodell junk that has nothing to do with the product on the field anymore. that comes back, i get a bit more interested. give me a new coach and let me *pretend* for a few years it will get better, will give me some hope, even if the false kind.

but - it's a new year and regardless of what happens, i'm a cowboys fan. sometimes just at more of a distance than others so i imagine i'll always be around. but as my good friend justin said; "i might have been gone but i never walked out"


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I would take the SB, of course.

I have nothing personal against Garrett, I have never met the man, I have never talked to the man, I have only seen him on TV. My opposition to Garrett is because I think he never will be able to take the team deep into the playoffs, he is just not a good head coach, especially on game day. He doesn't make any adjustments, he doesn't manage the clock very well, he doesn't understand situational football, and even Romo said he knows very little about the Xs and Os of the game.

So wanting to get rid of a head coach with these qualities makes me a disgrace to the fanbase and a fake fan according to a lot of the posters in this thread. A mod even mentioned that he hopes for a winning season to get rid of fans like me, obviously not understanding the reason a fan would want Garret gone in the first place. What Michael doesn't understand is that a head coach that doesn't make adjustments, cant manage the clock, and doesn't understand Xs and Os is not going to take a team on a deep playoff run, ergo, that is why fans want him gone. We have 7 full seasons that show this.

Now if Garrett learns all of this over the summer and take the team on a deep playoff run next year, why would a fan like me be upset then? Why, as Michael stated, would fans leave if Garrett learned the qualities that the fans want in a head coach? If Garrett learned to make adjustments, learned situational football, learned the Xs and Os of the game, and as a result, took the team to the NFC Title game, why would any fan be upset.

We all want to win, its just how is the best way to do it. I truly and honestly believe the only way this team will ever make it to the SB is with another head coach, so whatever it takes to get a new head coach is what I am in favor of. Now other posters, like Diehardblues, agrees that Garrett is a terrible head coach, but his solution is to acquire "superior talent" than everybody else to overcome Garrett's deficiencies.

I don't think this is realistic in the era of the salary cap and free agency, but it is a viable solution he has come up with. I think getting a new head coach is easier, but that requires losing games to achieve. Hence, why I said I would root for loses "IF" it accomplished the goal of getting a new head coach. Otherwise, I guess we have to go with Diehardblues plan and just acquire so much more talent than everybody else that it doesn't matter that the head coach cant make adjustments, cant manage the clock, or doesn't understand Xs or Os.
Excellent points which make total sense, especially for a fanatic, which by definition is irrational.