Adult Language Jason Garrett is soft and only a clapper?


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Not that it surprises me..but people in here have no idea what leadership entails

Intimidating people, terrifying others....

These aren't necessary character traits of a good leader

Im not suggesting JG is a good leader...I'm telling you that you that most of you have no idea what a good leader is
agreed and he does do things behind closed doors without camera and fans watching to motivate and ive heard he chooses to be more of motivator and positive reinforcement guy on the sidelines etc but when he needs to he lights people up privately, nothing wrong with that..

also not saying hes our long term answer but you for sure don't know what goes on behind closed doors and practices..this guy has been around both as aplayer and coach with Jimmy Johnson and Bill pretty sure he picked up afew things along the way, some he chooses to do and others maybe not so public..


Pixel Pusher
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He was doing great until the Italian sub comment turned it all into a joke.


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Always thought the "clapper" designation was childish. As for soft, for a Princeton grad he has an expletive vocabulary. I appreciate the job he's done here over the past 3 years. 2015 was a train wreck but we were in every game. Yeah, I know that's not enough for most. Someone has to fall on the sword right. In 2016 JG held the team together through two QB's down and a rookie, 4'th round draft pick QB. 2017? I'd like to see the JG bashers deal with the Zeke **** show, media storm, rumors, locker-room killing crap that could have destroyed the team. So he isn't perfect? Who among us is? I still lay play-calling during the game at our OC's feet and no way a HC calls out their OC in public. Yes we all know JG:rolleyes:


Go Seahawks!!!
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That you guys are naive enough to think fans care if Garrett yells or screams AND that you guys are naive enough to think this was not out put by the cowboys to make us believe Garrett is tough on the team

Bellichick does not yell or scream
Why does that not upset Pats fans?

Here is the reality
No one cares if he yells
Fans care that he get the team motivated
To play big in big games
To not get full of their own hype even though they've nothing in over 2 decades
Play winning football in the most critical games like the playoffs

Garrett has been able to do none of those things

That is why fans bring up this stuff and make fun of him because they know they have no other recourse because this red headed teflon clown is immune to being held accountable for the things other HCs are held accountable for because we have a moron for an owner

So your usual Garrett apologist rubbish is just that
Terence Newman tweeted Jason Garrett gave the best motivational speech he has ever heard before the 2011 Week 17 matchup against the Giants for the division title. Newman was motivated to become the human hurdle during the Giants *** whooping they put on us.


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What is and where can I find this show All or Nothing?
Amazon Prime. Download the app on TV, game system, or mobile device and subscribe. It's about $15 a month. The plus is, you get free shipping when you buy anything from Amazon.

The minus is, that it used to be under $12 a month, until recently.
. :angry:


Go Seahawks!!!
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I’ll wait a week or two and watch it on putlocker for free. Looool
If you use Amazon to shop, it is pretty much pays for itself. There have been times I was at a store, wanted something, checked Amazon and found it much cheaper and occasionally get it delivered the same day. For example, I was at Home Depot looking at paint sprayers last summer. Saved $35 on the same product I was going to buy and got it delivered later the same day at no additional charge.

We didn't even know our Prime membership came with the video service until last year, so that was just gravy.

America's Cowboy

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The fact that people feel inclined to post stupid threads like this are proof enough that Garrett sucks.
Who is stupider? The one who starts such a thread (in your opinion) or the one who complains thereafter in it?