No HOF Presentation for TO


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They were always going to mention him when they read the list of the class, just not celebrate him individually.

Personally, I think it's stupid. Their excuse is that they want to celebrate who is there.

What if you get inducted after your dead?

They're just being as petty and don't want him to start a trend of people not attending in favor of holding a party at a location of their choice, because then they'd have competition for eyeballs.

It's all about those dolla dolla bills.

I’ll ask you.

What should they do? What should they do beyond announcing him as an inductee, listing his name amongst the other inductees?

Moment of silence for him? Run a video tribute to him? What?


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Yeah...he’ll have his whatever hick school (Chattanooga?) he attended, in front of whomever, and remembered by no one, lol!
Jesus Christ...what a bunch of babies you all are. Really sticking it to him on this forum aren’t you? The HOF made a mockery of their own system, allowing personal bias to overshadow what should clearly be an objective process and you can’t wait to lambast someone who spent their entire life working towards becoming one of the greatest of all time? Get a life’re taking wayyyy too much satisfaction out of it


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It’s being reported that they will announce his name as an inductee and have his photo with other inductees.

What more are you expecting them to do for a guy who won’t be there?
Vote him in the first time as everyone that’s ever watched football knows they should have...


Cowboys 24/7/365
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It’s being reported that they will announce his name as an inductee and have his photo with other inductees.

What more are you expecting them to do for a guy who won’t be there?
Vote him in the first time as everyone that’s ever watched football knows they should have...
I am sensing a chicken/egg paradox...


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And there have been players before who should have been first ballot that didn’t get in right away.

None to my knowledge threw a temper tantrum like TO.

Phenomenal talent. One of the most talented WRs I have ever seen.

But an immature knucklehead. He never grew up all his time in the NFL and that pettiness has carried over to retired life where he’s desperate to still remain relevant at some level.

Just because OTHER players haven't "took a temper tantrum" doesn't mean what TO is doing is wrong.

And I'll ask you, show me another player that is top 3 at his position that didn't go as a first ballot? I can't remember it happening, and if it did, it's an outlier.

TO has a legitimate gripe here.


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It ridiculous how many people are so bothered by the fact that he won't be there. It's like they feel he owes it to them and the HoF.

That's not how it works. And it's sad that people think they should rescind the award. That's what petty people would do. It would make the HoF a laughing stock. The award is not based on someone's willingness to show up in a small Ohio town to make some speech. Especially if that individual is expected to make and pay for all the arrangements for him, his family, and friends who would like to attend said ceremony. If he wants to celebrate his way (free for fans as well), and that rubs you wrong, then you might want to look in the mirror and try and figure out exactly what YOUR problem is.

Of course it’s ridiculous to suggest they should rescind the award, but to expect him to take part in the ceremony is not unreasonable. Either TO thinks the HOF is unworthy or he doesnt, so it’s disingenuous to accept the honor while at the same time acting as if the people and process that honor him with the award are unworthy of his time.


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Maybe he could lose that big *** chip on his shoulder that he has always had. A cancer usually doesn't get top billing and because of his childish and immature attitude that will hold true for TO.

He needs to be a guy with a little dignity and accept the honor. "They didn't pick me the first round so poo on them". Someone should accidentally trip over the podium with his bust and "bust up" his bust into 1000 pieces then say, "oops".

He doesn't have to do a damn thing because you think he should. You haven't walked a step in his shoes, he has the right to do whatever the hell he wants as it pertains to the HOF, there's no rule that say you must attend or do a speech in Canton.


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Well, maybe it's the attention he'd get otherwise is my guess. I suspect he'll miss it somewhat.

I don't see where the HOF committee owes anything more than that if he can't display respect.

They don't owe him anything, and he doesn't owe them anything, so why all the whining


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He’s a loser in general. A guy who has always craved attention and thrown temper tantrums when he doesn’t get his way.

The HoF didn’t do anything wrong here.

That's what you say, He's a 1st ballot HOFer by their own standard, so they did something wrong.

IT'S HIS DAMN DAY ,SO HE SHOULD GET ATTENTION, but on the same hand he turned down a stage where he could get the most attention....LOL
he didn't throw a tantrum, he politely declined the attention getting


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It’s being reported that they will announce his name as an inductee and have his photo with other inductees.

What more are you expecting them to do for a guy who won’t be there?
That's good enough. The first report I saw said they would not mention him at all.


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That's what you say, He's a 1st ballot HOFer by their own standard, so they did something wrong.

IT'S HIS DAMN DAY ,SO HE SHOULD GET ATTENTION, but on the same hand he turned down a stage where he could get the most attention....LOL
he didn't throw a tantrum, he politely declined the attention getting

No, he isn’t a first ballot hall of farmer by their standard, because there is no standard that voters have to go solely by stats.


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It’s not...and I didn’t say it was.

What I DID say the bottom-line was, is that by HIS OWN CHOICE not to attend, TO must accept the consequences.

What are the consequences we know as facts TO care about? My point, I'm pretty sure TO made his decision not to attend knowing he would face a severe backlash.

waving monkey

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I guess that is up to Moss. TO will be the 1st player to boycott the HOF. That is his choice but he will face a backlash I hope he knows that
I think the loss to TO will be endorsements, speaking engagements stuff like that. Its a narcissistic move on TO part


You Can't Fix Stupid
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He's never been known for good decision making......which explains why his net worth is currently at 100K after making 50+million in the NFL. I'm not sure how he thinks snubbing such a high honor that he earned will hurt anyone other than himself.


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He's never been known for good decision making......which explains why his net worth is currently at 100K after making 50+million in the NFL. I'm not sure how he thinks snubbing such a high honor that he earned will hurt anyone other than himself.

The thing is he doesn't care, probably because he's still a man child that doesn't think beyond the moment.

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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Jesus Christ...what a bunch of babies you all are. Really sticking it to him on this forum aren’t you? The HOF made a mockery of their own system, allowing personal bias to overshadow what should clearly be an objective process and you can’t wait to lambast someone who spent their entire life working towards becoming one of the greatest of all time? Get a life’re taking wayyyy too much satisfaction out of it
These dudes keep me amused.