Brand new UK based Cowboys fan


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Hi all

Posting my suggested introductory thread! I’m a new NFL fan (I just recently became obsessed with the sport this pre-season) and without being blessed with the privilege of being born in the USA, and having no affiliation with any specific State, I decided to pick the Cowboys as my team. My reasoning was simple, I loved the team’s spirit and fighting motto throughout the All Or Nothing series on Amazon Prime, I have friends who live in Dallas, so the prospect of visiting the AT&T is real, and also my favourite band used to be Pantera, and Dimebag was a big Cowboys fan. I guess I could have done what everybody else in the UK seems to do and try to come up with paper thin reasons to somehow justify the fact they’re Patriot fans, (my great great great grandad had a clock from New England, so naturally I’m a Pats fan) but I prefer to ride the underdogs, and I’m happy to say; I’m starting to bleed silver & blue.

I don’t feel like I’ll ever be able to have the same affinity for the team as some of you good people who’ve been born and raised by generations of Cowboys fans yourselves, though I hope to be accepted as a true lover of the sport and the team all the same. Perhaps some day, even an honourary Texan (yes, sorry, I spell honour / colour etc the English way.)

I’ve bought myself my Zeke jersey and an official Cowboys hat, and am hoping to make a trip to Mecca (AT&T) next year :)

So... my first question to you all; is it always this depressing being a Cowboys fan? I am a realist, and I’ve done the research and the homework into all of our recent seasons, I’ve even gone so far as to go back in time and watch the majority of the Cowboys games since 2016, so I’m putting in the time to get up to speed.

Is it really as doom and gloom as it feels on the forums at the moment? Is Dak really not the franchise QB we wanted / needed? I know Garrett is hugely unpopular (as is JJ) but I don’t have the history with them to feel that same anger as the long-erm fans do, so I can’t share in that. I can however already identify that Linehan is a joke. I mean, our Offensive playbook is so limited, if I can read every play before it happens as a football fan of only 2 months... what hope do we have of bamboozling seasoned Dlines and coaches?

What do you guys think needs to change in order for the team to get back to the legendary status of old? I very much hope to experience making the playoffs and Super Bowl wins during my new life as a fan of the sport and the Cowboys.

Apart from getting rid of JJ / JG / and Linehan, what do you think needs to happen for us to be a Super Bowl team? I don’t feel like I have the experience to say what exactly needs to change right now, all I can say is, watching almost every other game every week - I feel like the other teams offensive units are so much more interesting and creative to watch; even the Browns who as I understand it, up until this year, were literally the booby-prize of the entire NFL, are making some freaking huge plays. The kind of plays that I want to see Dallas making! I say apart from changing the owners and coaches because I’ve read enough of that today and I’d like to hear some more detailed breakdowns of the line-up!

So I ask you good people and long-standing fans; what needs to change?


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:star:@Crosbie :star: You have excellent taste in NFL teams. Gosh, so much to say that I'm a tad flustered. I'll come back and talk more later. So glad you're here. :welcome:

I will give a shout out to @Furboy, he has family in England and would enjoy meeting you. @aria is a huge Pantera fan. I think @Londonboy knows people in England too.


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:star:@Crosbie :star: You have excellent taste in NFL teams. Gosh, so much to say that I'm a tad flustered. I'll come back and talk more later. So glad you're here. :welcome:

I will give a shout out to @Furboy, he has family in England and would enjoy meeting you. @aria is a huge Pantera fan. I think @Londonboy knows people in England too.

Thanks, Xelda.

@Furboy, I’m from Liverpool, but I live in Leamington Spa. I’d naturally say Liverpool is my Premier League team as I was born and raised there, and my family are largely devout reds fans, but honestly, I’m not a big fan of our football. I like watching the game and I enjoy the international tournaments, but I’ve never felt the holy fire I feel when I watch the Cowboys play.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Welcome you real football crazed Limey. Any win for real football is a loss for that pretend stuff y'all play over there with no points on the end of your ball and covered with bathroom floor tiles.

That's rather a long welcoming thread and I certainly hope that's not a harbinger of what's to come. We already have enough loquacious and verbose posters and complaints about those fine, fine posters.

Crosbie, thanks for not posting in that British accent that makes our women think y'all are so much smarter than us, especially the ones from the South.

You'll see me throw words out there like balderdash and blimey and bloke and bum and Mum and bollocks because I am one of the few bilingual posters here.

Got some fine countrymen of yours on here. Londonboy, aka Londy, is a special one and I am sure if we lived closer, that would remove just one excuse for not getting together.

As to the doom and gloom, some do get off on that so try not to ruin their good time.
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Welcome you real football crazed Limey. Any win for real football is a loss for that pretend stuff y'all play over there with no points on the end of your ball and covered with bathroom floor tiles.

That's rather a long welcoming thread and I certainly hope that's not a harbinger of what's to come. We already have enough loquacious and verbose posters and complaints about those fine, fine posters.

Crosbie, thanks for not posting in that British accent that makes our women think y'all are so much smarter than us, especially the ones from the South.

You're see me throw words out there like balderdash and blimey and bloke and bum and Mum and bollocks because I am one of the few bilingual posters here.

Got some fine countrymen of yours on here. Londonboy, aka Londy, is a special one and I am sure if we lived closer, that would remove just one excuse for not getting together.

As to the doom and gloom, some do get off on that so try not to ruin their good time.

Hahaha! Thanks, CouchCoach. I’ll try to start peppering my posts with random ‘ya’ll’s and ‘hot dang’ s and so on. Any other Americanisms you’ve got for me, feel free to load me up.

Dude, I have a scouse accent - there’s absolutely no threat of me sounding more intelligent than any of the Southern yokels. I’m sure ‘Londy’ will back me up on that ;)


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Hahaha! Thanks, CouchCoach. I’ll try to start peppering my posts with random ‘ya’ll’s and ‘hot dang’ s and so on. Any other Americanisms you’ve got for me, feel free to load me up.

Dude, I have a scouse accent - there’s absolutely no threat of me sounding more intelligent than any of the Southern yokels. I’m sure ‘Londy’ will back me up on that ;)
Londy loves to use "y'all" a lot. He thinks it gives him this down home character feel like Wilford Brimley.


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
I already forgot what you said in your original post. Too bad there's no way to scroll back up to the top of the page.

You've got some vim and vigor to ya, I can see that already! If you haven't seen the Super Bowl winning seasons, I recommend you go and watch those. Then you'll feel really depressed that you jumped on the bandwagon in 2018....but it'll cement your love for the team forever!

Oh, and welcome to the psycho ward! Once you venture out into gen-pop, you'll realize we're actually the sane ones, here in the Members Zone and Off Topic Zone, which you should check out, if you haven't already. Everyone is a Cowboys fan, but we go there to talk about stuff that takes our minds off the fact that our offense sucks. (That's o-f-f-e-n-s-e)


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
BTW, @Londonboy ( or Lundy, as it's pronounced, and thus spelled, in my opinion. Also, since I believe I was the first to call him that, my spelling should take precedence ) is the high ranking official officer of the Post Jackers' Guild: British Chapter. I honestly forget what title we bestowed upon him, but it's very important and official! He'll answer any questions you may have about becoming a member, if you choose to do so.........Then we'll tell you what he answered wrong.


Well-Known Member
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Hi all

Posting my suggested introductory thread! I’m a new NFL fan (I just recently became obsessed with the sport this pre-season) and without being blessed with the privilege of being born in the USA, and having no affiliation with any specific State, I decided to pick the Cowboys as my team. My reasoning was simple, I loved the team’s spirit and fighting motto throughout the All Or Nothing series on Amazon Prime, I have friends who live in Dallas, so the prospect of visiting the AT&T is real, and also my favourite band used to be Pantera, and Dimebag was a big Cowboys fan. I guess I could have done what everybody else in the UK seems to do and try to come up with paper thin reasons to somehow justify the fact they’re Patriot fans, (my great great great grandad had a clock from New England, so naturally I’m a Pats fan) but I prefer to ride the underdogs, and I’m happy to say; I’m starting to bleed silver & blue.

I don’t feel like I’ll ever be able to have the same affinity for the team as some of you good people who’ve been born and raised by generations of Cowboys fans yourselves, though I hope to be accepted as a true lover of the sport and the team all the same. Perhaps some day, even an honourary Texan (yes, sorry, I spell honour / colour etc the English way.)

I’ve bought myself my Zeke jersey and an official Cowboys hat, and am hoping to make a trip to Mecca (AT&T) next year :)

So... my first question to you all; is it always this depressing being a Cowboys fan? I am a realist, and I’ve done the research and the homework into all of our recent seasons, I’ve even gone so far as to go back in time and watch the majority of the Cowboys games since 2016, so I’m putting in the time to get up to speed.

Is it really as doom and gloom as it feels on the forums at the moment? Is Dak really not the franchise QB we wanted / needed? I know Garrett is hugely unpopular (as is JJ) but I don’t have the history with them to feel that same anger as the long-erm fans do, so I can’t share in that. I can however already identify that Linehan is a joke. I mean, our Offensive playbook is so limited, if I can read every play before it happens as a football fan of only 2 months... what hope do we have of bamboozling seasoned Dlines and coaches?

What do you guys think needs to change in order for the team to get back to the legendary status of old? I very much hope to experience making the playoffs and Super Bowl wins during my new life as a fan of the sport and the Cowboys.

Apart from getting rid of JJ / JG / and Linehan, what do you think needs to happen for us to be a Super Bowl team? I don’t feel like I have the experience to say what exactly needs to change right now, all I can say is, watching almost every other game every week - I feel like the other teams offensive units are so much more interesting and creative to watch; even the Browns who as I understand it, up until this year, were literally the booby-prize of the entire NFL, are making some freaking huge plays. The kind of plays that I want to see Dallas making! I say apart from changing the owners and coaches because I’ve read enough of that today and I’d like to hear some more detailed breakdowns of the line-up!

So I ask you good people and long-standing fans; what needs to change?
I don’t have much to contribute but if you ever come to the DFW area, pm me, we’ll do it up right! Dead serious, this is coming more from a fellow Pantera fan more than a Cowboys fan. We’ll watch some videos, jam, get **** faced, still haven’t been to Dime’s/Vinnies grave but its about 45 mins from my house, take ya to some of the best BBQ places, etc.

The few English I’ve met have always treated me right, I’d love to return the favor.


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Thanks, Xelda.

@Furboy, I’m from Liverpool, but I live in Leamington Spa. I’d naturally say Liverpool is my Premier League team as I was born and raised there, and my family are largely devout reds fans, but honestly, I’m not a big fan of our football. I like watching the game and I enjoy the international tournaments, but I’ve never felt the holy fire I feel when I watch the Cowboys play.

Ah, fair enough. I'm a big Cherries supporter.


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BTW, @Londonboy ( or Lundy, as it's pronounced, and thus spelled, in my opinion. Also, since I believe I was the first to call him that, my spelling should take precedence ) is the high ranking official officer of the Post Jackers' Guild: British Chapter. I honestly forget what title we bestowed upon him, but it's very important and official! He'll answer any questions you may have about becoming a member, if you choose to do so.........Then we'll tell you what he answered wrong.

Hahaha, thanks dude. I’ll make sure to go back and check them out.

@aria - dude, you literally just ticked off absolutely everything I want to do in Dallas. Visiting Dime’s grave has been on my list since that horrendous day back in 2004. Never thought Vinnie would be so quick so follow him; those dudes were literally my hero’s when I was younger. I never got to see Pantera live whihbroke my heart, but I’ve seen Dime and Vinnie a few times in Damage Plan before the tragedy happened. Seen Phil and Rex in Down ... but as much as I used to adore Phil, he’s a ******* dick. Can’t rrally escape it, as much as I love the dude’s music .. yeah he’s a mess.

I’m a big fan of showing people British hospitality and would take up the challenge to change the minds of anybody regarding our food sucking, so definitely hit me up if you’re ever crossing the pond.

Also, wooooo! Now that is a scoreline I like waking up to go Saints!!
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Welcome Crosbie, good to see another Brit, I'm a Diehard Chelsea fan and a 'Boys fan since 1985, don't believe a word that these Reprobates say about Me (except the good things), I live in Bermondsey SE London, the home of Millwall FC (which tells You all You need to know about how crap Bermondsey is).

Some things You might like to know :

There are about 10 or so Brits here (which means We currently outnumber the optimists by about 10 or so).

No matter how hard You try to convince Them otherwise, most Folks will insist on reading Your posts in a Hugh Grant accent and see You as a posh sophisticated urbane Gentleman (no matter how many times I tell Them that I look like Charles Manson and sound like Bob Hoskins, it never seems to work), good move calling Your current Home Leamington Spa and not using it's full name of Royal Leamington Spa (that'd probably convince Them that You're a Duke or something)

Folks here are obsessed with food, British cuisine is an endless source of fascination to Them, You may have to spend a lot of time explaining the culinary delights of Blighty, such as Bubble and Squeak, Toad in the Hole and Their all-time favourite Spotted Dick (maybe You could introduce Them to a few Northern Specialities like Hot-Pot).


Reaction score
Welcome Crosbie, good to see another Brit, I'm a Diehard Chelsea fan and a 'Boys fan since 1985, don't believe a word that these Reprobates say about Me (except the good things), I live in Bermondsey SE London, the home of Millwall FC (which tells You all You need to know about how crap Bermondsey is).

Some things You might like to know :

There are about 10 or so Brits here (which means We currently outnumber the optimists by about 10 or so).

No matter how hard You try to convince Them otherwise, most Folks will insist on reading Your posts in a Hugh Grant accent and see You as a posh sophisticated urbane Gentleman (no matter how many times I tell Them that I look like Charles Manson and sound like Bob Hoskins, it never seems to work), good move calling Your current Home Leamington Spa and not using it's full name of Royal Leamington Spa (that'd probably convince Them that You're a Duke or something)

Folks here are obsessed with food, British cuisine is an endless source of fascination to Them, You may have to spend a lot of time explaining the culinary delights of Blighty, such as Bubble and Squeak, Toad in the Hole and Their all-time favourite Spotted Dick (maybe You could introduce Them to a few Northern Specialities like Hot-Pot).

Hahaha! You must have been delighted with Sunday's result between Liverpool & City then, eh?

As far as Northern delights go, Sausage Dinner, Half 'n half with rice, the ever confusing chip balm cake with curry, a pan of Scouse ... I'm sure I'll think of some more ;)

I mean, yea, I strategically left Royal out of Royal Leamington Spa, thanks for dobbing me in! Now they'll all think I'm related to Queen Elizabeth for sure. The sad truth is, I sound more common than the redest of rednecks ;D

I was only born in 1984, and only been a Cowboys fan since 2018, so I am but a flash in the pan in comparison!
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Well-Known Member
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Hahaha! You must have been delighted with Sunday's result between Liverpool & City then, eh?

As far as Northern delights go, Sausage Dinner, Half 'n half with rice, the ever confusing chip balm cake with curry, a pan of Scouse ... I'm sure I'll think of some more ;)

I mean, yea, I strategically left Royal out of Royal Leamington Spa, thanks for dobbing me in! Now they'll all think I'm related to Queen Elizabeth for sure. The sad truth is, I sound more common than the redest of rednecks ;D

I was only born in 1984, and only been a Cowboys fan since 2018, so I am but a flash in the pan in comparison!
Sorry for dobbing You in, consider it payback for tipping off the result of the Monday Night game, which I'm currently watching lol (My own stupid fault, I know it's a risk coming on here before watching any games I've recorded)
Loved the draw between Liverpool & City, but I don't see anybody beating City this year, if Chelsea can win a Cup and finish top 3, I'll consider it a successful Season, 2 of Spurs, Man Utd and the Gooners out of Champions League qualification would be the icing on the cake.
Runny's advice about checking out the early '90's Team is good, that was a Great Team, shoulda, coulda won more than 3 Championships, but Jerry's ego chased off Coach JJ and replaced Him with a Clown School graduate.


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Sorry for dobbing You in, consider it payback for tipping off the result of the Monday Night game, which I'm currently watching lol (My own stupid fault, I know it's a risk coming on here before watching any games I've recorded

Sorry!! There’s nothing worse than having the game spoilered - my bad.

Any advice on where I may go to find the Cowboys winning seasons? I have my NFL game pass, but don’t think it goes back in time that far (off I go to check whether it does, in fact, go back that far!)

Alas, it only takes me back as far as 2012.


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There's still time, my friend...there's still time. Get out now before you become frustrated, mind-blown, confused, disappointed and hopeless. You have your entire life in front of you so don't make a rational decision without doing your research beforehand. Take a look at the Browns. They're a young team with an owner who trusts a GM enough to hire one and who is willing to hand the keys over to the mothership. Or, jump on board the Ram's train as they have a brilliant young coach who is constantly developing new ways to move the chains without making his team predictable. far away. I wish you nothing but luck, the enjoyment of watching your team trend upwards and continued happiness of being a content fan.

Now, if you're as stubborn, dumb and delusional like the rest of us...:welcome:!!!!!!! As we like to say around these parts, it's always better to suffer with someone else than it is to alone. :laugh:


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There's still time, my friend...there's still time. Get out now before you become frustrated, mind-blown, confused, disappointed and hopeless. You have your entire life in front of you so don't make a rational decision without doing your research beforehand. Take a look at the Browns. They're a young team with an owner who trusts a GM enough to hire one and who is willing to hand the keys over to the mothership. Or, jump on board the Ram's train as they have a brilliant young coach who is constantly developing new ways to move the chains without making his team predictable. far away. I wish you nothing but luck, the enjoyment of watching your team trend upwards and continued happiness of being a content fan.

Now, if you're as stubborn, dumb and delusional like the rest of us...:welcome:!!!!!!! As we like to say around these parts, it's always better to suffer with someone else than it is to alone. :laugh:

Hahaha! I did almost pick The Rams or The Saints, but alas, I am stubborn. I’ve made my choice and will stay loyal to the Cowboys until my end of days is upon me ;)


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SB XXVII is definitely on YouTube (watched it recently), should be plenty of other SB's and NFC champ games from that era available for free on sites like YouTube and Dailymotion.