A tidbit/rumor to share


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I believe you 100%......did a similar post in another thread this morning

Just thought of something last night. Sometimes you have read between the lines and pay attention to what's NOT being said. With that being said, any you guys think it possible Martinelli was taking a backhanded shot at Garrett and Jerry. We lost a good potential head coach last year to Colts. Let's do what have to keep this guy. I'm willing to do my part if it helps the team. Maybe it's time to move Garrett to FO if that what it takes to keep Richard.

Think about it, Martinelli is a seasoned vet coach in the league. He knows how the system works and he's not stupid. He also knows no way in hell his DC job is enough to keep Richard from taking the Dolphin gig if it's offered. IDK, maybe I'm just pissing in the wind (lol).

Hawkeye0202, Today at 5:59 AMReport

It's as reasonable of a conclusion to draw as any. In fact, there was talk that Marinelli was willing to give the Defensive coordinator title to Eberflus last year if meant he stayed in Dallas. The same torch-passing occurred in Dallas with Marinelli himself when Monte Kiffin stepped aside while Marinelli got the title.

Sometimes, men can put ego aside for the greater good, and quite often that comes with the wisdom of age.


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I respect your opinion but disagree here. If you've already got the job, you don't need to worry about the resume.

And if Will McClay was worried about being known as "the man" he wouldn't be here working for Jerry Jones. Not when he's had other offers for GM positions.

My point is, now he's known as the defacto GM, if Garrett is made GM , he no longer is known as the defacto GM, I see him wanting out .


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I say something is in the wind that we're all pissing in to. The interview has been had. Contracts can be attached to emails for signing without the signee ever leaving town. The contract is passed to an agent and lawyer. Signature added, return. Done! Now I imagine Richard is a bit involved in preparation for the Rams. I also imagine he's taking his time to make a decision. But what decision? He's a DB coach here! No brainer! DB coach or HC! I suspect there is something on the table that is prolonging his decision and making him think. Maybe waiting until after the Rams game or after our season is over. That would be a class act but most care less about class than their livelihood. Something is in the wind. Few are privy to it.


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My point is, now he's known as the defacto GM, if Garrett is made GM , he no longer is known as the defacto GM, I see him wanting out .

That's cool and I appreciate your opinion. But I disagree. Unless McClay's salary or job is in danger, I don't see why it would be a problem for him.


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My point is, now he's known as the defacto GM, if Garrett is made GM , he no longer is known as the defacto GM, I see him wanting out .

To me its more about the responsibilities each guy has, our Front Office has done very well over the last five years and guys like McClay clearly don't care about the title on their business card.

Corporations do this with titles all the time. In this case I would see Jerry as the Chairman of the Board type, Stephen as the GM/CEO, McClay running the draft and NFL player evaluation with Garrett running the operations of the roster. Each guy would have a role and it would be one they are very good at.


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LOL.....I'm not implying in a negative way. Maybe frustration is a better word of him thinking we should do any and everything possible to retain Richard. If that finding a way to give him Garrett's job. so be it.
And no implication that you were implying in a negative way. Hey, Stash's rumor gets the juices flowing lol. We don't know what Mari was thinking. H e was definitely promoting Richard as a coach.


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He'll yeah, because he's been in waiting, turned down other GM jobs. The title is important for position growth.

I see what you’re saying. But then again GM is as high as it gets.

So if he is making GM money and essentially becomes a made man in the cowboys organization. Where else or what else is there really to work up to? That’s basically as prestigious as it gets. Other than getting a shot to be the sole decision maker. Which would be good but also be more risky.


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I'll preface this by saying to take it with a grain of salt. Give it as much or as little value as you see fit.

A friend of mine talks with someone with connections to the Cowboys organization, out of respect for privacy and confidentiality, I can't and won't give any names, so if you think I'm full of it, well, it won't be the first time.

But I'm told that there's talk that Jerry might make an unprecented move to keep this train going. It's been talked about the possibility of promoting Jason Garrett to the GM role and naming Kris Richard the team's head coach. It would quiet any talk of why Jones won't hire a GM and allow the team to keep a coach that the entire organization loves. Garrett would work with Will McClay on the draft and get a raise and everybody wins.

They love Richard but also love what Garrett has brought in terms of the culture of the organization and have discussed how to maintain all of that.

Again, it's second hand rumor from a friend of a friend, so take it for what it's worth. Something or nothing might come of it, but I felt it was an exciting possibility when it was shared with me so I wanted to pass it on.

I can see them talking about a move like this. Not sure they would actually pull the trigger on this type of move.
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I'll preface this by saying to take it with a grain of salt. Give it as much or as little value as you see fit.

A friend of mine talks with someone with connections to the Cowboys organization, out of respect for privacy and confidentiality, I can't and won't give any names, so if you think I'm full of it, well, it won't be the first time.

But I'm told that there's talk that Jerry might make an unprecented move to keep this train going. It's been talked about the possibility of promoting Jason Garrett to the GM role and naming Kris Richard the team's head coach. It would quiet any talk of why Jones won't hire a GM and allow the team to keep a coach that the entire organization loves. Garrett would work with Will McClay on the draft and get a raise and everybody wins.

They love Richard but also love what Garrett has brought in terms of the culture of the organization and have discussed how to maintain all of that.

Again, it's second hand rumor from a friend of a friend, so take it for what it's worth. Something or nothing might come of it, but I felt it was an exciting possibility when it was shared with me so I wanted to pass it on.

This would be a dream come true


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I see what you’re saying. But then again GM is as high as it gets.

So if he is making GM money and essentially becomes a made man in the cowboys organization. Where else or what else is there really to work up to? That’s basically as prestigious as it gets. Other than getting a shot to be the sole decision maker. Which would be good but also be more risky.

Made man? GM? This ain't the mob lol. GM is hardly a secure position, they get fired all the time. Often along with the HC they hired. Of course not in the Cowboys case. Imagine that conversation between JJ the GM and owner. Straight jacket time JJ. Multiple personality disorder lol
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Made man? GM? This ain't the mob lol. GM is hardly a secure position, they get fired all the time. Often along with the HC they hired. Of course not in the Cowboys case. Imagine that conversation between JJ the GM and manager. Straight jacket time JJ. Multiple personality disorder lol

That’s why I’m saying Mclay would be a made man here with the cowboys rather than another place.

I know made man is a mob term. But what I mean by it is that he would be making big time money here with the cowboys and as long as he keeps doing what he is doing, never have to worry about being fired because Jerry and Stephen love him.

As opposed to being GM someplace else. Where if the team fails his head is On the chopping block.


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Not really interested in watching him "learn on the job" again. Hopefully this will be an easier transition if it does happen