A tidbit/rumor to share


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He'll yeah, because he's been in waiting, turned down other GM jobs. The title is important for position growth.

I don't feel the same. Where is there to go if one has achieved the level of GM? Certainly in terms of pay? McClay will have reached the pinnacle of his profession, at least in the most important facet - compensation.

A wise man doesn't let ego, and the lack of two letters next to his name, ruin a good thing. At least in my opinion, and I think it's exemplified in the fact that McClay has remained here, despite several other job offers.


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I'll preface this by saying to take it with a grain of salt. Give it as much or as little value as you see fit.

A friend of mine talks with someone with connections to the Cowboys organization, out of respect for privacy and confidentiality, I can't and won't give any names, so if you think I'm full of it, well, it won't be the first time.

But I'm told that there's talk that Jerry might make an unprecented move to keep this train going. It's been talked about the possibility of promoting Jason Garrett to the GM role and naming Kris Richard the team's head coach. It would quiet any talk of why Jones won't hire a GM and allow the team to keep a coach that the entire organization loves. Garrett would work with Will McClay on the draft and get a raise and everybody wins.

They love Richard but also love what Garrett has brought in terms of the culture of the organization and have discussed how to maintain all of that.

Again, it's second hand rumor from a friend of a friend, so take it for what it's worth. Something or nothing might come of it, but I felt it was an exciting possibility when it was shared with me so I wanted to pass it on.

Thanks for the info. I'm not sure why someone would not appreciate that kind of info, even if it does not come to fruition. Some of the "prove it" posters really go overboard with that kind of stuff.

On top of that, you are a long time poster, and obvious Cowboys fan. I am sure we have agreed on many issues and maybe even disagreed on some from time to time, but I would never doubt your sincerely.

Good post.



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I don't feel the same. Where is there to go if one has achieved the level of GM? Certainly in terms of pay? McClay will have reached the pinnacle of his profession, at least in the most important facet - compensation.

A wise man doesn't let ego, and the lack of two letters next to his name, ruin a good thing. At least in my opinion, and I think it's exemplified in the fact that McClay has remained here, despite several other job offers.
How much does McClay make?


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Dude, wake up. Its the Yacht.

Kidding, it makes perfect sense like you say. Jerry would have the perfect transition with his son as his proxy, McClay and Garrett as the smart guys in VP roles and then Richard stepping in as Head Coach with some of the best personal leadership qualities in the NFL.

That is a lot of sharp people in place to run things.
It takes a village


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I can't and won't give any names, so if you think I'm full of it, well, it won't be the first time.
LOL...ok I just have to stash...ohh you be full of something alrighty!!! HEH ... and I am with you, this would be a great move on jerry;s part.


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I don't feel the same. Where is there to go if one has achieved the level of GM? Certainly in terms of pay? McClay will have reached the pinnacle of his profession, at least in the most important facet - compensation.

A wise man doesn't let ego, and the lack of two letters next to his name, ruin a good thing. At least in my opinion, and I think it's exemplified in the fact that McClay has remained here, despite several other job offers.

If Garrett is leap frogged over him , now who gets the credit on the resume? Garrett as the GM? There comes a time where everyone wants to be known as the man.


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I'll preface this by saying to take it with a grain of salt. Give it as much or as little value as you see fit.

A friend of mine talks with someone with connections to the Cowboys organization, out of respect for privacy and confidentiality, I can't and won't give any names, so if you think I'm full of it, well, it won't be the first time.

But I'm told that there's talk that Jerry might make an unprecented move to keep this train going. It's been talked about the possibility of promoting Jason Garrett to the GM role and naming Kris Richard the team's head coach. It would quiet any talk of why Jones won't hire a GM and allow the team to keep a coach that the entire organization loves. Garrett would work with Will McClay on the draft and get a raise and everybody wins.

They love Richard but also love what Garrett has brought in terms of the culture of the organization and have discussed how to maintain all of that.

Again, it's second hand rumor from a friend of a friend, so take it for what it's worth. Something or nothing might come of it, but I felt it was an exciting possibility when it was shared with me so I wanted to pass it on.

I believe you 100%......did a similar post in another thread this morning

Just thought of something last night. Sometimes you have read between the lines and pay attention to what's NOT being said. With that being said, any you guys think it possible Martinelli was taking a backhanded shot at Garrett and Jerry. We lost a good potential head coach last year to Colts. Let's do what have to keep this guy. I'm willing to do my part if it helps the team. Maybe it's time to move Garrett to FO if that what it takes to keep Richard.

Think about it, Martinelli is a seasoned vet coach in the league. He knows how the system works and he's not stupid. He also knows no way in hell his DC job is enough to keep Richard from taking the Dolphin gig if it's offered. IDK, maybe I'm just pissing in the wind (lol).

Hawkeye0202, Today at 5:59 AMReport


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My thought has been. Jerry is waiting to step down but he must win a super bowl first. Everyone still calls the 90s Super Bowls Jimmy Johnson’s. Once jerry proves he can build a team and win it all his job is done
He so wants to be a football man. He may not hang them up right after the win but the following year. He may want to try and win two
I think it is more than winning a ring and receiving credit, it's the Kardashian Factor. He's got that celebrity thing going and will not give that up. How many other owners make us aware of their belongings? The stadium, the Star, the chopper, Booger's Boogie Bus and now his yacht. Who else does that that does not hunger for the spotlight? He wanted us to know they spent 1M on that bus. He wants us to know it's a 250M yacht. He's a showoff and retiring will make that all go away, no one will care anymore and not being in the spotlight would kill him.


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It probably ends up as nothing, because let's face it, it would be a huge fundamental shift in the entire organization. But I trust the guy I got it from and I thought I'd share.

Hey, I've seen a shift in philosophy all year from Dez release to Cooper signing mid-season so nothing would surprise me. I wouldn't mind a shake up. Garret and WM would be a fine front office. As for Richard as a HC, I would rather see him here than in Miami and I would rather read posts that are positive than fear mongering "he's going to Miami". Both are unsubstantiated at this point. Yours is a nice counter balance


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JGarrett is no GM.....more of a President of Operations but that is SJones job

They should make him Athletic Director
Promote KRichard
Hire Lincoln Riley
Lincoln Riley would be a fantastic hire. I am a huge Sooners fan. But that's extremely unlikely to happen right now. I would glad to be proven wrong. I just don't see it happening in the immediate future.


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I believe you 100%......did a similar post in another thread this morning

Just thought of something last night. Sometimes you have read between the lines and pay attention to what's NOT being said. With that being said, any you guys think it possible Martinelli was taking a backhanded shot at Garrett and Jerry. We lost a good potential head coach last year to Colts. Let's do what have to keep this guy. I'm willing to do my part if it helps the team. Maybe it's time to move Garrett to FO if that what it takes to keep Richard.

Think about it, Martinelli is a seasoned vet coach in the league. He knows how the system works and he's not stupid. He also knows no way in hell his DC job is enough to keep Richard from taking the Dolphin gig if it's offered. IDK, maybe I'm just pissing in the wind (lol).

Hawkeye0202, Today at 5:59 AMReport

As I recall, and again it was just said on here and in certain circles, Eberflus left out of respect for Mari which I took to mean that Mari wasn't ready to retire with one year left on his contract. and Eberflus wasn't going to push him out. I don't take what Mari said about Richard as any kind of slight against JG or JJ. I don't think Mari is that kind of coach. He was building up Richard, not dissing JG or JJ in any way. But I may be pissing in the opposite wind lol


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Posted this many times that Garrett should be promoted to Assistant GM and a Game Day coach hired . Makes perfect sense put Garrett at what he is best at picking and managing players and let a specialist that can think on his feet and has the cunning of a fox handle things on game day

Above all don't let Richards get away he is good for our team


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As I recall, and again it was just said on here and in certain circles, Eberflus left out of respect for Mari which I took to mean that Mari wasn't ready to retire with one year left on his contract. and Eberflus wasn't going to push him out. I don't take what Mari said about Richard as any kind of slight against JG or JJ. I don't think Mari is that kind of coach. He was building up Richard, not dissing JG or JJ in any way. But I may be pissing in the opposite wind lol

LOL.....I'm not implying in a negative way. Maybe frustration is a better word of him thinking we should do any and everything possible to retain Richard. If that finding a way to give him Garrett's job. so be it.


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If Garrett is leap frogged over him , now who gets the credit on the resume? Garrett as the GM? There comes a time where everyone wants to be known as the man.

I respect your opinion but disagree here. If you've already got the job, you don't need to worry about the resume.

And if Will McClay was worried about being known as "the man" he wouldn't be here working for Jerry Jones. Not when he's had other offers for GM positions.