Give the money to Foles


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Jerry do not invest in Dak!!!!
You and all Cowboys fans will get more for the buck giving that new 20+ million contract picking up a Proven talented QB esp come playoff time in Mr. Foles.
Giving a franchise contract waiting for Dak to grow (Not going to happen lacks the Talent) is gonna be Jerry biggest mistake since the Jimmy divorce.....
Picking up Foles or any other more qualified QB will go a long way bringing this young team of ours to Glory land......

P.S. All I saw yesterday was a replay of the Green Bay playoff loss of 2 years ago as ......Dak could not make the plays when needed in a shootout game!!!!

Dumbed thread of the day so far. Baring injury Dak will start every game next season.


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Calling others "Sniffers" while giving the benefit of the doubt to Foles who has yet to prove he can take anyone besides the Eagles far.

This is a post of the year candidate right here

“How dare you give the benefit of the doubt to Foles. He’s only Stepped in mid season To an offense that wasn’t even designed for him and won the Super Bowl with one team“ lol


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Lol. Your lack of logic knows no bounds. This is just 3rd grade level “why does he get to do it and I don’t”? The fact is, it doesn’t matter what side anyone takes, silly 3rd grade level insults are mindless regardless of whatever point a person tries to promote, and actually do nothing to promote the point, and failures in logic and false claims and exaggeration don’t support anyone. All it accomplishes is showing you can act like a child.

Look at your argument - others don’t make good points so that makes it okay for me (or Pappy) to use false or wildly illogical claims and call people childish names. That was your previous response to me. They did it too! Lol. What next? He stuck his tongue out at me so I called him a poopoo head? Hell, that’s not even high level 3rd grade stuff.

So if hyperbole bothers you no matter which side it comes from and how come you aren’t voicing your displeasure in all the obviously over the top pro Dak threads that pop up on this board dozens of times a day


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lmao foles? Dak isn't the reason we lost. The rams are.When you can shut down the run and THEN run for 10 yards a pop all night, you should win.They deserve it and we need to stop pointing fingers. We have work to do in the trenches in the offseason. It was woeful.

Exactly correct. Dak played well enough for us to win. We were DOMINATED on both lines. That is why we lost. The “Hotboyz” got their you know what shoved in. Very disappointed that we were manhandled in such a way. Hopefully we get Fred Beard back at a 100% and we find another T in the draft. Also need that big run stuffing DT. Going to be some big decisions to be made this off season.


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Earl Thomas in place of Heath would be HUGE. Heath just isnt the answer. Also..WE NEED to let Byron Jones hit the market. He was a liability in the playoffs. Im not resigning that guy. No way. Did he have a pick all year? Get rid of Jones and start Lewis there.

Heath would not start for any other team in the league.


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Earl Thomas in place of Heath would be HUGE. Heath just isnt the answer. Also..WE NEED to let Byron Jones hit the market. He was a liability in the playoffs. Im not resigning that guy. No way. Did he have a pick all year? Get rid of Jones and start Lewis there.

I agree that Heath isn't the answer at safety, but he's really good at special teams. I wonder if there's a way to keep him for that and kickoffs. More importantly though, we need to finally get a real 1 tech.


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The rams game wasnt as close as the GB game. The rams were pretty much coasting and had the game in hand most of the game.


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And???? what good is a DT when our Offense cant score????

What are you talking about? We scored just fine on Sunday, all things considered. In fact, we probably score again if not for the ref completely blowing the call that's in your signature. If that was properly called, we may well have a different discussion on our paws today. Dak didn't make any major mistakes that cost the game as far as I could see. When your defence gives up 30 points, then that's the problem. We couldn't stop CJ Anderson on defence, and that was why we lost. Plain and simple. Foles wouldn't have made a bloody difference, and, last I recall, he put a measley 14 points on the Saints and....wait for it......didn't score in the second half! In fact, they didn't score after the first quarter. Oh, and, unlike Dak, Foles threw an INT. Yes, Foles is a good QB, but come on mate. Do you honestly think that Foles makes a difference when 1. we couldn't run and 2. the Rams were running the ball at will with Anderson? If you want someone to blame, blame Richard (who accepted responsibility) and Marinelli for not properly preparing our team for Anderson. Control Anderson like we did Gurley for the most part, and 22 points is enough to win that game.


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This is a post of the year candidate right here

“How dare you give the benefit of the doubt to Foles. He’s only Stepped in mid season To an offense that wasn’t even designed for him and won the Super Bowl with one team“ lol

I give credit to Foles for what he did to the Eagles. But, the facts are that with inferior offensive systems/playcalling and/or with inferior coaching, he hasn't been nearly as successful with any other team that the Eagles. But, you don't believe coaching and playcalling can make a difference in a QB's career. Foles hasn't proven to be consistently great or take any team to the playoffs, besides Philly.

Linehan/Garrett couldn't use the best of Romo or Dak to get past the divisional round of the playoff, but I'm supposed to believe they will become geniuses with Foles and be able to use him on the same level Philly is able to.


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I give credit to Foles for what he did to the Eagles. But, the facts are that with inferior offensive systems/playcalling and/or with inferior coaching, he hasn't been nearly as successful with any other team that the Eagles. But, you don't believe coaching and playcalling can make a difference in a QB's career. Foles hasn't proven to be consistently great or take any team to the playoffs, besides Philly.

Linehan/Garrett couldn't use the best of Romo or Dak to get past the divisional round of the playoff, but I'm supposed to believe they will become geniuses with Foles and be able to use him on the same level Philly is able to.

That too. I saw that someone said earlier this thread pointed out, Foles was USELESS with Jeff Fisher. If he was useless with Fisher, then I reckon he'd actually be worse here because of how bad Garrett and Linehan are. He went to the right situation that could use his strengths. We don't have that here for him, sadly. If we had a better coach, then I could sort of agree with the OP on getting Foles.


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When did Dak become the Dallas Cowboy Grand Master?
Hey man you know we used to have a passing game and a Offense that scored at will.....where passing TD weren't a luxury but a common occurrence...ya ya ya sell crazy man but some us remember how it was and could be with a quality QB under center!
They’ll never get it because they can’t see it. Dak wins games. That’s all they see.


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What are you talking about? We scored just fine on Sunday, all things considered. In fact, we probably score again if not for the ref completely blowing the call that's in your signature. If that was properly called, we may well have a different discussion on our paws today. Dak didn't make any major mistakes that cost the game as far as I could see. When your defence gives up 30 points, then that's the problem. We couldn't stop CJ Anderson on defence, and that was why we lost. Plain and simple. Foles wouldn't have made a bloody difference, and, last I recall, he put a measley 14 points on the Saints and....wait for it......didn't score in the second half! In fact, they didn't score after the first quarter. Oh, and, unlike Dak, Foles threw an INT. Yes, Foles is a good QB, but come on mate. Do you honestly think that Foles makes a difference when 1. we couldn't run and 2. the Rams were running the ball at will with Anderson? If you want someone to blame, blame Richard (who accepted responsibility) and Marinelli for not properly preparing our team for Anderson. Control Anderson like we did Gurley for the most part, and 22 points is enough to win that game.

Right, pointing out how Dak couldn't score, but Foles didn't score anything after the first quarter. Dak in the same situation gets bashed for that. But, Foles gets a free pass and the benefit of the doubt, because some want him as our QB and believe Foles magic can transfer easily over to the Cowboys, with Foles having a downgrade in going from Pederson to Garrett/Linehan.


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Jerry do not invest in Dak!!!!
You and all Cowboys fans will get more for the buck giving that new 20+ million contract picking up a Proven talented QB esp come playoff time in Mr. Foles.
Giving a franchise contract waiting for Dak to grow (Not going to happen lacks the Talent) is gonna be Jerry biggest mistake since the Jimmy divorce.....
Picking up Foles or any other more qualified QB will go a long way bringing this young team of ours to Glory land......

P.S. All I saw yesterday was a replay of the Green Bay playoff loss of 2 years ago as ......Dak could not make the plays when needed in a shootout game!!!!

You can't be serious!?


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Right, pointing out how Dak couldn't score, but Foles didn't score anything after the first quarter. Dak in the same situation gets bashed for that. But, Foles gets a free pass and the benefit of the doubt, because some want him as our QB and believe Foles magic can transfer easily over to the Cowboys, with Foles having a downgrade in going from Pederson to Garrett/Linehan.

Exactly. I'd like to know how the OP would've responded (I have a good idea though) if Foles were wearing the star yesterday instead of wings. To be fair, I was in church during the second half of the game as I didn't go Saturday evening and was working Sunday Morning, so I didn't see the second half. However, from what I saw, Foles wasn't all that impressive. Granted, it was in NOLA vs Dallas for us, but I thought Dak played a better game than Foles did against the Saints. Yes, Foles is a good QB in the right SCHEME and SYSTEM. The problem is that we don't have the right system, and Linehan wouldn't know what a scheme is if it smacked him in the face.


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You can't be serious!?



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Don’t argue with know-nothings. Not worth the time.

Just feast on their YUMMY, DELICIOUS tears when Dak signs his new deal.

We have our franchise QB. We also have some VERY stupid fans.


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So the defense and Zeke couldn't win the game for Dak for this one...and I need to change the about getting a QB that can win with his arm?????
Don’t try to reason with this idiots. They love winning games. Dak has so many limitations. To not see it is straight up homersville or either they don’t know what a NFL QB is suppose to look like on the field. Dak looks at his first read and then it’s a dumpoff. You get 2 options passing the ball on passing plays. For the 1000th time....NO pocket presence, he holds the ball too long looking at his first read because his brain won’t process fast enough to scan the field in a timely manner. He can’t read pre snap blitz or defensives in general very well. He’s NOT an accurate passer over 15 yards with ANY consistency. Hell...5-15 yards our receivers look like octopus trying to catch the ball a lot of the times. He can’t throw a receiver open and on and on and on but he wins games! To hell with another Super Bowl we’ve got a game manager! This being said, a change at QB is not soley gonna take us to the big dance. This whole organization is a cluster ————!


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You reference an albatross officiating call to downplay Dak? LMMFAOOO HAHAH

Yeah bust open the bank and draft picks for Foles

And I know you're big into breaking down QB play by quarter.


YIKES. Not very good under pressure

Oh my word! That throw was HORRENDOUS!! I didn't realise that part of the game. Dear me! At least Dak didn't make any really bad mistakes in our match! In fact, against NOLA, he played well enough to BEAT them.