Do you consider replacing Dak, if he looks average next season?


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ok, hopefully all of the little name-calling is over (PM each other next time)

as far as the OP, define "average"? are we talking about wins? completion %? TD/INT? what is the metric? I ask because then my follow up questions are:

* If Zeke is average, do we replace him?
* What if LVE hits the ol' sophomore slump, cut him?
* Tyron gets hurt, replace him?
* The beard can't play, cut him?
* What about (Insert other players)?

IMO, I will judge Dak once he has a new OC, but if this coach runs the antiquated 1990's Garrett playbook, then we can never get a feel for what Dak could be...give me a legit offensive game-plan and then Dak will either shine or look horrible and then you will see Dak's me, I am on the fence with his play, but LOVE him otherwise (leadership, running to extend drives when they let him, etc.)...with Lamehan gone, and IF they let him take his playbook with him, then we shall see on Dakota, as long as they don't make Garrett the play-caller - that would result in taking a talented team (when healthy) back to the doldrums of 8-8ville.....
That playbook is about the extent of what Dak can do.

Dak can't run Andy Reid or Sean Payton's offense.


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lol. Does not matter whether Prescott has ten or tens of millions of people believing he is the next great thing because the one person that matters, Jerry Jones, has thought he has been the next great thing since one or two months into the 2016 season.

'Dump him'. Jones will not 'dump him'. Too funny.


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If he looks average next season, do we replace him?

I say we look to dump him now. But I know many of you believe he's the next great thing. So do we stick with him or dump him after an average season next year?
If you think this why bother to post. Fredrick back at center will make a big difference in Daks performance. He doesn't have to worry about calling line protections on pass plays.


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If he looks average next season, do we replace him?

I say we look to dump him now. But I know many of you believe he's the next great thing. So do we stick with him or dump him after an average season next year?

I’d certainly wait until after next season before giving him an extension. I’d like to see him play in the new OC’s system first. I’d also draft a QB this year. Even if Dak pans out you always need two good ones. Look at what QB depth has done for the Eagles.


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if this team will bring in a offensive cord with some college level type offense to it that calls plays to dak's strength and the other players on this team dak will be okay he has to be because the man that runs the show wants him and says he is going to be extended so they better darn well find some that can do that or they wont be around long beucase according to a statement Stephen put out the other day their has to be improvement they cannot do like other teams in the past and miss the playoffs


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...I really don't believe he'll play average next season, he's just not an average kind of guy, especially if he has a good team around here...Maybe the new OC will be better for Dak, in many ways!...Besides it's not what I would think's what JJ thinks.


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The thing is, with Linehan gone there shouldn’t be any more excuses. Whatever our FO does or whoever they choose, it should be to use this opportunity to get the best possible OC. An OC that will of course spark this offense but most importantly ”play to Daks strengths” as many people want to state.

Now, whatever happens, people cannot just spout “coaching changes” every other year. We then turn into the brownies. With that said, I am not giving Dak the excuse to grow within the new scheme. Timing because of scheme is one thing but accuracy and QB fundamentals should be worked on over the offseason. Picking up the new playbook may just speak to how determined (smart) our players are. Slow acclimation is expected from rookies.

I’m looking for improvements. Everything else will just be more excuses.

Common Sense

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Can you consistently win Super Bowls with an average QB who accounts for $20-30M a year in cap space? No? Then you move on. It really isn’t any more complicated than that.


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That playbook is about the extent of what Dak can do.

Dak can't run Andy Reid or Sean Payton's offense.
How do you know? The guy seems pretty heady to me. Perhaps with a different scheme, he converts to that?

Gangsta Spanksta

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It's the old Romoholics to the rescue. Waaaah!

I can't wait for Jerry to give Dak that hefty and big contract extension this offseason, so I can literally laugh out loud at your responses and more whining for years to come. :laugh::popcorn:

The Dak crowd is the one who brings up romo the most. yet again I see.


Regular Joe....
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If he looks average next season, do we replace him?

I say we look to dump him now. But I know many of you believe he's the next great thing. So do we stick with him or dump him after an average season next year?

If it were me, I would offer Dak a contract for two years with an upkick in the third to make him right, option out after 2nd year. I would offer him 10 mil this season, 20 next season and then if he shows that he can develop into a Franchise guy, I would negotiate a market deal. If he doesn't take it, I would definitely start looking for a replacement prospect because there is no way I would ink him to a long term deal for the numbers being thrown around for top tier starting QBs.

That's just me.

Gangsta Spanksta

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He's way above average, and you know it. You guys are simply here to complain incessantly. Sheesh
:facepalm: That's why there was a video on here recently where one of the commentators thought the cowboys were the weakest team in the playoffs because of their quarterback. Or Norm on the ticket saying that he thought, during one point in the season, that there were 20 better quarterbacks in the league than Dak. There a lot of other people around in the country that don't think that Dak is way above average. In 2016 I would've agreed with you. In 2019 I'd have to say, at this point, he may be slightly above average. At least we'll have a new OC, so that should wipe out some of the excused around here. He has this training camp to improve himself.

Gangsta Spanksta

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I don't know it because I don't get fooled by out of context numbers that don't match the games you're not watching. You guys are simply here to jump on Daks jock and that's not me. If he wasn't avg I'd say he wasn't. Why the hell would I want the qb of the team I root for to be avg for? Y'all just blind groupies but most of y'all are probably used to average in y'all real lives too so his play is right at home for y'all.

I wish we had more objective fans, and none of the ones that are on the both sides of the extreme. Even if it is a QB that I'm crazy over, I can admit when he performs bad, and see it too. Heck, at one time I was crazy over Dak.

Gangsta Spanksta

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Get lost. Go cry to someone who cares to listen to your incessant whining. A grown man constantly whining on social media. You're not embarrassed? Even I feel embarrassed for you.
Just as I feel embarrased for the fans that are delusional, and embarrassed for myself that people make fun of how delusional this fan base can be sometime.


"We Are Penn State"
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If he looks average next season, do we replace him?

I say we look to dump him now. But I know many of you believe he's the next great thing. So do we stick with him or dump him after an average season next year?
Let's replace you instead. :lmao2:

Gangsta Spanksta

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I dam sure dont pay him $125 million like posters in that other thread want to do.

And dumping him now would be stupid. We got no starting caliber replacement on the roster, we got no first round pick, and Steven Jones is cheap as hell, so forget about any free agent QBs. So its Dak by default next season.

Now if he looks average next season, the last year of his rookie deal, then we dont resign him and look to the draft with our number one pick for QB.

yup he is the best we have. A smart team would let it be his prove it year before they repay him. Some of the fans here want to pay him now, which seems crazy to me. I guess they buy into the stats they post here and it is not based on the eye test or end results.


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If he looks average next season, do we replace him?

I say we look to dump him now. But I know many of you believe he's the next great thing. So do we stick with him or dump him after an average season next year?

If he's forced to beat teams with a subpar te core then he's gonna look pretty average. If these receivers and tes morph into something better then he'll be ok .the question is can he be more than avg with a bottom barrel te core? And are we gonna cut them if they suck as bad as they did this year? Tom Brady is gonna look avg with this passing offense he had .