Don't expect a discount from Dak Prescott


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Because the Franchise Tag is there for a reason...and like others have said, he's a ***** for $$$, and not playing a year for ~$21M would be really, really stupid. Hopefully, the Cowboys will find a true franchise QB between now and Dak's second FT year.
But he isn't guaranteed the franchise tag. In theory if he had a bad season the team could completely walk away from him. If I was him and I got the vote of "no confidence" this offseason of no extension, I would rather take my chances with whatever teams think of me after my first three seasons.


Offseason mode... sleepy time
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Especially since, after reading that, I checked and he hadn't gotten a like on his previous comment yet either.


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Where has Dak taken us? Like really y’all are unbelievable, didn’t romo being here for years never getting to the super bowl teach y’all anything? I’m not gonna sit here and wait for Dak to “turn the corner” when we could easily give another QB with better talent a opportunity
While I'm not all in on Dak, it's not really him who needs to turn the corner. It's the team, just like it was with Romo, albeit Romo needed fewer pieces than Dak does, IMO. Regardless, I think Dak can do well enough, as long as he doesn't have to do too much.


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LOL @ this.

It has already happened.

Case in point, our incredibly gullible owner gave away any possible leverage last May by coming out and saying publicly that "He's going to get his extraordinary contract."
I was trying to be positive lol

Gangsta Spanksta

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your in the "no respect whatsoever" camp on Dak I see. That's ashame really. You will find out who's right if you all get your wish and he walks. Teams will be lined up to land him. Miami,Jags,Skins, Buffalo, Broncos, Raiders to name a few. The contract will exceed what Cousins got no matter who signs him. Fair or not, that's the QB market these days.

Well I just don't think Elway would want an unproven guy with accuracy problems. The got rid of tebow fast enough down there, and well at one point Elway had interested in kaepernick but well that guy had won a superbowl and before he dropped off the map. Dak would have to prove himself I think in 2019 for Elway to be interested. I would think he would want someone who is a good passer, which there are still question marks about dak, hence the ROFLMA bit.


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Here’s the thing that hasn’t been discussed.

If this really a Make it or Bust season for Garrett then why isn’t it for Dak?

Is this going to be an attractive job for someone if we have a disappointing season and Dak isn’t given an extension?

So , a new HC is going to come in with a QB on the ropes. Will the new HC be provided more rope than Dak?


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Pay Dak as the elite QB that he's not and this team will lose a lot of games. He won't have the help around him he needs to succeed. It's that simple. The team does have alternatives. Dak plays one more year and then we draft a QB with our #1. Or we see what Mike White has. If he flops, we have a high draft pick to use on a QB. If Jerry lets an average QB leverage his way into huge money, he'll be making a huge mistake.
I love how this is all just a one way street. I didn't know dak was a ***** sold to the highest bidder.
well then, he wont be here and you can then say hello to starting a retread at QB or a rookie. That what you want? If the going rate is 30 mil(I hate it too), you gonna just let him walk? You ready to start from scratch and declare a guy like Dak a bust ? Because if you don't pay him, that'saf your doing. BE CAREFUL.
well then, he wont be here and you can then say hello to starting a retread at QB or a rookie. That what you want? If the going rate is 30 mil(I hate it too), you gonna just let him walk? You ready to start from scratch and declare a guy like Dak a bust ? Because if you don't pay him, that's what your doing. BE CAREFUL.
I said be careful to the Minnesota Vikings before the kirk cussins debacle they should have listened

Gangsta Spanksta

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know what gets me? We find a diamond in the rough in round 4 in 2016 with Dak, and NOW SOME wanna throw the baby out with the bathwater! Dak hasn't had a top flight HC or QB coach really his entire short as its been. You guys want to nickel and dime him or let him walk? lol...that's a very dangerous game to play if u ask me. The Skins would be salivating over the idea stealing Dak from me. We are so blessed to have Will McClay find these players deep in late rounds, and some want to give up on a guy already? wow...shakin my head. Stay the course with Dak, pay the man, and for GODSAKES, get him some damn coaches.

The Diamond in the Rough thing I bought in 2016. But 2017 exposed a weakness, and while some here think that the second half of 2018 proved he overcame that or never had that, others don't think so. I think we have a very talented team, and Dak has a lot of talents too, but is flawed. Maybe he can overcome his flaws in the off season, but I think it would be dumb to sign him to a big contract until he has overcome them. let it be a prove it year for him. There too many people that are too eager to pay him when he isn't proven yet. The smartest plan would be to let Dak prove himself, and if in 2019 we make it to the playoffs again, pay the man. However, if 2019 is a disaster and teams are daring him to throw it deep, using the same game plan against us that the rams did or teams in 2017 did, and Dak has an inability to overcome that. Well Draft a QB in the 2020 draft. That is the smart thing to do, but Jerry like many around here is a homer and will probably pay the man before the season begins.
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Gangsta Spanksta

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Here’s the thing that hasn’t been discussed.

If this really a Make it or Bust season for Garrett then why isn’t it for Dak?

Is this going to be an attractive job for someone if we have a disappointing season and Dak isn’t given an extension?

So , a new HC is going to come in with a QB on the ropes. Will the new HC be provided more rope than Dak?

Well a few of us have been bringing that up for awhile. I've said myself that I would either 1) get Foles. or 2) Hope that Dak works really hard in the off season, improves his footwork, improves his release time, and improves his pocket awareness. I really don't know if you can improve accuracy, the improved footwork should help there somewhat. I was all in for Dak in 2016. Started to worry in 2017. And now while I like the kid, well I just don't know how far you can get in the playoffs if you are not a passer. If he can overcome his flaws this offseason, I'm all for him. Of course the Dak crowd doesn't see these flaws, but many of us who are skeptical do.
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The Bills got rid of their own "bus driver" Tyrod Taylor and you think they would pay big bucks for another one?

Yeah right..

I didn't say a word about how big the contract would be only that Prescott would most certainly sign a second contract in the NFL and just used the bills as an example.


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The Diamond in the Rough thing I bought in 2016. But 2017 exposed a weakness, and while some here think that the second half of 2018 proved he overcame that or never had that, others don't think so. I think we have a very talented team, and Dak has a lot of talents too, but is flawed. Maybe he can overcome his flaws in the off season, but I think it would be dumb to sign him to a big contract until he has overcome them. let it be a prove it year for him. There too many people that are too eager to pay him when he isn't proven yet. The smartest plan would be to let Dak prove himself, and if in 2019 we make it to the playoffs again, pay the man. However, if 2019 is a disaster and teams are daring him to throw it deep, using the same game plan against us that the rams did or teams in 2017 did, and Dak has an inability to overcome that. Well Draft a QB in the 2020 draft. That is the smart thing to do, but Jerry like many around here is a homer and will probably pay the man before the season begins.

Here's the flaw in your logic. In 2016 the Cowboys had the best O-line in the game but in 2017 and 2018 it wasn't that same line but only 40% of that line. The O-line play deteriorated greatly the past couple of years and those that are so quick to toss Prescott under the bus just don't see that or get that. Does Prescott have things to work on, you bet ya, but he's no where near as bad as some want to paint him.

Gangsta Spanksta

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Here's the flaw in your logic. In 2016 the Cowboys had the best O-line in the game but in 2017 and 2018 it wasn't that same line but only 40% of that line. The O-line play deteriorated greatly the past couple of years and those that are so quick to toss Prescott under the bus just don't see that or get that. Does Prescott have things to work on, you bet ya, but he's no where near as bad as some want to paint him.

Its not really a flaw in my logic. The dak supporters keep bemoaning that Dak did not have an elite offensive line this year, and to that we can all agree. They certainly weren't terrible though. They were average. So if you QB can't get things done with an average offensive line, you know the kind of line most NFL Teams have, then well... there is not a problem here?!?! I find it amusing that people seem to think that we should always have an elite offensive line here. I mean it is not like the offensive line is a single player, so how do you make sure that it is elite every year? Eventually if a quarterback is the franchise guy, he will have an average offensive line, and eventually he will have a bad offensive line. That is how things go, because you simply can't just keep using first round picks to plug in holes in the dam of the offensive line to keep it elite.


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Its not really a flaw in my logic. The dak supporters keep bemoaning that Dak did not have an elite offensive line this year, and to that we can all agree. They certainly weren't terrible though. They were average. So if you QB can't get things done with an average offensive line, you know the kind of line most NFL Teams have, then well... there is not a problem here?!?! I find it amusing that people seem to think that we should always have an elite offensive line here. I mean it is not like the offensive line is a single player, so how do you make sure that it is elite every year? Eventually if a quarterback is the franchise guy, he will have an average offensive line, and eventually he will have a bad offensive line. That is how things go, because you simply can't just keep using first round picks to plug in holes in the dam of the offensive line to keep it elite.

Another flaw in your logic is that there are only a very few QB's that are able to be productive and win championships with an average of below average line, yet the Prescott haters seem to think they grow on trees and are just waiting to be picked. There were some times late this past season where the line played better but for all of 2017 and a great deal of 2018 this line played below average at least in the pass blocking part of it. All to many times the past couple of seasons when Prescott dropped back to pass he had enough time to make his first read and then the pocket was collapsing around him. Yes there were times it looked like he held the to long but it was one of 2 things, Either the receivers weren't open and on other teams they refer to that as a coverage sack or Prescott didn't want to try to squeeze it into coverage and risk a pick so he was protecting the ball. If there is something he really needs to work on his protecting the ball and not getting it knocked out of his hand and fumbling so often.

Gangsta Spanksta

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Another flaw in your logic is that there are only a very few QB's that are able to be productive and win championships with an average of below average line, yet the Prescott haters seem to think they grow on trees and are just waiting to be picked. There were some times late this past season where the line played better but for all of 2017 and a great deal of 2018 this line played below average at least in the pass blocking part of it. All to many times the past couple of seasons when Prescott dropped back to pass he had enough time to make his first read and then the pocket was collapsing around him. Yes there were times it looked like he held the to long but it was one of 2 things, Either the receivers weren't open and on other teams they refer to that as a coverage sack or Prescott didn't want to try to squeeze it into coverage and risk a pick so he was protecting the ball. If there is something he really needs to work on his protecting the ball and not getting it knocked out of his hand and fumbling so often.

and there were other times where Dak ran forward straight into the pass rush. So Dak is partially to blame too. I think your logic is flawed to think that an elite offensive line is sustainable. I mean our own team recent history is a perfect case study that it is not. Romo started off with an elite offensive line that got old over night and then at one point of time was even worse than the offensive line the cowboys had in 1989. Romo could still do things despite having a bad offensive line. Dak while he looked like he might of had that romo Jedi skill in 2016, seems to have lost it back in that Atlanta game or before. His pocket awareness was bad this year on a team whose offensive line was avarage and not bad, or not as bad as we've seen here in the past. I'm not saying any quarterback should expect to have as bad of an offensive line as Romo has had. However, to complain about how a quarterback function on an average line is laughable, since you just can't sustain an elite line forever