Mike Leach on QB accuracy


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I mean, it's not like we're pulling this observation out of the air. Almost EVERY commentator who has coached or played the game has said this. Even the great Roger Staubach said it.

There’s a small group here of extremist who can’t handle any criticism of Dakster. Reminds me of the old Romo threads. An endless black hole.


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I think the point was you select a SS based on they are the most accurate consistently.
Along with other factors. A team would sacrifice at least some degree of accuracy for a player with better range, stronger arm, better instincts, better glove etc .... accuracy is just one of a number of traits that factor in. Same with a QB. You have to look at the overall picture. Not every successful QB is blessed with deadly accuracy, but whatever they lack in that department may be overcome by other traits that help make up a strong QB.


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Accuracy is more than "balls caught". Aside from distance, when you put the ball constantly where a receiver has to stop, reach behind, etc. It is a bad throw. It's the difference between a 10 yard gain and a 3yd gain. Obviously hes shown to be productive, but is it enough
If he was so inaccurate that WR's were having to do this then his interceptions would be up.
Open in the NFL means the BD in on your butt. People rarely get that wide open at this level where a guy could have the QB rating he has without being accurate.

The stats show that he isnt a checkdown charlie QB. Look them up. Look at how he performed once we got a real WR for him to throw the ball to.

You just don't produce the wins, or stats he has produced without being accurate enough. The guy has only played for 3 seasons. 1 was the greatest rookie year anyone has had as a QB, and 1 was a probowl appearance. We won the division 2 out of 3 seasons with Dak. He has a career QB rating of 96. This stuff doesnt happen to a QB who is as inaccurate as some like to think.


Taco Engineer
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You can improve your mechanics of throwing which starts with footwork, then "triangle," then "short circle," "L position,"zero," and then arm extension.
Kind of like Golf, you can tweak different things to improve passing technique.
I get that Prescott can be better accuracy wise, but to suggest he's "not accurate" is false because he's also made some wonderful throws. So I don't really see how it can't improve or you have it or you don't.
Romo mentioned that early in his career he wasn't accurate or great at throwing consistently, so I don't see it as impossible to improve.
There's also timing and cohesiveness with WRs that play a role.

And, he doesn't have to be on point, laser accurate to be a great QB. Fans just run with things they hear.
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Another thread where we pretend a guy who completed 67% of his passes with 67 TD's and only 25 Int and a career QB rating of 96 can't throw the football well enough to play at this level.
It is just amazing the mental gymnastics they go through to try and prove a negative.

Just astounding.


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I’m not hopeful with that solution. He wasn’t able to surround Romo with enough.

I argued for years that having a Rodgers type talent would have enhanced our chances over Romo.

Surely everyone would agree a more prolific passer would enhance our chances now?
If only they grew on trees...


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Along with other factors. A team would sacrifice at least some degree of accuracy for a player with better range, stronger arm, better instincts, better glove etc .... accuracy is just one of a number of traits that factor in. Same with a QB. You have to look at the overall picture. Not every successful QB is blessed with deadly accuracy, but whatever they lack in that department may be overcome by other traits that help make up a strong QB.
Not at the professional level. SS's who lack accuracy become outfielders.


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Sorry Stash! We are just going to have to disagree for once buddy! You are taking this 4 year window and acting like it's the end all be all. As the article stated that I quoted, until the 6th game this year his stats were declining for a season and 5 games. That's real. Part of the issue was accuracy going downfield. The other article I posted about the Texans game shows it in stark detail. My point about not being cut and dry is that Dak can still be a great QB, have many great attributes and be a leader but not be accurate in a portion of his throws. As I said you can be 22-25 0-15 yards and 0-7 past 20 yards and 22-32 gets you 68.75 %. That looks great overall but doesn't mean he's OVERALL accurate. You have to look at these things in context and you fail to do that and just want to be right like we have a perfect QB. Pointing out a fault on a small area of his throws isn't the end all be all. I like Dak's entangibles and try not to worry too much on other stuff though I find it interesting,.
Show me a qb who had a less talented WR/TE unit to work with the first 5 games of this season.
How can you make this statement and pretend this wasnt a consideration?


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Sorry Stash! We are just going to have to disagree for once buddy!

You should reply to me if you're replying to me, otherwise I might not see it. But I'm fine with civil disagreements.

You are taking this 4 year window and acting like it's the end all be all. As the article stated that I quoted, until the 6th game this year his stats were declining for a season and 5 games.

It's certainly more important than a small portion of the whole. That's undeniable.

That's real. Part of the issue was accuracy going downfield.

That's not "real", that's interpretation. Again, if he actually couldn't "go downfield", his completion percentage and yards per completion would show it. They do not. Is it not also notable that once he had an actually capable receiver, those "5 games" and the trend were over with? You're not saying that's mere coincidence, are you?

The other article I posted about the Texans game shows it in stark detail. My point about not being cut and dry is that Dak can still be a great QB, have many great attributes and be a leader but not be accurate in a portion of his throws. As I said you can be 22-25 0-15 yards and 0-7 past 20 yards and 22-32 gets you 68.75 %. That looks great overall but doesn't mean he's OVERALL accurate.

And if what you are hypothetically trying to claim were true, his career numbers would reflect it. They don't and it's not.

You have to look at these things in context and you fail to do that and just want to be right like we have a perfect QB.

No need to create a strawman here. Nobody ever said what you're claiming. The "context" you're referring to doesn't exist.

Pointing out a fault on a small area of his throws isn't the end all be all. I like Dak's entangibles and try not to worry too much on other stuff though I find it interesting,.

Legitimate faults? Sure. Absolutely. But not things people invent in their heads that aren't born out by what's actually happening, and the numbers that show what is happening.


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His point is, shortstops are chosen partly for their consistent accuracy. They are accurate by nature.

Same goes for accurate quarterbacks.
So i guess Wentz and Goff are hopeless since they struggle with accuracy with good mechanics. Dak occasionally struggles with accuracy because of poor mechanics.

There is a difference and the vid you posted outlined that.

Notice how when Dak's mechanics improved this year, so did his accuracy.

Go figure.


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Not at the professional level. SS's who lack accuracy become outfielders.

Absolutely at the professional level. Note that I didn't say they will completely sacrifice accuracy, I said they will sacrifice some degree of it if the other traits are strong. It's still the whole package that matters. For example, what good is accuracy if the glove is weak, or if the arm isn't strong enough to beat the runner? How effective is a shortstop if he doesn't have the range to adequately cover the entire area that needs to be covered. Bottom line is a slightly more accurate shortstop will not win the job over one who is slightly less accurate if his glove, arm strength, range and instincts are inferior.


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There’s a small group here of extremist who can’t handle any criticism of Dakster. Reminds me of the old Romo threads. An enDdless black hole.
And the truth is in the middle, just as it always is, just as it was w/ Romo. Dak is not the most accurate Qb. However, he's somewhat accurate, esp when he keeps his footwork right. Although at times he does make some throws that are ducks, he also at times makes some very nice throws through tight windows.

What Dak really needs is some hard coaching to make him more consistent. I love the Kitna hire and have some real hope he can do that, and at the same time teach Dak how to move the ball consistently. Which Dak has also done well at times.

Really, it's the consistency. That's where the problem lies. Dak was very very raw when we got him, and at this point he simply has not been coached up as much as he needs to be. I personally believe part of it has to do w/ that Crapptastic O playcalling we saw from Linehan, that made every QB except Romo look like crapp. And Romo made the system look better than it is by scrambling scrambling scrambling until the WR's started freelancing. Because the scheme seldom worked.
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There is no coach that can teach Dak how to throw a football. You're either accurate, or you're not.

This isn't about poise. Dak has poise. So it isn't an experience fix that comes with getting "comfortable". Dak is comfortable.

And that's a problem because this just comes down to lack of ability.

Darius Jackson can practice all he wants, but he'll never be Zeke. Dak can work himself to the bone, but he'll never be an elite passer.

****, imagine if he was actually accurate.
Damn near 70% completion percentage over 3 years should be 95 if he could just aim.

Still makes a lower percentage of off target throws than Brady and Rodgers. But that doesn’t fit your narrative.


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Absolutely at the professional level. Note that I didn't say they will completely sacrifice accuracy, I said they will sacrifice some degree of it if the other traits are strong. For example, what good is accuracy if the glove is weak, or if the arm isn't strong enough to beat the runner? How effective is a shortstop if he doesn't have the range to adequately cover the entire area that needs to be covered. Bottom line is a slightly more accurate shortstop will not win the job over one who is slightly less accurate if his glove, arm strength, range and instincts are inferior.
Those guys you are describing have long changed positions. Major league SS's might throw the ball away a couple times a season, and generally that's from not getting a good grip, not from accurcy issues.

Your last sentence might be true, however those guys are also given a position change.

Major league SS's do not and cannot lack accuracy.

I actually don't think this is a good parallel. QB's w/ questionable accuracy have things they can do to help make up for it. At SS, if you can't catch and throw the ball accurately, you are moved.

I think what you're describing is the HS level, possibly some in college. In the pros, some glove deficiencies can be overcome if the bat is good enough, or some range can be sacrificed(Derek Jeter, for instance). But accuracy issues are simply not allowed.


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You know who was accurate, Drew Henson.
You know who wasn’t a good QB, Drew Henson.

So daks won the second most games in the league since he’s been a pro. If only he was accurate he’d be undefeated!


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Until you can come up with a better statistical measurement? Save it.
Stash while your opinions on things are insightful you of all people should know the difference between accuracy and completion percentage while closely linked, completion percentage does not tell the whole story on accuracy. A highly accurate QB can have crappy comp% because he has crappy receivers, a high comp% QB could be inaccurate but gets his ball within the vicinity of a WR and they catch it but maybe YAC yardage is impacted.

Good example in the NBA FG% a post player will have higher FG% does that make him more accurate than say a guy that lives beyond the 3 point line


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I think the big thing is trusting what he sees. He took a lot of sacks some of them on the OL but some because he held on to the ball too long. He needs to speed up his reads especially on the 3 step drop. By the time he hits that 3rd step he needs to know where he is going and trust his WR to be there and then fire it. I think Dak's biggest issue which leads some to claim he is inaccurate has more to do with hesitating and not trusting what he sees. These are things he can work on and improve on.