Dlaw 4-6 month recovery time


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cowboy doctors and medical staff have been looking at this injury for the last two years. seriously think they didn't have a pretty good handle on the situation?


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I got to be honest............ I like Lawrence and wanted him back but it rubs me the wrong way that he used his shoulder as leverage and now has possibly put part of the 2019 season in jeopardy because of it.

I am sure other will disagree with me but it just doesn't sit well with me. Hopefully it's a 4 month thing and he's back for some or most of August camp.

He will say “it’s just business.” But he knows in his heart it was a punk move.


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Let’s not overreact. D Law played with his “torn labrum” all last year. While his shoulder may take some time to get to 100%, it’s not like this is a knee injury that would affect his ability to run, cut, anchor, and push. Which is 90 percent of pass rushing and run defending. The big thing is how long it will take him to start doing upper body weightlifting. If he is able to do that at least a month before the season, his strength should be fine and he can play with a harness, if necessary, to protect the shoulder for the first few games. I don’t see him missing game action.
I don't know those are the facts. Recovering from surgery and hoping to fully heal is not the same as playing with an injury and is treated differently. After surgery, Tank will be in a sling for a few weeks and then start rehab. None of that allows for the full contact of professional football. We are talking about at least 3 to 4 months before we see him even on a practice field.


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cowboy doctors and medical staff have been looking at this injury for the last two years. seriously think they didn't have a pretty good handle on the situation?

Unfortunately, I can speak from a TON of experience on this injury. I've had 4 shoulder surgeries in the past 5 years. Although my doctor is not infamously known, he is one of the best around here, and is the shoulder and knee guy for several NCAA Final Four teams the past few years. He's very good!

With that being said, this isn't going to be any less than 6 months to get to even 90%. I had 7 anchors used on my right side to put my labrum back together, with work done on the AC joint and some RC clean up as well. Starting just a couple weeks after words, I went to PT 4 days a week for several months. It took over a year for me to get full ROM back. Let's say that because Tank is a world class athlete, he cuts that time in half. It's still 6 months, which is being very generous. I've had a lot of injuries over the years. Nothing was ever as painful and as hard to recover from. I wish him the best and hope this doesn't drag out like Andrew Lucks labrum did.


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This is where it's at for me. The ugliest moment in Cowboys fandom I remember is when we cut Ware. Leading up to the cut, it was all about "he did well for us but it's business." But as soon as Ware signed a very good deal in a hot minute with Denver, some fans turned on him saying he was never good enough, was a bum, etc. with one idiot accusing him of being a PED cheat, lol. Just proves that players getting paid drums up the lack in some that then needs explaining away to protect the ego. In negotiations, you use what you got. How many here were urging management to play hardball with DLaw or trade him? The "never over $20 million/year" crowd is having a tough go of it and are grasping at the predictable "moral failures" for why DLaw won this battle.
Don't count your eggs in the basket too quickly. DLaw hasn't won anything until fully recovered and playing too tier football without missing games. If something goes wrong and his recovery is delayed, how is he a winner?


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And I heard that if the rotator cuff is heavily involved, which they won't known until they get in there, it could be longer.
They know exactly whats wrong with it, thats what xrays are for. What was reported is that the surgery needed to happen or the labrum could dislocate and that wouldnt have cause Lawrence to be on IR and probably out all of 2019


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Lawrence will be in a sling for 3 to 6 weeks, then the next 3 to 6 weeks he will be in rehab getting his strength back. Then the rest his him getting back in playing shape. When Jones talks 4 to 6 months he doesnt mean he will not be working out and getting on the field. the 4 months is probably what they expect to be if things go all good. The 6 months is the worst case scenario if there are complications with infections ect. Lawrence puts in work, if i remember he came back from his back surgery earlier then what they thought he would didnt he?


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In this case, a soft taco will never be supreme and only means a bust of a 1st rd draft pick.
Yea and most of us thought Taco was drafted to replace Tank because Tank had underperformed.

Denim Chicken

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The management is right most of the time. A lot of these players are spoiled, entitled, jerks that thinks the world revolves around them. They are nothing more than employees and they should be treated as such.

Yeah, that's not how it works as much as you want it to. Think Hollywood. Star actors dictate their terms because the studios know they're the money makers.


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Yea and most of us thought Taco was drafted to replace Tank because Tank had underperformed.
I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were appointed the official speaker for "most of us". I guess I missed that meeting. My apologies. :rolleyes:


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Seeing as he pulled this crap JUST to up the kitty on a deal, I'd fine his *** everyday he isn't at practice. And yes I know that can't be done, but I'd make the threat to him. His shoulder should have been numero uno business after the season ended, not right be fore TC.


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I have previously attempted to make some on this website more suitably aware that it might take longer than 3 months for DL to rehab and fully recover. Unfortunately, it fell upon at least some of those with deaf ears. There's more to meets the eye for complete recovery to enable a football player to resume the strenuous return to action that pro football demands. There's a distinct difference between recovery and active pro football readiness.

I'm hoping that DL is able to return for the end of TC and even that might most assuredly be overextending his probable re-entry into the hard rigors of the professional season. I won't be overly surprised if he misses a regular season game or two before his return is enabled. Hopefully, even that's not too much to expect. I'd be pleasantly surprised if it comes any sooner than that but here's hoping it does, anyway. (It always varies with the individual.) ;)
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