The false perception Stephen is running Cowboys Football


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It certainly wasn't that pile of poop you and idgit keep wanting to put on a pedestal.
It was certainly a coach that told someone who told someone we need a better WR. And it most certainly wasn’t JJ. Please...


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Father time will eventually take care of things. Problem is no one knows how much longer the nightmare will last. Jerry turns 77 in October, and could easily last another 20 years or more. Who would have ever imagined the Dallas Cowboys being out of super bowl talk for over 40 years straight.
LMAO, acr, you've outdone everyone. Forget the last 23 years of futility, I am playing this forward and adding another 17, your move.

I really don't see him at 96-97 running the team with his 74 year old son in the wings waiting to take over. And the good news is Ross Perot only made it to 89 so that billionaires don't die theory can be laid to rest.


Jerry learned to GM from Pee Wee Herman
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It was certainly a coach that told someone who told someone we need a better WR. And it most certainly wasn’t JJ. Please...

My money is on Linehan. If the decision were left to Garrett he would still be 'processing' what to do 10 months after the trade was finalized by someone else.


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I helped Jerry make that decision too. Do you have any evidence to the contrary? I'd love to see it too. See how ignorant your comments are?
Joe, I need to have words with you about that Charleton pick.


Jerry learned to GM from Pee Wee Herman
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LMAO, acr, you've outdone everyone. Forget the last 23 years of futility, I am playing this forward and adding another 17, your move.

I really don't see him at 96-97 running the team with his 74 year old son in the wings waiting to take over. And the good news is Ross Perot only made it to 89 so that billionaires don't die theory can be laid to rest.

If Jerry makes to 89 that still means 12 more years of his garbage.


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Maybe the NFL will dissolve in the next 12 years and we'll no longer have to worry about Jerry crapping all over our favorite franchise.
More likely it will not and Booger, Mara and Rooney can form a band, "The Crypt Keepers", and have that goofy looking dolt, Mark Davis, as their lead singer. You could replace fingers down the throat with a video of them.


Jerry learned to GM from Pee Wee Herman
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My life’s ambition is to out live Jerry. Lol
I might need one more open heart procedure to make it.

You should consider cryonics. Jerry will probably live to 110, just to spite all of his detractors from all the hate thrown his way over the years. Garrett will probably still be a puppet HC then as well.


Jerry learned to GM from Pee Wee Herman
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More likely it will not and Booger, Mara and Rooney can form a band, "The Crypt Keepers", and have that goofy looking dolt, Mark Davis, as their lead singer. You could replace fingers down the throat with a video of them.

I really need a Jerry Jones voodoo doll.......


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Maybe the NFL will dissolve in the next 12 years and we'll no longer have to worry about Jerry crapping all over our favorite franchise.
Maybe we'll all dissolve in the next 12 years. That's what AOC would have us believe. :laugh:


Outta bounds
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For me the bottom line is winning Conf CGs and SBs which is what this franchise used to be all about

Now we’re about relevance and winning regular season games and that somehow is great

Like I said, different strokes for different folks
Cool cool


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Apparently there’s a growing perception with the overall better decisions and culture we’ve seen in personnel decisions we have fans and media who are framing a narrative that Stephen is now “running Cowboys Football”.

Interestingly I’ve even seen where they document it going back from anywhere between when Garrett took over in 2011 to Johnny Manziel .

Some even say with Jerry building his new stadium was the beginning of only part time duties as GM.

Fans are confusing delegating more air time to Stephen and listening more to the influences around him as a sign Jerry is no longer making the final decisions running Cowboys Football.

There are many signs quite to the contrary including major personnel decisions in draft like in War Room, final visits with key players like Dez , coaching decisions like firing Linehan along with no official announcement he’s taking any lesser role or increasing Stephens role.

I suspect we have fans who want to believe or take credit away from Jerry from being more influenced and delegating while still in control. And others who it probably provides them more hope if they believe Jerry isn’t in control.

Remember Parcells said “ you have to convince Jerry to go against his instincts” . Ive been a huge critic of Jerry thru the years. But he has a history of making better decisions with greater influence around him.

I think this perception comes from the tendency of fans to look at extremes rather than recognize the more likely middle of the road explanation. We see it with a lot of topics, and in this case the extremes are either Jerry is running it all, or Stephen is now in charge. The much more likely reality is that there is more inclusion of thoughts and opinions than maybe their once was - that Jerry is listening more to guys like McClay and Stephen and coaching staff, and therefore the decisions are made on a more productive collection of thoughts. But there really is no way to reasonably believe Jerry has turned over the reins. Nothing the public has ever seen in his personality would suggest he is the kind of person that could step aside, plus he is still frequently seen in front of the camera. And he owns the place.


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What's the alternative to acceptance?

We can find a winner that better suits our needs for contending. Or we accept things out of our control and realize we're just along for the ride.

The Dallas Cowboys of the 70's and 90's are just history, built by different people. I would prefer to be in my 20's or 40's as I was then but I am not and can't go find a new body so I am stuck with this one in it's 70's. I can either accept that or piss and moan about it and end up being a 71 year old pissin' moaner.

Someone on the old forum described being a Cowboys fan, and it was much worse then, as being in love with a bad woman that treats you like crap but you just can't quit her. Oh, you can pack your bags and drive around all day but come nighttime, you just gravitate back home and into that bed that you've shared for so long. That's me, visionary, I've tried and I can't quit her, too much history and memories with her. And if anyone outside the family badmouths her, I'll defend her to the end.

Love the old days, 20 years of winning seasons and 5 trips in the first 20 years but she started to age in the last 20, not as pretty as she once was but she can still get dolled up every now and then to remind me of what she once looked like. But, I am resigned to the fact that she may never be really pretty again but then I remember I didn't just sign on to be there when she was pretty and others love really ugly ones but we all share that one thing that is so hard to understand how it arrived and why it won't leave, loyalty.

I’m not saying ‘find another team’

I’m saying intelligence is better than stupidity
I’m saying thinking for yourself is better than blind worship
I’m saying eyes open is better than eyes closed
I’m saying at least as a fan, say that mediocre and ‘relevant ‘ is not good enough

So what if I can’t change the team or it’s decisions?
I’m darned if I say they are good when they are horrible