Rumor: Zeke Turns Down Contract


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Its very simple.
Zeke and his team didnt just pull a surprise training camp hold out. They knew it was coming and they knew why.
If you are the GM and your best player and a guy who is the best in the league at his position is asking for a new deal you listen. You know where you stand and you make a decision.
This isnt that hard. If you know this guy isnt going to play if he isnt the highest paid in the league then you either make him the highest paid or you move him before training camp.
Did the FO think if they ignored the problem it would just go away.

And as far as Jerry going to bat for Zeke. BS! Jerry went to bat for himself and his team. He is an old man who knew without Zeke his team would stink. He wasnt fighting for Zeke. He was fighting for the cowboys. If it was Terrence Williams would Jerry have went to bat for him? Hell no. So stop it. Wake up.
In addition, what purpose does it serve Zeke to be in camp this early? He doesn't need the wear and tear and the extra hits in preseason. This is merely an extended vacation for Zeke, and Jerry knows this.


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I was reading yesterday that Jerry could totally ruin Zeke’s career and Zeke would never see a NFL football field again . At this point Jerry should not make anymore contact with his agent and I would start making plans without him. It is time to stand up against greed. I had rather tank the season than see Jerry give in to Zeke.
This is a story that’s not too difficult to believe. Kind of makes you wonder how ugly things get behind closed doors


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2015 - Games 13 Games Started 12 Rush 229 Yards 1106 Yards Avg 4.8 Yards/Game 85.1
2016 - Games 16 Games Started 16 Rush 278 Yards 885 Yards Avg 3.2 Yards/Game 55.3
2017 - Games 15 Games Started 15 Rush 279 Yards 1305 Yards Avg 4.7 Yards/Game 87.0
2018 - Games 14 Games Started 14 Rush 256 Yards 1271 Yards Avg 4.8 Yards/Game 89.4


2016 - Games 15 Games Started 15 Rush 322 Yards 1631 Yards Avg 5.1 Yards/Game 108.7
2017 - Games 10 Games Started 10 Rush 242 Yards 983 Yards Avg 4.1 Yards/Game 98.3
2018 - Games 15 Games Started 15 Rush 304 Yards 1434 Yards Avg 4.7 Yards/Game 95.6

Zeke has played in 6 less games
Gurley has 499 more yards
Zeke averages 4.7 per carry over Gurley's 4.4
Zeke's per game rushing is 101.2 vs Gurley's 78.4

Posting one game or one carry and suggesting that tells you which is the better back is disingenuous

Were Zeke to have those extra six games, he would be leading Gurley by 100 yards in one less season.

But to make this even more apparent. Zeke has 111 less carries than Emmitt in the same time frame of the first three years. Emmitt has 165 yards more than Zeke in six more games.

Zeke is the best running back in the league. The size of the paycheck indicates how the team values the player. The Rams overpaid Gurley. That is not Zeke's fault.

I am not saying that Zeke isn't a special player. However, I don't think your only consideration should be stats. There were reasons why Zeke was a workhorse. Being protecting a rookie QB, a terrible defense, a piss poor oc, and a lack of WR production.

I am just saying there is a reason why Zeke has the stats he has.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
So what defines a "journalist"? :huh:
An excellent question. My opinion of the occupation is specific and based on concise definition. Here are the Merriam-Webster definitions I refer to:

journalist noun

1 a : a person engaged in journalism
especially : a writer or editor for a news medium
b : a writer who aims at a mass audience


This is what a sizeable number of people preclude makes basically anyone who writes a journalist. However, an individual must (in my opinion) practice journalism--of which the definition I recognize is this:

journalism noun

2 b : writing characterized by a direct presentation of facts or description of events without an attempt at interpretation


Click the link for journalism's complete definition.

For me, I do not need someone's thoughts on any matter. Just report what has been stated by others or relay an event that occurs. I can interpret what has (hopefully) been provided to me as facts. Someone's opinion is not required. In my view, people relaying information to an audience and attaching their opinions provides commentary--not news.

Travis, along with many others with an audience, are conducting themselves no differently from anyone here on this site with one possible exception. Travis is getting paid handsomely for his contributions. Cha-ching.


Vet Min Plus
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It’s not semantics. Bell reset the market and showed that the Rams way overplayed. It’s like you trying to sell your house for what your neighbor on the right sold for 2 years ago even though your neighbor on the left sold 2 months ago for much less and all three housss are basically the same. Markets don’t work that way.

Zeke has proven to be more durable than both backs and he’s led the league in rushing twice. Pretty sure his agents argument is that his “House” has a pool or more square footage.

We can talk real estate all day, I sold houses for 12 years before the crash. The market is dictated by what idiots will overpay everyday, one sale isn’t enough to make a drop. It depends on who blinks first.

Jerry still signs the checks lol Stephen is probably smashing plates on the new yacht as we speak...:D


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I would love to see the Cowboys refuse to sign Zeke and then Zeke reports for game 1 and fires his agent.

It would be even funnier if Zeke then hired Dak's agent and the Cowboys gave him the contract he demanded previously after he had been with the new agent for 1 day.

Dak's agent get's the top RB contract for 1 day of work. He should be on goods terms with the Cowboys for that.

Other players would see that holdouts don't work with the Cowboys.
Yes please. I often wondered why someone as brash as JJ don’t come out and say The Cowboys will never negotiate with a certain agent. So if you want to be A Cowboy then change your agent and we talk. I would have done that with the agent D-Law uses. Having him hold out surgery for leverage. He could care a less how it effects our winning or losing games.


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Rams screwed themselves and others with that guarantee money.
Here's the difference, though. Gurley came into the league with a bum knee. That's why he dropped in the draft. And he had been hurt within his rookie contract. His durability had been question, and people wondered whether he should have gotten that massive extension anyway because some weren't convinced his knees could carry the load.
Zeke has no history of injury like Gurley. That's a significant factor in Zeke being given more money.


Beyond tired of Jerry
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It’s not semantics. Bell reset the market and showed that the Rams way overplayed. It’s like you trying to sell your house for what your neighbor on the right sold for 2 years ago even though your neighbor on the left sold 2 months ago for much less and all three housss are basically the same. Markets don’t work that way.

The word "market" gets tossed around in ridiculous fashion when it comes to player contracts. The notion that the next QB contract should be higher than the last one is as absurd as suggesting one RB contract "resets the market".

Each player is unique. Each team is unique. There isn't a RB or QB store with a bunch clones on a shelf and you just pick one, pay a price, and reset the market for everyone else. That's nonsense.


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The thing that’s funny to me is, he’s not going to get more than that on the open market so why not take the offer? If I was Jerry I’d say take it or leave it.

Because Zeke won't play.

And Dallas will not win the amount games they would if Zeke played.

The number of games lost is worth more than a few million dollars.

Its called leverage.


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This needs to end one way or another. We either need to pay him, or we need to tell him to play for what he has or he doesn't play....period.

You can't go into the season with this as a distraction.


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And Jerry Jones is not greedy?
This idea that players are "greedy" because they request to be paid according to their value is an interesting argument.
So it's okay for owners to rake in BILLIONS, to cut players, effectively ending how much they will be paid according to their contracts, to "deny" players guaranteed contracts - which basketball and baseball players have, and many would argue football players need MORE because the wear and tear on their bodies are GREATER than that of the other two sports - and to make outside advertising deals and other financial agreements that put more in their pockets.
But players are greedy? :huh:
Jerry's not going to make a dime more by paying Zeke less. That money comes out of the pockets of Ezekiel's teammates.
I agree on guaranteed contracts, but unfortunately they aren't part of the CBA. I bet this becomes the big fight when negotiations crank up.


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Is there anyone else reporting this?

I don’t doubt the legitimacy but I need more sources

PA Cowboy Fan

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This needs to end one way or another. We either need to pay him, or we need to tell him to play for what he has or he doesn't play....period.

You can't go into the season with this as a distraction.
It's going to be a distraction regardless.


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Travis may be tweeting correct information. Travis is a history major, lawyer, author, columnist and sports talk show host.

Travis is not a journalist. Travis can call himself a journalist. Others may label him a journalist. However, simply writing and publishing/reporting information does not make anyone a journalist.

That’s like saying someone who started up a business on their own isn’t a businessman because he doesn’t have a business degree or isn’t an entrepreneur because he doesn’t have a degree in entrepreneurship. There’s no degree or licensing requirement to call yourself a journalist like there is to call yourself a doctor, lawyer, dentist, ect...

On topic, if what Travis says is true, I want him gone. If he’s not smart enough to realize he’s making more money than Gurley by living in Texas, then it’s purely an ego issue.


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This needs to end one way or another. We either need to pay him, or we need to tell him to play for what he has or he doesn't play....period.

You can't go into the season with this as a distraction.

Zeke has all the leverage.

Pay Jerry.

The longer Jerry waits, the more Zeke will ask for.

The games Dallas will lose are worth more than a few million.