Rumor: Zeke Turns Down Contract


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An excellent question. My opinion of the occupation is specific and based on concise definition. Here are the Merriam-Webster definitions I refer to:

journalist noun

1 a : a person engaged in journalism
especially : a writer or editor for a news medium
b : a writer who aims at a mass audience


This is what a sizeable number of people preclude makes basically anyone who writes a journalist. However, an individual must (in my opinion) practice journalism--of which the definition I recognize is this:

journalism noun

2 b : writing characterized by a direct presentation of facts or description of events without an attempt at interpretation


Click the link for journalism's complete definition.

For me, I do not need someone's thoughts on any matter. Just report what has been stated by others or relay an event that occurs. I can interpret what has (hopefully) been provided to me as facts. Someone's opinion is not required. In my view, people relaying information to an audience and attaching their opinions provides commentary--not news.

Travis, along with many others with an audience, are conducting themselves no differently from anyone here on this site with one possible exception. Travis is getting paid handsomely for his contributions. Cha-ching.

So newspaper editorial writers and columnists aren't journalists?

Second, you do know that the presentation of facts and description of events - in and of itself - is also an exercise in interpretation, right?
Journalists/reporters pick and choose which details to include in a story, which facts to present in a story, and which to leave out. That is an exercise in INTERPRETATION!!!

Third, you chose definition 2b. The first definition is the most commonly used, which is why it first. The first definition says a person engaged in journalism and a writer who aims at a mass audience.

Fourth, dictionaries are notoriously slow in updating the lexicon of a culture. The Internet has changed the meaning of journalist just like the advent of radio and television expanded the meaning of journalist.

Fifth, the true definition of a journalist is found in the name itself. A person who records or journals the happenings of a society could be loosely considered a journalist. :)


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Jerry's not going to make a dime more by paying Zeke less. That money comes out of the pockets of Ezekiel's teammates.
I agree on guaranteed contracts, but unfortunately they aren't part of the CBA. I bet this becomes the big fight when negotiations crank up.

Guaranteed contracts are just an artificial barrier to entry for other hard-working players. That's why the NBA has 3 or 4 guys in sweats at the end of bench that never play, but are still on a $15M+/yr contract.

The NBA can survive because it is a superstar driven league rather than a team-driven league.

Since the NFL has revenue sharing, any money paid out on guaranteed contracts to players aren't any good is just money taken away from other teammates.


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If Zeke is worth a 1 and a player, you’d be okay with Jerry not taking that and doing everything he can to build a title contender just to hurt Zeke?
I would be okay seeing any owner stand up to the greedy players that holds out. Nobody is going to give that much for a problem RB.

Little Jr

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An excellent question. My opinion of the occupation is specific and based on concise definition. Here are the Merriam-Webster definitions I refer to:

journalist noun

1 a : a person engaged in journalism
especially : a writer or editor for a news medium
b : a writer who aims at a mass audience


This is what a sizeable number of people preclude makes basically anyone who writes a journalist. However, an individual must (in my opinion) practice journalism--of which the definition I recognize is this:

journalism noun

2 b : writing characterized by a direct presentation of facts or description of events without an attempt at interpretation


Click the link for journalism's complete definition.

For me, I do not need someone's thoughts on any matter. Just report what has been stated by others or relay an event that occurs. I can interpret what has (hopefully) been provided to me as facts. Someone's opinion is not required. In my view, people relaying information to an audience and attaching their opinions provides commentary--not news.

Travis, along with many others with an audience, are conducting themselves no differently from anyone here on this site with one possible exception. Travis is getting paid handsomely for his contributions. Cha-ching.
Real journalist or not, does he have info is what I ask. Does he have sources? You don't have to be a "real" journalist to have sources.

Floria isn't a "real" journalist but he has sources. Clay is a lot lot like Floria. I know people don't like Floria, I being one of them, but he has sources. He made a lot of cowboy fans look dumb with the Zeke hold out.


Well-Known Member
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An excellent question. My opinion of the occupation is specific and based on concise definition. Here are the Merriam-Webster definitions I refer to:

journalist noun

1 a : a person engaged in journalism
especially : a writer or editor for a news medium
b : a writer who aims at a mass audience


This is what a sizeable number of people preclude makes basically anyone who writes a journalist. However, an individual must (in my opinion) practice journalism--of which the definition I recognize is this:

journalism noun

2 b : writing characterized by a direct presentation of facts or description of events without an attempt at interpretation


Click the link for journalism's complete definition.

For me, I do not need someone's thoughts on any matter. Just report what has been stated by others or relay an event that occurs. I can interpret what has (hopefully) been provided to me as facts. Someone's opinion is not required. In my view, people relaying information to an audience and attaching their opinions provides commentary--not news.

Travis, along with many others with an audience, are conducting themselves no differently from anyone here on this site with one possible exception. Travis is getting paid handsomely for his contributions. Cha-ching.

Not many journalists left because they seem to give their slant these days instead of giving the facts


Cowboys 24/7/365
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That’s like saying someone who started up a business on their own isn’t a businessman because he doesn’t have a business degree or isn’t an entrepreneur because he doesn’t have a degree in entrepreneurship. There’s no degree or licensing requirement to call yourself a journalist like there is to call yourself a doctor, lawyer, dentist, ect...

On topic, if what Travis says is true, I want him gone. If he’s not smart enough to realize he’s making more money than Gurley by living in Texas, then it’s purely an ego issue.
There is a degree for individuals who want to practice the profession according to (more commonly what used to be) educational requirements. However, it is true there is no licensing requirement. That, in my opinion, lies the underlying problem.


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There is a degree for individuals who want to practice the profession according to (more commonly what used to be) educational requirements. However, it is true there is no licensing requirement. That, in my opinion, lies the underlying problem.
Any idiot with internet can make a youtube page and start a podcast with "news"


Cowboys 24/7/365
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
So newspaper editorial writers and columnists aren't journalists?

Second, you do know that the presentation of facts and description of events - in and of itself - is also an exercise in interpretation, right?
Journalists/reporters pick and choose which details to include in a story, which facts to present in a story, and which to leave out. That is an exercise in INTERPRETATION!!!

Third, you chose definition 2b. The first definition is the most commonly used, which is why it first. The first definition says a person engaged in journalism and a writer who aims at a mass medium.

Fourth, dictionaries are notoriously slow in updating the lexicon of a culture. The Internet has changed the meaning of journalist just like the advent of radio and television expanded the meaning of journalist.

Fifth, the true definition of a journalist is found in the name itself. A person who records or journals the happenings of a society could be loosely considered a journalist. :)
Okay. I was answering a question.


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This thing isn’t getting done and I never really thought it would. Zeke is not the kind of person who compromises. You either give him what he wants or he is disrespected. They need to pull the offer and make him available for trade. Use his money to keep Jones and/or Collins and just go get another RB to pair with Pollard in next year’s draft. In the meanwhile, pick up a veteran after cuts or a player for player trade. I’m totally ready to be done with him for good.

As am I. I like him on the field, and thought some of the stuff of him his rookie year was funny. I even have his jersey as a birthday gift from my best friend. However, i've grown tired of him. I'd rather we get a first and change for him. 2 firsts would be extraordinary.


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Okay. Still progress. The Jones know how this game works. Zeke does too.
It's a cat-and-mouse game.
Patience MUST be a virtue when you're talking about negotiations.
I'm not worried. The Jones will either up the ante or Zeke will either yield or sit until he has to come in to qualify for his obligatory season service per his current contract.
I think it comes down to the number of game checks Zeke is willing to give up.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Real journalist or not, does he have info is what I ask. Does he have sources? You don't have to be a "real" journalist to have sources.

Floria isn't a "real" journalist but he has sources. Clay is a lot lot like Floria. I know people don't like Floria, I being one of them, but he has sources. He made a lot of cowboy fans look dumb with the Zeke hold out.
I have no real objection to any of this.


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Zeke has proven to be more durable than both backs and he’s led the league in rushing twice. Pretty sure his agents argument is that his “House” has a pool or more square footage.

We can talk real estate all day, I sold houses for 12 years before the crash. The market is dictated by what idiots will overpay everyday, one sale isn’t enough to make a drop. It depends on who blinks first.

Jerry still signs the checks lol Stephen is probably smashing plates on the new yacht as we speak...:D

I happen to be a real estate appraiser and the market is not dictated by one offs.


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Jerry's not going to make a dime more by paying Zeke less. That money comes out of the pockets of Ezekiel's teammates.
I agree on guaranteed contracts, but unfortunately they aren't part of the CBA. I bet this becomes the big fight when negotiations crank up.
But Jerry can make MORE MONEY by Zeke being on the team.
He makes money selling Zeke's jersey. He makes money because Zeke is a notable player and because Zeke is a star player.
Zeke raises the shine on the Cowboys brand.
Yes, Jerry does make more money off Zeke being in a Cowboys uniform. It's not simply about the salary cap and the amount of money spread around to the other players. Zeke is the star, not Byron Jones. If Byron Jones were like Deion Sanders, then he would get his. But he's not. It's not Zeke's fault his value is greater than other players on the team.


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s just don’t
Playing Devils Advocate Here:

The way contracts go for premier players it’s a dated lowball offer.. Top Tier players typically get a higher offer than the last one.

I say pay him $500K more than Gurley or trade him...
The market was reset with the Bell contract. RBs don’t have the value anymore.


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There is a degree for individuals who want to practice the profession according to (more commonly what used to be) educational requirements. However, it is true there is no licensing requirement. That, in my opinion, lies the underlying problem.

Lol not anymore. Ronan Farrow, probably the most famous investigative journalist right now who broke numerous MeToo stories and won a Pulitzer, doesn’t have a degree in journalism and has had his investigative reports published in several reputable publications. The New Yorker, Washington Post and the NYT don’t havevs degree requirement apparently. Are you saying that he’s not a journalist but the beat reporter for the Tulsa Shock is?


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Straight up insulting to offer to make Zeke the 2nd highest paid. That's just not how NFL contracts work.