A little regret on Taco cut?


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You act like Dallas traded Taco for Quinn. They let him go. We could’ve had both their productions.

If you don't agree that the Cowboys needed another DT and therefore releasing Taco would allow them to do that, then fine, but that's what I said.

But now they got Bennett, so it's immaterial what we think. Very likely they were working on a deal for Bennett when the let Taco go...


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If you don't agree that the Cowboys needed another DT and therefore releasing Taco would allow them to do that, then fine, but that's what I said.

And that's something else that's wrong. They released Taco when they needed to activate Robert Quinn from suspension. Nothing to do with DT.

But now they got Bennett, so it's immaterial what we think. Very likely they were working on a deal for Bennett when the let Taco go...

Also false. Bennett wasn't even on the block at that point. Stop trying to fabricate things in order to feel better.


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And that's something else that's wrong. They released Taco when they needed to activate Robert Quinn from suspension. Nothing to do with DT.

Also false. Bennett wasn't even on the block at that point. Stop trying to fabricate things in order to feel better.

We don't know if Bennett was on the block, you think the Cowboys blurt out every plan they have?

But just because they didn't get a DT didn't mean they didn't want to, maybe just weren't able to do it.

Look, there are 53 roster spots, letting Taco go was to get Quinn in the lineup, but now they got Bennett, so there's all kinds of moves and adjustment that we're not privy to.

Quit acting like we know every little detail of how the NFL works, we're not on an NFL team....


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We don't know if Bennett was on the block, you think the Cowboys blurt out every plan they have?

It has nothing to do with "the Cowboys plans". They can't "plan for" a player that's not available. And Bennett's situation soured within the past week or two, after Taco was released. It's yet m ore grasping at straws in your continued attempts to feel better.

But just because they didn't get a DT didn't mean they didn't want to, maybe just weren't able to do it.

Just stop. You can make up whatever outlandish and lame excuses you want to so that you can feel better. Just keep it in your head as nobody else needs to see it.

Look, there are 53 roster spots, letting Taco go was to get Quinn in the lineup, but now they got Bennett, so there's all kinds of moves and adjustment that we're not privy to.

Having nothing to do with one another. Again, save your poor attempted excuses.

Quit acting like we know every little detail of how the NFL works, we're not on an NFL team....

Quite trying to twist reality so that you can feel better about the Taco debacle. They're poor attempts and nobody wants to read it.


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I hate Taco was cut with him being a sorta new face and drafted early but I wasn’t surprised it happened. I kinda want to know the reasons behind it rather than speculation I have come across on the board. Somebody should be held accountable for that pick in my opinion.


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It has nothing to do with "the Cowboys plans". They can't "plan for" a player that's not available. And Bennett's situation soured within the past week or two, after Taco was released. It's yet m ore grasping at straws in your continued attempts to feel better.

Just stop. You can make up whatever outlandish and lame excuses you want to so that you can feel better. Just keep it in your head as nobody else needs to see it.

Having nothing to do with one another. Again, save your poor attempted excuses.

Quite trying to twist reality so that you can feel better about the Taco debacle. They're poor attempts and nobody wants to read it.

If you don't like my opinions or views then that's fine. If it's a "Taco debacle", then the Cowboys are worse off than before, are you saying that's the case?

The whole issue is whether or not they should have kept Taco. That won't be known for a while, and I still want to know, how do YOU know what the Cowboys' plans were/are?



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If you don't like my opinions or views then that's fine. If it's a "Taco debacle", then the Cowboys are worse off than before, are you saying that's the case?

Undoubtedly they are. They have nothing to show for a 2017 1st round pick. Try to spin that.

The whole issue is whether or not they should have kept Taco. That won't be known for a while,

No, the "whole issue" starts well before that. When coaches overruled scouts to draft him over TJ Watt. That was system failure #1.

and I still want to know, how do YOU know what the Cowboys' plans were/are?


In what way? Be specific.

It's not hard to see your attempts to twist reality in any way that you can in your clear efforts to make this look less damaging.


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Undoubtedly they are. They have nothing to show for a 2017 1st round pick. Try to spin that.

No, the "whole issue" starts well before that. When coaches overruled scouts to draft him over TJ Watt. That was system failure #1.

Oh no doubt, I said when he was drafted taking a "project" player with a first round pick was dumb, but the title of this thread is regrets on Taco being cut, not regrets on drafting him.

No "twisting of reality", it's just discussion from afar, if you think of that as "twisting of reality", that's up to you.

No need for the insulting language such as "poor attempted excuses", you don't agree just say so and move on...


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I view "twisting of reality" as just that. And you making up one thing after another that isn't true in an attempt to allow you to feel better. I take issue with that.


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It was moronic to cut him? 8 Cowboys fans agree with this? He didn’t even make our active roster. He was terrible. Hyder is 3 times the player Taco is and Armstrong is better. Armstrong May never be starter material either.
Yes, a player with 0 sacks in 7 games played is 3 times better than a player with 3 in just 4 games played.

Welcome to Homer Logic 101, class! Here you will learn to suspend all reason and logic for the comfort of fantasy. Have a great semester!


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He's doing better than several of the guys this team currently employs. Especially one that they decided to waste $10 million on this year. One who's career is probably finished.
We will have to agree to disagree on Soft Taco. It’s just wasting time and energy even talking about him. Correct Armstrong has not shown much. If he does not pick his game up he will need to be replaced.


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We will have to agree to disagree on Soft Taco. It’s just wasting time and energy even talking about him. Correct Armstrong has not shown much. If he does not pick his game up he will need to be replaced.

The entire Taco saga is a tough one for me. Firstly because I saw the iceberg and knew it was a bad decision from the very beginning. Right up to the last live when they cut him for nothing.

If also frustrates me that thus far only the player has paid the price for things not working out.

It will always be a black mark on an otherwise recent run of mostly successful draft decisions.


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Another game, another sack for MIA. Still think we cut bait too early because of a personality conflict with Rod. Need to lessen Rod’s influence on personnel.

dude, whatever went down it had nothing to do Taco's ability or work ethic

we don't know who with but something ugly happened which was reconcilable
and Taco tweeted his way out the door

how things played out may show more discipline at the Star than we often imagine
note, none us know what went down - that locker room don't leak much


Captain Catfish
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If they didn't want him, the smart thing to do would have been to showcase him a few games and then try to get a draft pick for him. This is a team that tolerated pacman jones, greg hardy, dez bryant.......how much worse could taco have been? Miami seems to be adapting fine.
We showcased Taco in preseason, he shined, but we have a pre established reputation of never getting anything for players, we just cut them, and every franchise in the league knows that they will be cut, so why pay.
The Patriots are the polar opposite, they always make a trade and always receive draft compensation.


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No. You might want to watch his game footage before lamented his loss...

This is his sack from this week. He is #96.

Dropped into coverage and came back to make the sack as the QB was about to run for it. You're knocking him for that? I'm not even sure if our D knows that's an option. This is a flat out dumb take. Sacks are sacks who cares what they look like?

I'm not trying to defend taco here but this is just stupid.


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Dropped into coverage and came back to make the sack as the QB was about to run for it. You're knocking him for that? I'm not even sure if our D knows that's an option. This is a flat out dumb take. Sacks are sacks who cares what they look like?

I'm not trying to defend taco here but this is just stupid.

It appears that you were standing in front of a mirror when you typed this post and used the terms "dumb take" and "stupid".
  • A non stupid person would understand that I'm not "knocking" Taco as in "he did a bad thing by getting a sack".
  • People are pointing to him getting 3 sacks with the Dolphins as proof that he is really kicking butt for them.
  • My point is that he lucked into that sack. It does not show anything good or bad about his ability to rush the passer on a regular basis.
  • The Dolphins are also doing wacky things on defense that we don't see from teams concerned about winning.
  • Sending 8 or 9 players as pass rushers is very rare for contenting teams but the Dolphins are doing it often.
  • They'll probably have some obscure players that don't normally even rush the passer getting sacks.
  • The Dolphins sack stats at this point don't mean much.