Twitter: High Emotions: Security Closes the Doors as Bennett and other players rant (Post 156)


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How embarrassing a new player has to come here and fill the leadership void. This franchise is a soulless pit of losers.

Don’t worry though. They’ll walk out of the facility with all smiles and post their highlights on social media without a care in the world. I doubt half of our team was even listening to that rant and I doubt the other half that listened even cared. This team is a huge comical joke. It can’t get worse than this right now.


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This team is a bunch of wussies. Those are the only 2 our of our 53 man roster that step up? What a joke. This team is so damn soft I’ve never seen anything like it. What kind of grown men that play football act more like women from Beverley Hills rather than real, tough, and gritty NFL football players

This is the "cultural" issue that has plagued this team. Since Parcels left in 2006, there hasn't been a coach who commands the locker room. There is no fear or accountability.


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Hey Cern Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours now onto business or a lack thereof......where do I begin, let me see......Has Jason Garrett lost the team? Personally I don't think he ever had it! On top of that this entire coaching staff sucks! Week after week its always something, get off to a great start finally then it's goose eggs across the board until the very last drive and it's amazing how we have imploded!
It appears Bennett's inclusion into the hotboyz ranks has been suspended. Much the same as our inclusion from two other sites.


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Hey Cern Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours now onto business or a lack thereof......where do I begin, let me see......Has Jason Garrett lost the team? Personally I don't think he ever had it! On top of that this entire coaching staff sucks! Week after week its always something, get off to a great start finally then it's goose eggs across the board until the very last drive and it's amazing how we have imploded!
I called implosion when Garrett threw tavon austin under the bus after vikes game. Now the cascade effect is beginning to steamroll. Next comes the dreaded players only meeting.


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Doubt it or we would’ve heard some kind of rumor of a complaint by now.
We heard Bennett basically say an opposing coach was a genius and he learned more foorball there than anywhere else. Said that while on this team getting ready to play them.
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We herd him basically say an opposing coach was a genius and he learned more foorball there than anywhere else. Said that while on this team getting ready to play them.

I can assure you Dak never said anything like that. I’ve never heard anything even close to this.... I think you’re talking about the wrong person bro.


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How embarrassing a new player has to come here and fill the leadership void. This franchise is a soulless pit of losers.

in 2008 when Owens and his minions torched the locker room it was very much like this. Many players were afraid to speak up about how owens was the damn problem because of the attention he brought.

I remember when zach thomas was interviewed at the end of the year and he said it was the worst locker room he had ever been a part of in the nfl.

I still wish wade and garrett got fired at the end of that year even though looking back it was garrett's unit that caused all the locker room issues. Owens should have been shut down as soon as he said the stuff about romo/witten and when all those young guys started taking his side it should have been fixed right away, Garrett did the end it all ended up being Romo's fault, Owens was cut and wade had to fire his defensive coordinator Brian Stewart.

Everything needs to be torn down and rebuilt here but I know it won't happen....Jerry won't find the best available coach he will find the most willing coach to work with him and will allow jerry to push coaches and players on him. So nothing will change but the marketing in the offseason.

Just like this year, Linehan is gone the offense will be amazing and the ball will be in Dak's hands. Well we have seen that all this season and we know how it turns out. Linehan always went to zeke when Dak was struggling, handed it to him and threw it to him....This year they go away from him and its all on Dak. Everybody got what they wanted and now another season is down the drain where we all get to watch the playoffs again with no chance to win.