FEATURED Morning Pops!


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Good morning Pops and Happy Cowboy Fans Everywhere,

We made it home last night just as the game ended. I can't wait to read all the threads in the main forum regarding Garrett's contract extension... NOT

Coach, I know what you mean about Canadians (and, for what it is worth, my wife has duel Canadian/Russian citizen, so she is like doubly tough when it comes to cold weather). I had the good fortune to work in Calgary for a few years prior to finally retiring. Nicest people you would ever want to meet... except, when you put a hockey stick in their hands and then they do the whole Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde routine... even the women. Or, maybe, I should say, especially the women.

Jan, good luck on Thursday. Wishing you the very best Christmas present ever.

Runny and Coach, I had shoulder surgery many years ago to repair a damaged rotator cuff (silly me, I was playing senior Australian Rules Football league). I remember the surgeon asked my expectations following surgery and I told him, "I want to throw a 90 mph fastball". He asked whether I had ever thrown a 90 mph and after replying, "no", i did my whole Steve Austin Six Million Dollar Man act about re-building me better, faster and stronger... didn't have much impact on the outcome. I also remember being warned that the anesthesiologist was a bit "unusual". Anyway, as I was drifting off prior to surgery, I distinctly remember a rather large man in a sombrero and sporting a Poncho Villa mustache grinning at me. Turns out, it was the anesthesiologist and that was his way of having fun. We need more Poncho Villa imitators in the world.

Well, I certainly got off track... have a good week everyone. Stay warm and enjoy you Christmas with family and friends.


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Good morning Pops and welcome all y'all to your last 5 day work week of 2019, thought I'd be the first to wish you whatever wish that would be. Want to get downright giddy? Your 2020 starts with less than a 5 day work week. I wish I still worked so I could get giddy with the rest of you but I kind of idle at the giddy gate anyway. Doesn't take much for me.

The refrigerator light came on when I first opened it this morning and if that wasn't enough, I immediately went to the other one and it did as well. I had to regain my composure with the unbridled joy just to greet you this morning with some semblance of normalcy. And.....this is it. This is as normal as it gets because I've mastered the art of snippets of joy throughout the day to fight off the blues. It's my indulgence of my silly self. I hope you access yours frequently because that's the gift we were all given to cope. Sadly some think their silly self is immature and don't embrace it enough. It is just the opposite, only by maturing can you find your silly self to enable you to fight the forces that are all around us, all there to bring us down and they are relentless. However, they are repelled by the silly self, the one that does not take this too seriously and can laugh, above all else, at their own silly self.

I want to warn you, I will probably get weirder than usual from here through Christmas because I need my silliest self to fight through these, at times debilitating, mood swings. So many smells, sights and sounds that trigger the memory to remind me of those no longer here and I learned when I lost the first cornerstone in my life, these cannot be avoided. They can be postponed but not avoided.

Now, go out there and make this the best 5 day work week of 2019. To my fellow retirees, this is our last opportunity of 2019 to feel we are fully getting away with something.


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Good morning Pops and welcome all y'all to your last 5 day work week of 2019, thought I'd be the first to wish you whatever wish that would be. Want to get downright giddy? Your 2020 starts with less than a 5 day work week. I wish I still worked so I could get giddy with the rest of you but I kind of idle at the giddy gate anyway. Doesn't take much for me.

The refrigerator light came on when I first opened it this morning and if that wasn't enough, I immediately went to the other one and it did as well. I had to regain my composure with the unbridled joy just to greet you this morning with some semblance of normalcy. And.....this is it. This is as normal as it gets because I've mastered the art of snippets of joy throughout the day to fight off the blues. It's my indulgence of my silly self. I hope you access yours frequently because that's the gift we were all given to cope. Sadly some think their silly self is immature and don't embrace it enough. It is just the opposite, only by maturing can you find your silly self to enable you to fight the forces that are all around us, all there to bring us down and they are relentless. However, they are repelled by the silly self, the one that does not take this too seriously and can laugh, above all else, at their own silly self.

I want to warn you, I will probably get weirder than usual from here through Christmas because I need my silliest self to fight through these, at times debilitating, mood swings. So many smells, sights and sounds that trigger the memory to remind me of those no longer here and I learned when I lost the first cornerstone in my life, these cannot be avoided. They can be postponed but not avoided.

Now, go out there and make this the best 5 day work week of 2019. To my fellow retirees, this is our last opportunity of 2019 to feel we are fully getting away with something.
If you want, you can spend Christmas with my family. I promise, my mother's cooking won't remind you of anyone from your past.


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Morning Pops and friends, and brothers and sisters from other mother's and misters.

Great game last night, from my point of view. I expected to be able to sleep well after a win like that, but it took almost 2 hours to fall asleep. That's one of the downfalls of having to wake up at 2:30 on a Monday morning. Hopefully I don't have to get up too early tomorrow, but we'll see.

Happy post win Monday, everyone!


Regular Joe....
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Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and good morning to all who stopped into visit. Working today but I'm hoping I can get stuff buttoned up in the next couple and relax over Xmas.

Nice game yesterday yeah? Was fun to watch the Cowboys play like that. Guys, it was like rolling it back and watch the teams from the 70s.

Jobs, Leon, dbrp, Xelda, zrin, Trouty, ksk, RGV, Coach, RWB, Ranching, SW, John, Jan, Corso and Colo, all of you, have a great Monday!

Cowboy Nation, have a great week!


"We Are Penn State"
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Good evening Pops and friends. WE WON! It was a defiant stamp on a confusing season. I couldn't get excited after all the disappointing games. I'm glad to have Flatbutt on the team and how about Sean Lee!

Good news about the house, GJ and best wishes for a clean scan. I really enjoy my home until it needs yard work. I thought about cutting my pecan tree down since it sheds a ton of leaves, but it's holding my wind chimes so it stays. But since you enjoy yard work, you'll have a blast. Mentally attempting to send you a bunch of snow.

Dabz, you are a Picasso with your photo shop abilities. You taught us something about palm trees we didn't know in the process.

Hubba hubba on Christmas in Hawaii, Leon. Sounds like an unbalanced combination due to our perception of Christmas and songs about snow. Not Runny's snow songs though. Snow, snow go away. Go to Canada and stay.

Happy anniversary Coach and Hector! I apologize for letting the golden day go unacknowledged. I am surprised Hector doesn't have his own account in CZ. He's probably got some interesting stories of his own without Coach's sensorship.

I have the fresh after glow of escaping work. (I only work for the pay checks. I'm expensive!) The state computers were hacked so I'm having to apply for things the old fashioned way, via the post office. I took the mail up there and had to dig my hand into the receptacle to make room for it. I felt like a criminal the entire time. I drove to McDonald's afterwards and was rewarded with not one, not two but THREE PICKLES on my Happy Meal hamburger. I should have immediately bought lottery tickets. I burst through the door at work like Gene Kelly singing about my THREE PICKLES! It's a big deal.

I made some plain white bread Saturday night and worked on lemon cookies yesterday. I thought I'd finish up until I read the part of the recipe that said they need to be frozen for between one and 24 hours. It was after 8, so they're still frozen. This is why I should read the instructions first.

Have a good evening all!


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Morning Pops and everyone.

Thank you all for the well-wishes for Thursday. It's the 5th year so kind of a big deal... kind of like Xelda's pickles. Hoping this is the visit where I get to ring the bell. Kind of a "victory", if you will. Everyone cheers and is happy for a moment in a place that is otherwise usually filled with incredible sadness and abbreviated hope. Every time I hear that bell I'm happy and sad at the same time... wondering when it will be me. My sister is going with this visit, just in case. Otherwise I make the journey on my own. Thankfully I haven't had to deal with any bad news by myself thus far.

Xel, the house has a small yard and with my work hours will probably be all I can handle, so that's good. The gal that is moving out was something of a green-thumb so the small rear yard is well planted and I just need to maintain it.

Leon, hang in there. Spring is on the way. You'll be back sporting your Hawaiian shirts in no time, I'm sure.

Dabz... you have a unique set of skills/sense of humor. My daughter lived in Jacksonville, FL for a while and loved the palm trees. Now I know why:oops:. I sent her that pic. She and Dustin love your sense of humor also, btw.

Coach... yes, happy anniversary to you and Hector the hipster. Sounds like you're meant for each other. Btw, I agree with you on the affect the holidays have on emotions and attitude, though I'm trying to keep it in check by trying to get involved in things. I do miss my guy terribly every day, but, at Christmas I especially miss my dad. Lost him in '08 and I still have trouble with it (daddy's little girl, here).

Runny and Street, please do send all of your snow to Iowa and Illinois. It can be sunny and 70 the day after for all I care... I just really need snow for Christmas. It takes me back to when I was a kid... back when things seemed a bit simpler.

Off to continue with my abbreviated work week. I'm out for 3 hours today for one of the local grands "holiday" program, gone Thursday, and out for 3 hours on Friday at the end of the day for the other local grands "holiday" program (his first - he's 5). Next week we are only working on Monday, Thursday and Friday. (Note to self - I'm going to have to use up some personal time to pad my payroll to make up for the overtime I would otherwise realize...)

Everyone have a great day!


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Morning Pops and all y'all and especially you and you and you and you and you and, well. I guess that leaves only one of you to be y'all. Why hasn't someone in the south, especially deep south, named their kid Y'all? Got every other name and I am thinking of getting with the program and changing mine to ***********.

Is it just me but is their a secret move to use all of those symbols up at the top of the keyboard? I can remember when we didn't know the names of those things they were used so infrequently. Now we've got the overuse of @, #, - and Booger loves $ entirely too much. And how about, what used to be known as the ball and bat, !? That ? is not part of this, that was a question. But do you get texts that have one or more of these ! at the end? Again, a question. Am I supposed to reread it only this time pitch my voice higher in feigned excitement? Well, I am not going to play their little game.

I got one last week "I am running late!!! Be there in 5!!" Was she proud of running late and if it was 10, would it only get one !? Yes, question. OK, let's be honest, don't I ask too many questions in this thread???

Y'all make it a good Tuesday, ya heah?


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Afternoon, Pops and everyone...

Sitting here at work, bored out of my mind. Most people "in the biz" are heading out for the holiday or not communicating for fear of some new deal hitting right before Christmas, so it's very quiet. Makes for an extremely long day/week. Can only do so much without responses from other parties. There's not enough of us here to even get a good game of "beer" pong going. At least the boss brought the dog in today so he's here for a little entertainment.

Hope everyone is having a great afternoon.


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Morning Pops and all y'all and especially you and you and you and you and you and, well. I guess that leaves only one of you to be y'all. Why hasn't someone in the south, especially deep south, named their kid Y'all? Got every other name and I am thinking of getting with the program and changing mine to ***********.

Is it just me but is their a secret move to use all of those symbols up at the top of the keyboard? I can remember when we didn't know the names of those things they were used so infrequently. Now we've got the overuse of @, #, - and Booger loves $ entirely too much. And how about, what used to be known as the ball and bat, !? That ? is not part of this, that was a question. But do you get texts that have one or more of these ! at the end? Again, a question. Am I supposed to reread it only this time pitch my voice higher in feigned excitement? Well, I am not going to play their little game.

I got one last week "I am running late!!! Be there in 5!!" Was she proud of running late and if it was 10, would it only get one !? Yes, question. OK, let's be honest, don't I ask too many questions in this thread???

Y'all make it a good Tuesday, ya heah?
That's why it's better to get excited in Spanish. Spanish speaking people are really good at being excited, that's why they make really good sports commentators. ¡They let you know at the start that you should be excited along with them, then they remind you at the end!


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That's why it's better to get excited in Spanish. Spanish speaking people are really good at being excited, that's why they make really good sports commentators. ¡They let you know at the start that you should be excited along with them, then they remind you at the end!
7th grade Spanish class and I still remember that rule...