Morning Pops and my little Humpers, I celebrate your reaching the halfway point of this week but the bell does not really ring until this day is half over. Maybe Wednesday mornings should be considered Hump Day Eve instead of Tuesday? This would make that lunch taste oh so much more deliciouser and put a festive spin on the afternoon. When I was employed, and I prefer that to when I worked because they are not the same, I was always looking for ways to make the afternoon move quickly other than several naps.
When I look back on my career, I find that I was inspired by the thought of retirement. I didn't think I would be doing that solo and I find that retirement is only the absence of a job. As we near the end of this year, and this one's another I will gladly wave goodbye to, I feel the need for change in 2020. No excuse to remain blind in 2020.
For decades I taught salespeople how to sell and that evolved over time just as the understanding of that service, and that's what it is when it's done the right way, changed for me. I began to change and simplify the meaning of sales in my own mind and was better equipped to teach others exactly how simple selling is. The definition of sales is helping to persuade someone to make a change that is in their best interest. The operative word in there is the one we all fear, change. Change takes effort, change takes persistence, change takes reliance but most of all it takes belief. I am selling myself on change.
I have a confession to make, I have failed because I did not believe...…… myself. Others have been telling me for years that I am not doing what I should be doing including my wife who believed that was the root of my frustration and the reason why I struggled so hard to live in the now, I always had to be looking ahead to the next best thing.
I have successfully sold myself that no one is a failure if they don't try. I am just not a success because I haven't tried so I hold my own hole card in this poker game of life. My fear is what if I fail at the very thing that all of these people think I should be doing? Then, I have no excuse. And I do not buy into that "better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all". I can change loved to tried and lost to failed but to apply that to the very thing these people, including myself, think I should be doing, if I do fail, what then?
Damn, CC, what are you talking about and why here? I do not think this thread is here by accident or it's purpose for me. I truly care for the People of Pop's Thread, acronym PoPT, pretty cool, huh? But I wonder why I've felt so free to divulge my innermost thoughts and put them to "paper" here. You see, the minute I joined the old and began to write, I began to move toward something and when I left because my Dad was dying, my wife pushed me to return and I remembered that when she was dying and then my Mom. This isn't something I was just meant to do, it is something I have to do and face my greatest fear, the one I have had all of my life, ultimate failure.
I would say sorry for the length of this but here, I do not feel the need to do that. Posters have commented or joked about my loquaciousness for years and my comeback was always "hey, I'm old and I've got a lot of words I can't take with me" but the truth is that is the truth. All of this craziness that's rolled around in my noggin all of my life may have a purpose. This stream of consciousness has been trying to become a river and it's time I let it flow to see where it takes me. So what if I fail, I will be the only one that knows that but then that's always been my greatest fear, finding my own hiding place. And, my friends, I am tired of hiding from myself. Time to seek the truth.