Why do you like or dislike Dak?


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I agree with this. A quick three and out after a long drive is tough, but a TD gives you a boost. Any time my defense came off the field after a long drive, I would try to slow it down a bit on offense to give them a chance to rest and let the staff make their adjustments. Of course, the score and game situation would come first.

Yep.........and we dont score too quickly all the time either. It would be more worrisome to a defense if we didnt score enough.


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There are many things to like about Dak. There are just as many thing to not like about Dak. This statement is accurate for the majority of people alive today so it's not anything new or different. I like Dak the person, I like the leadership qualities , I like the work he puts into his game. I don't like the inconsistent play we have seen over the course of his career, I don't like that his pocket awareness is lacking a lot of times, leading to turnovers (fumbles mostly) or negative plays (sacks), I don't like that he is not very accurate at times that cost of yards and even points at times. I like that he showed progress each year, I don't like that he is paid like a top 5 QB and is not one (more on the FO than him though).

But regardless, he is the QB of the Cowboys and I will root for him every week, like I have done for every QB and players since I have been 3 years old.
You do know that the fumbles and some of the int are because he’s got 4 defenders in his face ?


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At first I was not a huge fan of Dak as the first couple of seasons he had horrible footwork, accuracy, and was more of a system robot. Has definitely grown on me as his hard work paid off to become one of the top 5-10 quarterbacks in the league. Where you want to place him in that range is a debate on itself. Above average quarterback but not elite.

Still think Romo was a better quarterback talent wise however that is no knock on Dak. Romo in his prime could play with the best of them. Dak is still young and learning.

However if the trend continues Dak will simply become Romo 2.0....Two incredibly talented quarterbacks that wasted their careers playing for the Cowboys. Defense will be the bane of them both.


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He wronged me. Said stuff about my mother, kicked my dog, took the last beer, didn't flush, left dishes in the sink, ate my lunch, threw trash out the window, over cooked my steak, broke his leg, made more $ in 2021 than me, is better looking, and has got to ride in Jerry's helicopter. That's why.
Kicked my dog :laugh:
Reminds me of that Jerky Boys skit.


Offseason mode... sleepy time
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At first I was not a huge fan of Dak as the first couple of seasons he had horrible footwork, accuracy, and was more of a system robot. Has definitely grown on me as his hard work paid off to become one of the top 5-10 quarterbacks in the league. Where you want to place him in that range is a debate on itself. Above average quarterback but not elite.

Still think Romo was a better quarterback talent wise however that is no knock on Dak. Romo in his prime could play with the best of them. Dak is still young and learning.

However if the trend continues Dak will simply become Romo 2.0....Two incredibly talented quarterbacks that wasted their careers playing for the Cowboys. Defense will be the bane of them both.
Romo was a prodigy. His teams failed him and he failed his teams.
Dak is a lunch pail dude who's teams have also failed him and he's also failed his teams, but we'll see how things go from here.

I keep the Faith.

Gotta have the Faith, the Faith, the Faith.*

*shout out to George Michaels


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Is that cause for a long term benching????? Or is that a privilege of being a zone supporter???
I’m beginning to wonder. I’m going to eventually need an official ruling on it. And I encourage others to inquire as well.


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he impressed me his last 2 seasons at miss state.
i like his toughness.
he has a "feel" for the game...with his running ability...i like.
strong arm.
solid character guy...love his story.
he's a no-doubt leader.
he seems coachable.
he seems to embrace the grind.
since coming here.
its obvious he works hard and takes coaching because he is a better QB today than when i first started watching him at miss state.
arm,accuracy,pocket awareness....in every way he has improved.
and the way this team reacted to his injury...and how it seemed...leaderless without him....there is no question about his leadership.
and what has given me hope since he got here was the way this rookie...in his first playoff game...lifted this team onto his shoulders and brought us back to what looked like OT til...well,you know.
he could've quit.
he could've wilted.
he didn't.
he fought back.
tho we came up short....it speaks volumes about whats under the hood.
he's worth the work.
he's worth the wait.
he's our QB1.
i like him.
he's a good'n.


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Romo was a prodigy. His teams failed him and he failed his teams.
Dak is a lunch pail dude who's teams have also failed him and he's also failed his teams, but we'll see how things go from here.

If all accounts right Romo was not a true leader like Dak. Romo was more a of the chill buddy buddy guy. By the time the team started to build around Romo it was to late.

Romo was the better gifted quarterback, practically ran his own offensive plays from past players words and made those around him better. With Romo we always had a shot it seemed
Dak is a true leader however not as gifted as romo. Hasn't shown the ability to put the team on the shoulders and lift players up as much as Romo. More of a system robot. However Dak is slowly turning this around


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Because I do not believe Dak has what it takes to play at a top level in the playoffs and win a SB. Swap Dak and any SB winning QB since 2000 and I just don't see Dak having their type of post season success even though he has as much or more offensive talent.
Trent Dilfer, Joe Flacco, Eli Manning (2xs), Nick Foles…….?


Offseason mode... sleepy time
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If all accounts right Romo was not a true leader like Dak. Romo was more a of the chill buddy buddy guy. By the time the team started to build around Romo it was to late.

Romo was the better gifted quarterback, practically ran his own offensive plays from past players words and made those around him better. With Romo we always had a shot it seemed
Dak is a true leader however not as gifted as romo. Hasn't shown the ability to put the team on the shoulders and lift players up as much as Romo. More of a system robot. However Dak is slowly turning this around
I take this into account also, boss.

Like I collabed with my man @Whirlwin : a solid locker room is a weapon unto itself.

So many moving parts... I dislike the simple in things like this.
Shizz is complicated in the game of football.


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No need for elaboration if you don't want, but I'd like to see if you can name one play or moment that swayed you to like or dislike Dak as a player.
My moment was when he was on the bench and he threw his Gatorade cup to the trashcan and missed. He stood up, picked it up and put it in the trashcan. That was the moment that I started rooting hard for him.

I like Dak a ton. I will speak on behalf of several fans here. Most people don’t have a problem with Dak. What I can’t stand is around here if you question anything he does in a game, you are labeled a hater. You can love Dak and still critique him without being a “hater”.

I think the atmosphere here would be a ton better if you could be a fan and have differing opinions. It’s not the case though, you’re “super fan” will always “hate” on those who don’t approach the Dak subject exactly like they do.
I believe Dak is a top 10 QB, and to be specific hes around 6-7 if he’s completely healthy.